Wednesday, October 16, 2024

In God We Trust


I will quote a short, weekly homily presented on Page 7 of the 7/10/24 newspaper, The Cavalier Chronicle. The title of the homily is In God We Trust. Then I will comment on the homily.


My response: In God We Trust is how we should live if we are doing the right thing, and if we have any sense at all. When we fail to believe in or trust God, there is nowhere to go.


Newspaper: “Our money says that. We also know that God is love.”


My response: God is love and goodness is love. The Devil is hate, so evil is hatred. As a moral, metaphysical and spiritual egoist, I assert that high self-esteem is love, first loving God, then loving the self, and from a solid ethical foundation of loving the self, one is then able to love others.


To suffer from low self-esteem is to hate the self, and when one hates the self, one hates God and works against God law and will, and when one hates the self, one hates others and tears them up after first tearing up the self.


Newspaper: “We can count on that. It’s better than counting our money. Let church count on you this Sunday. I trust in the steadfast love of the world. Psalm 52.”


My response: You can count on God steadfast love and unwavering commitment to you. Love the self as you love God and others, and usually things will work out okay.


Quit Comparing


I will quote a short, weekly homily presented on Page 7 of the 8/25/24 newspaper, The Cavalier Chronicle. The title of the homily is The Log In Our Eye.


Newspaper: “We know we are better than those others.”


My response: We have a right and duty to judge ourselves and others ethically in a this-worldly context, but not in terms of the final resting place for their eternal souls, after death, after being judged by God for that type of judging is beyond us.


We can judge others, but we are not to punish them, though they should be prosecuted if they violate just laws.


We are no better than others and no worse than others. To seek to obsess about others, to interfere in their lives, and to control them by inserting ourselves into their plans—all of these groupist interferences are deeply immoral.


We all primarily should be tending our own affairs, and to work very hard, continuously to improve ourselves, and sin less.


Newspaper: “Anyone can see that. And when people see us? Maybe we should back off and reserve judgment.”


My response: We should not back off when judging ourselves or others, but we should mostly encourage ourselves and others to make ourselves better through self-help.


The newspaper: “Jesus did that. He accepted everyone. This week in church, see how Jesus sees you.


This fellow welcomes sinners and eats with them. Luke 15:1-10.”


My response: Jesus accepted everyone, and we should too, but he judges us and imposes Divine Law upon us in this world and in the next, nonetheless.


As an egoist, I think we should primarily focus on self-realizing more, loving more, becoming more creative, more holy, more virtuous, and mostly leave others alone.



Anti-racism is anti-white reverse racism.

Monday, October 14, 2024



On Page 7 of the 10/2/24 The Cavalier Chronicle was the weekly homily, entitled They Watch Us. Below I quote the homily and then respond to it.


Here it is: “People want to know if we can live out what we say we believe. They watch and take note. When belief matches words, there can be conversions. A righteous life speaks loudly and convincingly. See yourself in church this week. Do the work of an evangelist. 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5.”


My response: This little homily is quite rich with powerful insights. We are social creatures, so we do watch each other, and influence each other, so we are urged to serve as a powerful example to others in how we speak, act and what we profess about God. We are frail, but should strive to be consistent, and not hypocritical. Our beliefs should match our words.


We are to witness to the world and to others, that we live in God and to work hard to promote God’s love and healing on earth.

Approved Of


On Page 7 of The Cavalier Chronicle is the weekly homily, which I quote in full and will comment on. The article was printed on9/25/24 The Article was entitled Present-Able.


Here it is: “God looks for a life that is ‘God-approved. There is true freedom for the person who lives as God likes. Do you want the good life? So live it. And be in church this week. Present yourself to God as one approved by Him. 2 Timothy 2:8-15.”


My response: It is a heartwarming homily: make yourself presentable to God in order that De may approve of you and, thus you will find true freedom. I like it. I will try to live that way.


To Trust


On Page 7 of The Cavalier Chronicle is the weekly homily, which I quote in full and will comment on. The article was printed on 10/9/24.


Here it is: “Trust in the Lord: How often are Believers snatched from the jaws of disaster? Maybe that has happened to you. Miracles? Someone watching over us? Guardian angels? God at work?”


My response: God is with us always, and we will know it if we invite God into our lives, and we are protected as a miracle, by someone watching over us, by guardian angels and God at work.


Homily: “When we draw close to God, we learn to trust God. Draw closer to God this week in church. The Lord will rescue me. 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18.”


My response: Draw closer to God and God will protect you.

The Children Of Light


On October 1, 2024, Townhall online allowed Dennis Prager to write an editorial called, People Hate Those Who Fight Evil Far More Than Those Who Are Evil.


Here is Prager’s editorial which I shall present and comment on.


Prager: “I realized something very important about the human condition when I was in high school. I realized that people tend to hate those who fight evil more than they hate those engaged in doing evil.”


My response: I am amazed and astounded that a high-schooler could be so wise, so early, when most people never become very wise, at any age, though a good, developed and developing individuator serving a good deity, would be infused with wisdom as a byproduct of good-living, good-doing and self-perfecting.


I agree with Prager that people tend to hate those who fight evil more than they hate those engaged in evil. I think that is the case, but we must answer why that is so.


People are born with low-esteem, which means they naturally hate themselves. Since I roughly have identified evil as hatred, fanaticism and collective, whereas goodness roughly is love, moderation and individualism, in a world where most people are born as nonindividuators, live their lives as nonindividuators, and die as low achievers, it is only natural that they will be largely filled with self-hatred, rage, resentment and bitterness. To lie to themselves and feel worthy in some fake, spurious way, they must praise evil sinners, and condemn the virtuous and holy, though they may all live in a bubble of group lies, under which what is evil, they define as good, and what is good, they characterize as evil.


Most citizens in any society most of the time are morally average, rather decent people. They are not militant, committed, industrious evildoers, but nor do they much or often exert themselves against evildoers.


The children of light in that society in that generation do exert themselves to thwart evildoers, and their efforts might influence society for the good. The loving, principled children of light, be they joiners or individualists, create stress and social uneasiness when they rock the boat.


Most people in the community, nonindividuating, groupist, morally altruistic, collectivist and group-identifying, are modestly, mildly evil, unlike the fringe element of hardcore evildoers tearing things up in their community. But the passive, sleepy, willless masses will not rise up very often to vanquish or toss out of decent society the worst offenders, the darkest children of darkness in their midst. They just want to get by and metaphorically stick their head in the sand. They go along to get along and do not stand out in the crowd, so the minority of radicalized evildoers grow in size and number, who will remain substantively unopposed by the decent majority until the evildoers threaten to tear society apart by destructive, lawless, criminal, disorderly chaotic means. and chaos.


And the majority, though moderately sinful, are naturally and socially vested in enjoying or tolerating evil because it is their tradition and custom.


When reforming children light burst onto the scene, they are causing trouble and stirring things up, making the consciences of all uneasy, and filling them with doubt, rousing them when all they want to be is to be told how wonderful there are, how good things are and go back to sleep.


The majority can bury their consciousnesses and consciences under lies and fake narratives as long as no reformer rips their veneers of normalcy away from them leaving them naked, scared, uncertain and anxious.


The commotion stirred up by the reforms is causing the sleeping masses to suffer so they hate those who fight evil more than those who do evil, because the latter are fatalist and liars and groupists, to they seem normal, the status quo.


For the majority it is easier to hate and silence the few reformers than go hate and go against the few radical evildoers.


Prager: “What made me come to this conclusion was the way in which many people reacted to communism and anti-communism.


To my amazement, a great many people—specifically, all leftists and many, though not all, liberals—hated anti-communists far more than they hated communism.


Because of my early preoccupation with good and evil, already in high school, I hated communism. How could one not, I wondered. Along with Nazism, it was the great evil of the 20th century. Needless to say, as a Jew and as a human, I hate Nazism. But as I was born after Nazism was vanquished, the great evil of my time was communism.


Communists murdered about 100 million people—all noncombatants and all innocent. Stalin murdered about 30 million people, including 5 million Ukrainians by starvation (in just 2 years: 1932-33). Mao killed about 60 million people. Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge (Red Cambodians) killed about 3 million, one in every four Cambodians, between 1975 and 1979. The North Koran communist regime killed between 2 million and 3 million people, not including another million killed in the Korean War started by the North Korean communists.


For every one of the 100 million killed by the communists, add at least a dozen more people—family and friends—who were terribly and permanently affected by the death of their family member and friend. Then add another billion whose lives were ruined by having to live in a communist totalitarian state: their poverty, their loss of fundamental human rights, and their loss of dignity.


You would think that anyone with a functioning conscience and with any degree of compassion would hate communism. But that was not the case. Indeed, there were many people throughout the non-communist world who supported communism. And there was an even larger number of people who hated anti-communists, dismissing them as ‘Cold Warriors,’ ‘warmongers,’ ‘red-baiters,’ etc.


At the present time, we are again witnessing this phenomenon—hatred of those who oppose evil rather than of those who do evil—with regard to Israel and its enemies. And on a far greater level. Israel is hated by individuals and governments throughout the world. Israel is the most reviled country at the United Nations as well as in Western media and, of course, in universities.


Israel is a liberal democracy with an independent judiciary, independent opposition press, and equal right for women, gays and its Arab population (20% of the Israeli population). Its enemies—the Iranian regime, Hamas and Hezbollah—allow no such freedoms to those under their control. More relevantly, their primary goal—indeed, their stated reason for being—is to wipe out Israel and its Jewish inhabitants. Hamas and Hezbollah have built nothing, in Gaza and Lebanon, respectively. They exist solely to commit genocide against Israel and its Jews.


Why do so many people hate anti-communists more than communism? And why do even more people hate Israel more than Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah?


The general reason is that it is emotionally and psychologically difficult for most people to stare evil in the face. Evil is widely described as ‘dark.’ But it is not dark; it is easy to look into the dark. What is far harder to look at is blinding bright light. Perhaps that is why Lucifer, the original name of the Christian devil, comes from the word ‘light.’ “


My response: People live in a world of lies, so it is emotionally and psychologically easier to deny that evil exists by hating and attacking those that call evil what it is, let alone inviting the silent majority to rally and support reform to fight the evildoers.


Prager: “Why this is so—why people will not call evil ‘evil’—is probably related to a lack of courage. Once one declares something evil, one is morally bound to resist it, and people fear resisting evil. The fools who mock Christianity—whether through a work of ‘art’ like ‘Piss Christ’ (a crucifix in a jar of urine), or the Paris Olympics opening with a ceremony that mocked the Last Supper, or the Los Angeles Dodgers honoring ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’ (men in drag dressed as nuns)—would never mock Islam. They fear Muslim wrath; they do not fear Christian wrath. Yet Islamic wrath has done and is doing far more evil in our time than Christian wrath.”


My response: People fear evil, so they do not condemn it or call it what it is, because they do not want to have to oppose it. The human race is a twisted, perverse race in many ways.


Prager: “And there is one additional reason for hating Israel—one that is specific to Israel—rather than those who seek to exterminate Israel: Jew-hatred, better known as antisemitism. The people who introduced a judging God and gave the world the Ten Commandments have been hated for thousands of years. Not those who systematically violate those commandments.”


My response: Nothing will change as long as altruist-collectivist morality is the morality of humankind. It is hard to hate evil when one is evil and likes evil, and selfless morality promotes self-hatred, and that forces people to love evil even while sickening and dying form ingesting this poison.


The children of light that fight evil are people of self-esteem, and they are the enemy of the selfless masses because the former seek to defeat evil, and that is the cherished way of life, the tradition savored by the majority, the selfless children of darkness.