Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Can't Learn From Mistakes



Today, 1/7/25, I looked at the daily editorials offered readers on Townhall.Com., their online publication. I was intrigued by Derek Hunter’s article, entitled, Democrats Learned Nothing From The Election. Before I dig into Derek’s article which I copied and pasted below, let me provide my quick take on what it means that Democrats are learning nothing from the 2024 Presidential election.

First, Democrats are the American CCP, the DCP, the Democratic Communist Part of America. This means that postmodernist Marxism is their holy cause, the Democratic Party and its supporters are its mass movement, and their guru is Joe Biden—flawed though he is.

Second, one must understand the psychology of a true believer. He never changes his mind. A setback is a temporary obstacle: after each and every defeat, he will get up, dust himself off, and get right to work to retool his campaign to overthrow America, and he will be back in full force by February, 2025 to do all he can to sabotage and undercut Trump, and to thwart making America great again, so they, these American Marxists, can resume their campaign to destroy what is here, and set up their comrade-driven workers’ paradise here.

That is their one and only goal, and they never cease working feverishly to advance it by any means, by force, by ruse, by “new cooperation”, but absolute conquest is their one and only aim. They do not tire; they do not relent; they never abandon their sole goal.


Third, with this understanding of their unbending ideological approach to living, it is understandable that they do not learn from setbacks or from their mistakes. In their minds, they are smarter, more virtuous, holier-than-thou—just superior to all apostates, foes, and unbelievers, all who need some time on the torture rack.

They know everything already. They have a ready-made set of answers for difficulties that arise—like losing the 2024 election—and, being perfect, they never make a mistake, so why should they apologize and change course? Their enemies do things wrong, and the American DCP never does, ever.

With this new understanding of the true-believership nature of the vast majority of Democrats so infected and driven mad, here in America, it would seem logical to predict that they would never learn from their mistakes.


Only after being violently defeated, did the fanatics that were Japanese or Nazis, who were smashed brutally in 1945, come to their senses, then they could admit a need to change their thinking and political affiliations.

Not so the Soviets, the Red Chinese, the North Koreans and the Iranians: these warlike totalitarian states have not been roundly defeated so they never have had to admit to their mistakes, or to relent in their violent, aggressive assertions.

The Leftists intellectuals in America have never been violently smashed or liquidated—and I quickly that that nightmare prospect is immoral, illegal and un-American, so gladly it is off the table.

What I am explaining is that unless true believers are smashed with a ruthless fanaticism and murderous disregard for their lives and human rights, these zealous vanquished learn nothing from gentler defeats.

Violence, unless defensive, justified and hopefully limited in intensity, usage, and duration, turns murderous and is immorality, hatred and fanaticism in their purest form, and that is the only language the vanquished true believes will respond to.

Below, I will recommend gentler, more humane ways to mitigate the incomparable unwillingness on the part of true believers, like American Democrats, to adjust and reconsider their erroneous conceits.

If the moderate, MAGA victors do not resort only to gentle, democratic, legal means of countering the defiant Democratic enemies of America, then the foolish MAGA victors would head America towards domestic fascism, which is just as bad and undesirable as American Communism.

Here is Derek’s article: “







Democrats Learned Nothing From The Election

I was watching MSNBC the other day – I know, but it is fun to look into a parallel universe where progressive ideals appeal to the vast majority of Americans, it makes me appreciate reality all the more – and I had to check my phone to make sure I had the right year. You wouldn’t know it was 2024 if you’d just gone by the rhetoric belching its way over the airwaves. Donald Trump is a Russian stooge – a tool of Putin – who is only interested in…well, you know the rest of that song. In fact, you know the rest of all the songs, as the political left has morphed into a cover band playing all their hits that were never really hits in the first place. They learned nothing from the election.”

My response: These deniers live in their bubble, and just repeat and rehash their tired, worn-out memes and tropes, desperately hoping the masses will come to their senses, and rally behind the failed American CCP once more. They have all the answers, and, sooner or later, the world will thank them for their steadfast observance of what is true and right.

Derek: “As the father of two kids, one thing you hope they do from all the mistakes they make, and they make a lot of mistakes, is learn from them. Democrats aren’t learning from anything, and it is glorious.

With the exception of who the President is going to be on the 20th and who controls the Senate, nothing has changed in their world. They still insist they are popular – a majority, in fact – in spite of all the evidence to the contrary. It’s simultaneously hilarious and horrifying.

It’s hilarious because watching adults try to convince themselves that they’re popular is very amusing. It’s horrifying because the denialism is dangerous. Not for Republicans, for the country.”

My response: It is hilarious because the CCP-Democrats are so inept as detecting what is real, with a need to react offensively and defensively to protect their gains, that it will help Republicans and conservatives make America great again.

And Derek is spot-on: all this denialism is dangerous for the country. That almost half the country drank the Democratic Kool-Aid and are asking for more is frightening. When 48% of a population is so low on self-esteem per capita, as individuals qua individuals, how does the country return to greatness? How do we convince these un-convinceable fanatics as to the enormous, destructive error of their thoughts and actions? How do we prevent these Marxist ultraists from striving going forward, without wavering, to gut America and set up Soviet Russia here?

I do not know the answer to that. All we can do, those of us that are sane and realistic, we must oppose these collectivist misanthropes with all legal means, and we hope not having to gather guns and people together to fight a civil war to save America.

My only if painfully slow approach is likely the only one that works: My campaign, Mavellonialist, to introduce to Americans the idea of individuating supercitizens that rule from bottom up this greatest nation, our free, capitalist constitutional republic, and then seek to reach the young to help them join conservative, liberals, sensible Democrats and independents to preserve America against the schemes and ill-wishes of the frenzied Communists and Democrats out to obliterate America.

Derek: “As Joe Biden readies to retire, he is a destructive force and the 20th of January cannot come fast enough. I shudder to think of the damage he can and will do between now and then to the nation and the world. He will do all he can to make it happen. Prepare yourself for a list of pardons unlike anything before seen in American history. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if he pardoned Ghislaine Maxwell at this point, as I can only imagine the dirt he has on Biden’s friends and fellow Democrats.

An outgoing President with no F’s left to give is a gigantic danger, an entire half of the political establishment with a denialist attitude is…well, we don’t know.

Democrats have a history of pretending what is actually is not, and vice versa, so that’s nothing new. But as they’ve moved closer and closer to their radical fringe, their denialism is inspiring more and more attacks. Remember James Hodgkinson? Remember the trans school shooter in Nashville? Democrats hope you don’t, but not all of MSNBC’s ratings dip can be attributed to people turning it off, some viewers have died.”

My response: Derek rightly warns that as marginalized Democrats feel cornered, stopped, and denied, as they move closer and closer to their radical fringe, their denialism will inspire more and more terrorist attacks against innocent Americans. The vast majority of domestic terrorists are not MAGA followers, as Attorney General Garland pretended, but are drawn from discontented Democratic ranks.



Monday, January 6, 2025

The Negative Remarks


I have been on a project to discover articles on Hoffer online from various intellectuals, and sometimes their take on him is illuminating. At other times, they irritate me.

Below, I am going to write out and quickly, briefly repudiate a couple of putdowns on Hoffer which I came across, but I did not write down the source to credit the characterizations—or mischaracterizations as it seems to be—but these characterizations are not mine.


Some Leftist implied that Hoffer was a conservative who only had time to write as a laborer since his affluence and leisure time were guaranteed by a powerful, leftist union. There is some truth to this criticism, but Hoffer was no hypocrite that took full advantage of what Harry Bridges provided, all the time downgrading Communists and Leftists.


Hoffer was no hypocrite. He did his work; he was pro-union; he went to every union meeting, and he tried to sign up to fight in World War II for his adopted country. There have always been trade unionists—I am one of them—who were not purists, but that does not make us hypocrites, users, Management snitches, etc. I have been and currently am a union steward, but I am pro-individualism, pro-moderation, pro-capitalism (not monopolistic capitalism or corporate entities in bed with government agencies), but we need profits and bosses, and we need to fight then when we have to and cooperate with them in honorable compromise if it is honorable and can be arranged.


If this makes Hoffer (who likely had moderate union views similar to mine) and me traitors and hypocrites to labor unionists who are hardcore Marxist-Leninists, I will be damned if I will help them set up Soviet-style Communist totalitarianism here, as some kind of workers’ paradise.


Some of the intellectuals who likely never worked a day in their lives, let alone with their hands, sneered at Hoffer as The Right’s Working-class philosopher. He was conservative and liked capitalism and was an egoist moralist, but he also was for the masses running things, and for the masses to be left alone to run their own lives, to make something of themselves, and to be happy. He never wished any trade unionist anything but good.


He was the Right’s, the Left’s and the Centrist’s working-class philosopher, a great souled laborer, a man for all seasons.


Another writer wrote that Hoffer was pessimistic about the future, and he may have been such; that is one subject I have not researched enough to give a sufficient response. There is always a chance that humans will survive and be happy 80 years from now, but there is never a guarantee of anything.




Bottom of Form



The Holy Spirit


As a fringe Christian and as a conservative Unitarian-Universalist, I believe that there are many admirable good deities, and that one can worship one of them or as many of them as one wishes.


These deities are not competitors but are collaborators working against Satan and Lera and the evil deities.


I heard a video clip online the other day about how to pray to the Holy Spirit, and I should have—I did not—write it all out to capture the entire gist of it.


The narrator pointed out that the Holy Spirit (Whom I pray to and who I also think is a supervisor to all the Good Spirits to whom I pray.) was the guardian of peace and power.


He advised the supplicant to be sincere, humble, grateful, not just demanding that one’s wish-list be met, that such a disrespectful, proud approach would be met with silence, and that seems right.


Here is how he advised the supplicant to pray to the Holy Spirit (I did not capture the full text.):


A.    I need you.

B.    Speak to me.

C.     Help me walk in your ways.

D.    Thank you, Holy Spirit.

E.     Fill me today.

F.     Forgive me for grieving you.

G.    Use me for your glory.



I would see this set of prayers as useful not only for Christians but for properly proud but respectful, courteous supplicant, individuators, talking to the Holy Spirit or any good deity.






What We Know



The content of my take on epistemology is my own, but I was influenced by Victor J Gijsbers, after taking some notes on one of his videos in his Philosophy of the Humanities series, in the questions he asked about epistemological issues, and his take that most epistemologists are fallibilist. I much enjoy his videos.


I was driving around this morning running errands, and listening to radio host Carl Jackson who is filling in for injured Dennis Prager, my favorite radio celebrity.


I do not recall the context in which Jackson used the phrase objective truth, but he and most Christians believe that metaphysical reality holds, that God created the universe along the lines of natural law, that those laws can be studied, linguistically captured, and conceived of in clear meaningful language, revealing the objective truth about the nature of the world, the nature of God (as far as we can ascertain God’s nature), and the human place in it.


Now, I am no great shakes as an epistemologist but the skeptical antirealists among professional philosophers are not going to cede all the above-mentioned presupposition accepted as established axioms by Christians and believers of all stripes, from around the world.


My commonsense take is that we can know the external world, though the truth claims that this premise generates are more falliblistic and highly probable, rather than infalliblistically certain. I would never say that God is not so knowing, or that a really smart human one day may be so sure about her truth claims, but, to live, evaluate and plan, our fallible claims about reality, its nature and our nature, and our place and role within it, we can move forward with great confidence built upon what we do know, though we do not know it with utter certainty, a standard for believing and acting that is just impossibly high: we need to employ belief and knowledge to live, to act, to survive.


Yes, the external world exists, and we likely know the external world rather well, as we now see it and characterize it. That is my take on epistemological certainty and the nature of reality, and what we can know of and about it.


AI Consciousness


I am convinced that human engineers will create a robot or computer so smart that it is in effect another intelligent life form.


My question is this: Can an intelligent new race of electronic beings, that are conscious, also have a corresponding soul as all humans do?


God made us and breathed life into us, so maybe God will breathe spiritual life into smart robots, so they too will have souls as well as consciousness. If God fabricates and instills in smart robots a soul, then I assume they are bound to De, and, like the rest of us, could go to heaven, hell or Purgatory based on that robot’s behavior, spiritually and morally, over the course of its life.


Would a robot be immortal or mortal, and how would that affect his being judged by God, if he lives forever? Humans, by contrast, are mortal and judged by God, after death, and assigned to heaven, hell or Purgatory.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Moving Left


Alan Joseph Bauer


Dr. Bauer is a scientist and columnist for Townhall He wrote a 12/3/24 editorial which I will copy down below and then comment on. The title of his editorial was, Why Do Conservative Politicians Move Left?


This question is significant and answering it is of critical importance. We all know that conservative politicians (judges too) move Left, but that liberal or Progressive politicians and judges rarely move Right? Why do these conservative politicians betray or seem to betray their own values?


My view is unconventional. I think Republicans mostly are not fanatics and ideologues, so they do not unite wholly as one face and one opinion as do the true-believers on the Left, like Democrats and Leftists do. Republicans jump all over for reasons of weakness, personal advantage, deliberate value betrayal, revenge, jealousy, and gain, but their corruption and double-crossing, though harmful, is not nearly as corrupting and damaging as the lockstep unity of the Left goosestepping their way through history.


Leftists with the immoral altruist-collectivist ethics, and their bottomless ambition to rule and bind all, are absolutely corrupt already, and their worldly victories and glomming onto more and more governmental control of the masses, only feeds their political sickness, their insatiable appetite to direct all.


I think most Democrat politicians and judges are true believers, faithful fanatics advancing their holy cause at every opportunity, and such people do not betray their own values, do not go against what others of their ilk say publicly, and most of them say what they mean and mean what they say. They are sincere but this kind of sincerity is frightening and creepy.


There are genuine conservatives--who over the years remain faithful to their values and to promises made to their voters--like Chip Roy and Ted Cruz that are conservative unapologetically and never waver in their values by moving left, neither betraying their values nor their constituents. But most conservatives are not true believers but are more individualistic than are Leftist fanatics, the rabid joiners on the Left, so it easier for them to betray their own values for gain, to go along to get along, and they horse-trade unscrupulously and without guilt, making all kinds of stench-emitting deals with Leftists to get what they want in exchange.


The other issue is conservative career politicians that stay in the Swamp too long, lose touch with their principles and voters back home, and side more and more with the lobbyists and Washington insiders growing government which is a Left-wing platform.


Also, almost all politicians, if they stay in Washington long enough, become corrupt, larcenous and tell lots of empty promises they have no intention of keeping. Lying is now a way of life. Politicians in power too long almost always turn on the people who they are there to serve. These entrenched swamp-dwellers end up ruling the masses that voted for them. This ruling elite turns on the people and work endlessly and variously to oppress, subjugate, and exploit them, and this culture and way of life is quite compatible with Leftism.


This is why I like terms limits, small government, maximum personal liberty and privacy, unfettered capitalism and in the constitutional republic with individuating supercitizens; with these protections in place, we are best protected from ruling elites and career politicians.


With individuating supercitizens in charge, naturally weak and depraved politicians are still inclined to be corrupted to take bribes to enrich themselves and grow government to live off of, to tyrannize, to enslave and to beat up the masses, but the new kind of in-tune, assertive, savvy voters are the rulers and watchdogs with a hyper-alert sense of any politician that is wavering or considering betrayal of the people. Once alerted to his diabolical machinations, the people will jerk so hard on his short leash that he will soon come back into line, or they will work tirelessly to primary him and vote to boot him out of office. It will not take long for him and his slimy ilk to understand what formidable citizens that they are up against, and he likely will come to heel as commanded. Centralized power corrupts all, so we must keep power decentralized as much as possible and keep the individuators running society.


Conservatives relatively are individualists and individuators so they will be faithful and sometimes falter and sin and betray and make false promises these. The paradox is that optically these conservative politicians look less principled, more faithless, and corrupt than the Leftists who seem steadfast and united in comparison.


Conservatives can be and often are corrupt in their selfish scheming, but this corruption is mild and harmless when compared with the absolute corruption of true believers, Communists, selfless, pure, and idealistic at that. These scary progressives are totalistic in their selflessness. These ideological purists tremendously unified because in their holy cause there is not dissent tolerated or expected. No deviance from the party line is allowed: pure conformity -is their ingrained view of the world, so all Progressives move as one and all speak as one. All their politicians vote as one block: they impressively to seem to be consistently principled, but that is the illusory image they have crafted for the outside world to perceive: they are just consistently one-sided.


They never cease struggling forward with their only goal: to take over all of society and convert or terrorize all into submitting to society be run along lines with the holy cause of Leftism. These Leftists always fight for victory in good time and bad never taking foot off the accelerator. Leftists are completely corrupt: they believe their lies and will die to advance them in order that they may take control of everyone and everything. Their sole ambition is gather absolute power to themselves and their Party, with no quarter given or asked for


It is no wonder that weak, treacherous, foolish, divided, cowardly, bickering conservatives are handled easily by the Democrats. Too often Republicans are weak, vacillating internally bickering in insane circles so they can shoot each other down in their circular firing squads.


Conservatives and Republicans (RINOS) will often betray their own kind, while eagerly, easily compromising and giving the company store to Leftists.


The individual conservative still is selfish enough to be independent and limited in his greed for power and money. This is the makeup of the conservative who is a hybrid political creature, mostly joiner but a bit of a loner or individualist.


With the arising of loner individualists as individuator supercitzens then conservatives can be principled and not very corrupt, and are not very corruptible, or interested in betraying the masses, nor their own conservative party.


Leftists are not principled nor incorruptible; they are just ideological purists on the making to turn America into hell.


Let’ see what Bauer thinks.


Bauer: “There is a noticeable trend in Western countries in which ostensibly right-leaning politicians go full lefty. Why?


Moshe ‘Bogie’ Yaalon is not a name familiar to most Americans. Yaalon was chief of staff of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and served three years as defense minister in one of the Binyamin (Bibi) Netanyahu’s governments. Then something happened. He moved to the left. In more recent elections before retiring from politics for a lack of any real support, he was on the side of Yair Lapid, Netanyahu’s nemesis on the left side of the Israeli political spectrum. Last week, he made waves when he claimed that Israel was involved in ethnic cleansing in Gaza. Even the UN point person on genocide said that Israel was doing no such thing, after which her contract was not renewed. How could a former soldier, a leader of men in battle, accuse the IDF of something that is patently false, namely the systematic murder of Palestinians for no military aim? Why did Bogie betray his old outfit? Part of the answer is his hatred of Bibi. Just as Trump Derangement Syndrome causes people to say and do very dumb things even against their interests, there is a similar phenomenon here for all of those who loathe Bibi Netanyahu.”


My response: The Leftists and Never-Trumpers like Liz Cheney hate Trump  as bad as Bogie hates Bibi, and hatred explains why these jacked-up conservatives betray their principles and cause to spite their loathed enemy, but they still are free enough and individual enough to choose to betray their rival, whereas Leftists in the cultural Leninist mass movement rarely are afforded the right to betray a rival; they are even more corrupt than the conservative ex-loyalists, but Leftists appear loyal out of noble principle, when in fact they are united because total conformity and groupthink in messaging is their obeyed command.


Baur: “One cannot overestimate the damage that comments like those of Yaalon and people like him do. If one looks at the Telegram feed of Abu Ali Express in English, one of the best sources of real time information on the fighting in the Middle East, he often brings statements and reports from Arab and Iranian sources quoting Israeli politicians who go against their government. So, comments like those of Yaalon will immediately get play in the Lebanese, Iranian and Yemini news and online accounts. How could somebody so august as the former defense minister of the state of Israel be wrong? But he is wrong, and by every measure Israel has performed beyond any previous country in minimizing civilian casualties in a dense urban battlefield. Everybody knows that if Israel wanted to wipe out Gazans wholesale, it could do so either by carpet bombing or closing the inlets for international aid. Israel is doing neither, and nobody can say of the 800 soldiers killed since the 7th of October, 2023, how many died because the army and its lawyers put too much emphasis on protecting civilians over performing proper military activity. Is it 10 or is it 100?


Yaalon’s betrayal of Israel and his earlier shift is nothing new in Israel or in the Western world. Ariel Sharon was the famous ‘bulldozer’ who pushed the construction of settlements and the aggressive fighting against Arab armies. Yet, the same Sharon left the Likud and started a new party that promptly pulled the Jews out of Gaza and effectively started the march towards the October 7th massacre. Yitzhak Rabin, another successful fighting general, gave Yasir Arafat the keys to the West Bank and the means to kill over a thousand Jews during the second intifada. Ehud Barak almost gave away half of Jerusalem during one of his meetings with Arafat under the watchful eye of Bill Clinton. Ehud Olmert, once considered a Likud hawk, nearly did the same after he replaced Sharon.


In the US, right-leaning politicians also got wobbly. Thus, one can find Dick and Liz Cheney supporting Joe Biden, whose policies of an open border and a pronoun-directed military have significantly weakened the U.S. internally and on the world stage. Dick Cheney was considered the most right-leaning politician in George W. Bush’s circle; the left called him Darth Vader and he seemed never to meet a war that he didn’t like. Yet, his contempt for Donald Trump and the millions who want an America that functions again, outweighed whatever conservative ideas he might still harbor, and he came out for a man whose Justice Department threw patriots into jail for the crime of parading around the Capitol. In England, former conservative Boris Johnson had policies that were indistinguishable from those of the left. He brought fully into the climate scam and wanted to ban British wood-burning stoves. His Tory policies for trans would be on part with those of any leftist government.


So why do right-leaning, card-carrying conservatives go left? Part of it would appear to be self-preservation: they move to positions that they believe are more popular and more likely to keep them in office. Part of it may be that their stated positions have no roots in religion or political philosophy.”


My response: They betray their conservative principles because they are filling exigent personal needs or favors, or because their stated positions have no roots in religion or political philosophy, but their corrupt is only partial. The complete corruption of the true believing Leftist is such that he is ruthless and without mercy or deviation all the time. The fair-weather conservative friend might be two-faced and fence straddling, but he can still be virtuous occasionally or all seeks is a little petty larceny, not to rule the world as the postmodernist Marxist lust after.


Bauer: “Yes, when they wrote for a conservative website and ran for office, they really believed in small government, states’ rights, the end of DEI, and no trans surgeries for kids. But after the election, they became beholden to donors, they see that if they tweak their views a bit, their favorability goes up, and the left loves nobody more than a conservative turncoat. How much airtime did Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger receive for their betrayal of the Republican Party? How often were they invited onto ultra-left shows to badmouth Donal Trump and his supporters until they got the boot from Congress?


One can definitely say that there are those on the left who move right. Tucker Carlson famously worked at MSNBC and gave Rachel Maddow her first job. Nobody 20 years ago would have called Donald Trump a Reagan Republican, but there is not politician since his ride down the escalator in 2015 who had better articulated a vision for America that is more conservative and positive. Donald Trump is not beholden to donors and he has deftly put together a coalition that includes people who would never have voted for him but are fans of Bobby Kennedy Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk and Joe Rogan.”


My response: When conservatives go from left to right it is usually a matter of a change in mind about core political principles and is genuinely felt and expressed.


Bauer: “Before Yaalon’s shameless comments, I thought to write an article along the lines of conservative politicians going left. Donald Trump has put together an impressive team of serious individuals to run the various departments of the executive branch. We need them not to go wobbly, not during their confirmation hearings and certainly not when they are in charge. ‘Reality’ can either be met with uncompromising commitment to truth and values or can be allowed to change one’s position to get by or get ahead. Either people bend reality to their will or they get bent by it. Every department needs a serious overhaul and an investigation into malfeasance—from the Covid shenanigans of Dr. Fauci, to the political prosecutions of the DOJ and the disastrous retreat from Afghanistan. People of indomitable stamina will be needed to fix a broken government. DOGE must be relentless in rooting out waste and fraud in America’s bloated budget and bureaucracy. May God grant President Trump and his incoming team the strength and dedication to mission to make America succeed again. There is absolutely no time to lose.”

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Robert Graboyes On Hoffer


My introduction: Robert Graboyes is an economist, journalist, and musician. He seems very accomplished.

He wrote an article in October, 2023, entitled Intellectual Tyrants Beget True Believers.

I copied and pasted his entire article below, and will comment on what he writes about Eric Hoffer.


Graboyes (G after this): “





Intellectual Tyrants Beget True Believers

The Essential Book for Times of Madness


Robert F. Graboyes

Oct 29, 2023


Eric Hoffer in the Oval Office with President Lyndon Johnson, October 1967.



The Essential Book for Times of Madness

This month, the terrorist group, Hamas, visited unspeakable, deliberate, one-on-one violence on thousands of Israeli civilians and, to an unprecedented extent, proudly advertised its brutality to the world. In America and Europe, disturbingly large numbers of academicians, students, activists, and politicians—mostly on the political left—openly celebrate, rationalize, minimize, sidestep, or ignore the atrocities. In the streets and on university campuses, mobs threaten and deliver bodily harm and property destruction upon those who oppose their agenda. In New York City, police advise Jews to remain inside during pro-Hamas demonstrations. At New York’s Cooper Union, Jewish—not just Israeli—students were locked in the school’s library for their protection while pro-Hamas marchers pounded on doors and windows.

Paradoxically, many of the pro-Hamas enthusiasts are members of the very demographic groups whom the objects of their adulation have openly sworn, in writing and deed, to murder. None of this is inexplicable or even surprising, if one has read a small but unfathomably deep book, published in 1951, by one of the most profound thinkers of the past century. That book is The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements, by longshoreman/philosopher Eric Hoffer. “

My response: My sense of Graboyes is that he well understands Hoffer and will give him a fair interpretation.

Graboyes notes that The True Believer was a small but unfathomably deep book, and it is only unfathomable because Hoffer is not yet understood 75 years later. If one sees him, as I do, then perhaps the book can now make sense. I regard Hoffer as an actual but implicit proponent of rational egoism, the ethics of moderation, a passionate seeker for truth however painful to hear and adjust to, a lover of capitalism, democracy, prosperity, law and order, and individualism. He promotes the idea that these positive cultural and political conditions are to be enjoyed by the masses that run America, rather permitting America to be ruled by elites of any kind: professional intellectuals or other elites.

 Hoffer is also an actual but implicit critic in his in-depth study and implied criticism of altruism, group-living, depraved human nature, intellectual abuse of power, begins to render his brilliance and originality more coherently understandable. It is the latter set of ethical and cultural immoral conditions which hold humanity down and back, and allow intellectuals and others elites to continue to rule and abuse the masses.

G: “Hoffer wrote The True Believer in an attempt to understand how the barbarities of Nazism and Communism could have arisen in a supposedly enlightened world. Though published nearly three-quarters of a century ago, it reads as if written last year—or last week. Reading it at a normal pace is a three-hour journey into the dark recesses of the collective soul.”

My response: His first book is a three-hour journey into the dark recesses of the collective soul. He knows what evil is, and it is us, and as groupists and selfless joiners, under tyranny and socialism, there is no limit to how wicked and cruel we people can be.

G: “Hoffer was the unlikeliest of philosophers—a humble laborer and ascetic, whose origins are shrouded in mystery. Supposedly born in 1902, President Ronald Reagan awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom in February 1983—three months before he died. He had also been the Oval Office guest of President Lyndon Johnson in October 1967, just weeks after a blockbuster CBS News interview with Eric Sevareid (repeated that November by popular demand). President Dwight Eisenhower said Hoffer was his favorite philosopher. In 1964, he became an adjunct professor at the University of California—Berkeley. For two decades prior to that, he had worked as a longshoreman on the docks of San Francisco, loading and unloading ships by day. Each day, after leaving the docks, he went home to a spare, monastic Chinatown apartment that lacked even a telephone. And there, he wrote a dozen or so philosophical tracts in solitude.”

My response: Hoffer, the laborer and ascetic, amateur philosopher was a great soul, and a loner on that level does his individuating in solitude. Observe that Hoffer lives the role that I assign to a self-realizing egoist: that a great soul is self-disciplining and ascetic while acting in his own best enlightened interest.

G: “Heading backwards in time from The True Believer, Hoffer, the man, fades into a riddle in a haze. No written records of Hoffer’s existence precede his name in the 1940 Census. The first oral accounts place him in California migrant worker camps in the 1930s. Before that, he claimed, he was a Skid Row wanderer who contemplated suicide. He said he went completely blind at 7 and that his sight miraculously returned when he was 15. At that point, he said, he became a voracious reader out of fear that his blindness would return. From Wikipedia:

“In his 2012 book, Eric Hoffer: The Longshoreman Philosopher, journalist Tom Bethell revealed doubts about Hoffer's account of his early life. Although Hoffer claimed his parents were from Alsace-Lorraine, Hoffer himself spoke with a pronounced Bavarian accent. He claimed to have been born and raised in the Bronx but had no Bronx accent. His lover and executor Lili Fabilli stated that she always thought Hoffer was an immigrant. Her son, Eric Fabilli, said that Hoffer's life might have been comparable to that of B. Traven and considered hiring a genealogist to investigate Hoffer's early life, to which Hoffer reportedly replied, ‘Are you sure you want to know?’ Pescadero land-owner Joe Gladstone, a family friend of the Fabillis who also knew Hoffer, said of Hoffer's account of his early life: ‘I don't believe a word of it.’ To this day, no one ever has claimed to have known Hoffer in his youth, and no records apparently exist of his parents, nor indeed of Hoffer himself until he was about forty, when his name appeared in a census.”

A likely theory is that Hoffer was from Bavaria and entered the United States illegally during a period of tight immigration restrictions. It is also likely that we will never know his origins with any certainty. What seems certain is that he was self-taught. And what is absolutely certain is that his insights were fermented on the docks and on the streets—not in the rarified chambers of the Ivory Tower.

Intellectual Tyrants

Before delving into The True Believer, here is a quick introduction to Hoffer’s charm and the essence of his philosophy. While Hoffer had been well-known to a broad span of readers since The True Believer was published in 1951, his interview with Eric Sevareid on September 19, 1967 made him a household name across America. For several years afterward, he had a syndicated column that appeared in newspapers across the country. The hourlong Sevareid interview can be seen in a series of YouTube videos (Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V), and they show a powerful, burly, wildly gregarious, German-accented storyteller.”

My response: It seems likely that the interview with Sevareid made Hoffer famous or at least better known.

G: “In the following four-minute excerpt, Hoffer asserts that, more than any other group, intellectuals have a tendency toward corrupt megalomania. Though spoken 56 years ago, his words apply in 2023 to the corrosive illiberalism in America’s rotting universities—and in the broad range of institutions influenced by those universities. In the lead-up to this clip, Hoffer describes a shift in the American psyche, leaving behind an admiration for quotidien business and gravitating toward a devotion to intellectuals. In other words, abandoning doers for thinkers.”

My response: Grayboyes, in this paragraph is describing what Chris Rufo documented, that intellectuals, professors, globalist elitists, college-educated snobs, all in the ruling class, by 2021 did capture ideologically most American institutions. I added that if we understand these men and women of words as leaders of the current culturally Marxist mass movement spread across the West, then their holy cause is what they worship and believe in fervently, and they want the business of business and government in America to be about ideological thinking, not making money and allowing the people to be left alone, to run their own lives, without intellectual aristocrats micromanaging them down to the last detail.




G” “Here is the central message of this clip and a window into Hoffer’s mind:

“ERIC SEVAREID: Mr. Hoffer, you seem to have a fear about the rise of intellectuals in political life and power. Why are you so frightened of them.”

ERIC HOFFER: “First of all, I ought to tell you that I have no grievance against the intellectual. All I know about the intellectual is what I read in history and how I saw them perform in our time. And I’m convinced that the intellectual—as a type, as a group—they are more corrupted by power than any other human type. It’s disconcerting, Mr. Sevareid, to realize that businessmen, generals even, soldiers, men of action are not corrupted by power like intellectuals. … You take a conventional man of action. He’s satisfied if you obey, huh? But not the intellectual. He doesn’t want you just obeying. He wants you to get down on your knees and pray to the one who makes you love what you hate and hate what you love. In other words, whenever intellectuals are in power, there is total raping going on.” “

My response: Why would the intellectual—on average much worse than say businessmen, general or soldier—be more corruptible, more power-hungry, more vicious and be so ambitious hurt his victims to the maxim in controlling his victims, utterly by soul-raping them as well as occasionally raping them physically?

Hoffer here reveals his rational egoism, his understanding that moderation, individualism, temperateness, living in liberty, in a capitalist, law-abiding society are what render an agent to be good, act good, and not be too tempted by power, because the businessmen, general or soldier, on average, more individualistic, more temperate, and work more in the world than do intellectuals so the former producers still have some level of self-esteem which limits their interest in doing great evil for the sake of growing one’s power of powerlessness.

By contrast, the intellectual, as a leader of the pack (guru leading a mass movement) or as a warrior serving to advance his holy cause, is a man with no self-esteem left, and his purely altruistic selflessness and self-sacrificing have so suppressed his conscience, and let loose his craving for bottomless infusions of evil power (the power of powerlessness) that he is capable of doing absolutely anything to anyone without end or even modest restraint: this soul-raper and murder par excellence is a selfless agent serving the collective ideal, and his wicked behavior is justified as being for the good of all. With no restraints on his cruelty, he cannot help himself, and will be as vicious and torturous to his victims and subordinates as time and physical strength allow him to be.

G: “And this month, October 2023, the figurative raping of which Hoffer spoke spews forth from America’s universities in frenzied devotion to literal raping—along with torture, murder, beheading, kidnapping, and livestreaming the whole affair. October’s Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll asked Americans whether they side with Israel or Hamas in the ongoing conflict. (Israel versus Hamas, not Israel versus Palestinians.) According to the poll, 84% favor Israel and only 16% side with Hamas. However, among 18-to-24-year-olds the split is 52% for Israel and 48% for Hamas. In other words, if your child is in college and you want to guess his or her stance on Hamas, simply toss a coin; you’ll have close to a 50-50 chance of getting the correct answer. At Harvard, 30 student groups declared Israel “entirely responsible” for the attacks.

I’ll speculate that the percentages would be even more disturbing among their professors. A Cornell professor described Hamas’s bestiality as “exhilarating” and “energizing.”

True Believers

One can use The True Believer to plumb the depths of terrorists’ and tyrants’ minds and motivations. There was, in fact, an upsurge in interest in Hoffer’s book after the attacks of 9/11. But the book is also an indispensable tool for understanding their camp followers, such as those silencing, maligning, assaulting, threatening, and encircling Jewish students on American campuses this month—while university administrators issue tepid tsk-tsks, if that.”

My response: Note that not only Hamas and the Palestinian people are pure altruists and fanatics serving radical Islam, but their camp followers, on American campuses and among Progressives, are finding common cause as neo-anti-Semites, and what these Israel-haters and Jew-haters have in common is that they all serve a mass movement forwarding their holy cause, though Hamas serves radical Islam and the professors and students in America serve a different holy cause, cultural Marxism.

G: “Hoffer maps out the necessary elements for a fanatical movement, including whom it recruits, how it recruits them, and how it holds them. In short, a fanatical movement seeks bored underachievers, offers purpose for their aimless lives, and discourages questioning. In many ways, an alarming proportion of Generation Z, which includes today’s college cohort, has been primed since infancy for such recruitment—by professors, by K-12 teachers, and by their parents.

TARGETS FOR RECRUITMENT: Whom does a mass movement seek to recruit? Hoffer writes:

·       “The great general knows how to conjure an audience out of the sands of the desert and the waves of the ocean.”

·       “There is perhaps no more reliable indicator of a society’s ripeness for a mass movement than the prevalence of unrelieved boredom. In almost all the descriptions of the periods preceding the rise of mass movements there is reference to vast ennui; and in their earliest stages mass movements are more likely to find sympathizers and support among the bored than among the exploited and oppressed.”

·       “[Followers] must be intensely discontented yet not destitute, and they must have the feeling that by the possession of some potent doctrine, infallible leader or some new technique they have access to a source of irresistible power. They must also have an extravagant conception of the prospects and potentialities of the future. Finally, they must be wholly ignorant of the difficulties involved in their vast undertaking. Experience is a handicap.”

·       “The rule seems to be that those who find no difficulty in deceiving themselves are easily deceived by others. They are easily persuaded and led.”

“Bored, discontented, inexperienced, persuadable, and well-to-do” could easily be the motto of a sizable percentage of Generation Z. They send texts in lieu of personal friendships. They play video games instead of creating their own activities. They are restricted to their homes and yards. Their teachers and professors indoctrinate them and discourage critical thinking. Their activities are planned and tightly supervised by adults. They demand and are granted “safe spaces.” They are trained to search for and howl about “microaggressions.” All of this shelter absolves them of any need to work out differences with others and to develop a tolerance for differing opinions. Their putative educators instill in them a hatred of dissent and a predilection for shaming those who stray from received doctrine. In the name of “equity” and other assorted buzzwords, professors train these perpetual tabulæ rasæ to despise others on the basis of immutable characteristics—race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion. They are involuntarily celibate and view marriage and family as unreachable (and perhaps undesirable) goals. Their aimless mediocrity is fueled by the vast financial resources of their parents and of taxpayers. “

My response: Graboyes, in the paragraph just above, points out how frustrated Generation Z misfits are already true believers and they stereotype any heretics and opponents based upon their group-memberships—race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion—no one is an individual, and everyone is a group-creature, group-living, group-identify and a joiner and clone of the group description of what its typical member is and how she is to act, and that we only live and create a self-identity as loyal members of our collective units, and these group characteristics roles and believes are a person’s destiny and irrefutable. Who can be more racist than true beleivers?

Their diagnosis of people is crap, and their solution (universal group-living as pure nonindviidadtuing joiners within a mass movement, active or out of power or settled an running things) is worse. Human suffering, want and death are the norm when totalitarian socialists run things, be their system sacred or secular.

G: “ In a recent essay, “Whence Fall Snowflakes?” I asserted that, “A toxic fragility has settled in over America’s universities.” I described a colleague’s experience in a prestigious graduate program as akin to “a dreary Maoist struggle session,” in which, “[s]tudents dutifully climbed to their particular rungs on the intersectional ladder and admitted the sins that indelibly stain those on their particular rungs.”

Not all members of Generation Z and not all their educators and parents fit the above descriptions. But enough do to begin extinguishing the principles of the Enlightenment.”


My response: I saw that Graboyes criticizes these college intellectuals and their Generation Z zombie followers for seeking to wipe out the principles of the Enlightenment, and that is consistent with the hostility to all thing American and Western by the postmodenist Marxists radicals.

G: “MEANS OF RECRUITMENT: Once the mass movement identifies its targets, what does it offer them as means of recruitment? Again, from Hoffer:

·       “Not only does a mass movement depict the present as mean and miserable—it deliberately makes it so. … It views ordinary enjoyment as trivial or even discreditable, and represents the pursuit of personal happiness as immoral.

·       “A mass movement attracts and holds a following not because it can satisfy the desire for self-advancement, but because it can satisfy the passion for self-renunciation.”

·       “A man is likely to mind his own business when it is worth minding. When it is not, he takes his mind off his own meaningless affairs by minding other people’s business.”

·       “The burning conviction that we have a holy duty toward others is often a way of attaching our drowning selves to a passing raft. What looks like giving a hand is often a holding on for dear life. Take away our holy duties and you leave our lives puny and meaningless.”

·       “Unless a man has the talents to make something of himself, freedom is an irksome burden. Of what avail is freedom to choose if the self be ineffectual? We join a mass movement to escape individual responsibility,”

The professoriate portrays all things undesired as existential threats to mankind and mankind itself as an existential threat to earth. An endless list of issues—climate, COVID, gas stoves, firearms, immigration, population, GMOs, automobiles, and on and on—are presented in terms of impending doom and scientific certainty. Free speech is despised and censorship imposed.

A substantial percentage of college students today incur vast debts in pursuit of college educations that provide them with few marketable skills and strip them of the capacity for critical thinking. For many who secure employment, this prior regimentation is reinforced and preserved in amber by armies of bureaucrats, administrators, consultants, and human resources apparatchiks. Hence the loud squeals from the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity (DEI) clerisy whenever some illiberal manifestation is challenged or exposed.

Teachers demand that elementary school children publicly confess their “white privilege.” School curricula vilify the “white-adjacency” of Jews and Asians. “Colonialism” is reduced from a legitimate topic of historical research to a blood libel. A Stanford lecturer last week dismissed the Holocaust and demanded that Jewish students retreat into a corner to instill in them the notion that oppression of others is baked into their DNA.

Students who lack training to perform any useful service thus seek meaning in off-the-rack activism handed them by the intellectuals whom Hoffer feared.”

My response: I like just about all of Graboyes points above. Revolutionary progressivism and their young devotees are working to burn down everything and replace it with totalitarian nothing.


G: “MEANS OF RETENTION: And finally, once a mass movement has its recruits, how does it hold on to them? Hoffer writes:

·       “[A]ll of them demand blind faith and singlehearted allegiance.”

·       “What Pascal said of an effective religion is true of any effective doctrine: it must be ‘contrary to nature, to common sense and to pleasure.’”

·       “If a doctrine is not unintelligible, it has to be vague; and if neither unintelligible nor vague, it has to be unverifiable.”

·       “We can be absolutely certain only about things we do not understand. A doctrine that is understood is shorn of its strength.”

·       “To be in possession of an absolute truth is to have a net of familiarity spread over the whole of eternity. There are no surprises and no unknowns. All questions have already been answered, all decisions made, all eventualities foreseen. The true believer is without wonder and hesitation.” “

My response: Once people are hooked, they stay believers for life, even if the mass movement withers away or ends.

G: “When the alarms change suddenly from, say, global cooling to global warming or from masks-are-stupid to masks-are-essential-when-you-are-driving-alone-in-your-car, one must not question the change. It is Science™, and to ask questions is proof of stupidity or wickedness. Training students to accept such shifts carte blanche is a process akin to breaking mustangs or training poodles.

The end result was described remarkably well by Ben Rhodes, Deputy National Security Advisor under President Barack Obama. It was, I suspect, a Kinsleyan Gaffe—i.e., an occasion when a politician accidentally tells the truth. In explaining the Obama Administration’s nuclear deal with Iran, Rhodes (whose brother was then president of CBS News) attributed their success to having constructed an “echo chamber” of gullible journalists:

“All these newspapers used to have foreign bureaus. Now they don’t. They call us to explain to them what’s happening in Moscow and Cairo. Most of the outlets are reporting on world events from Washington. The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That’s a sea change. They literally know nothing.”

As described by the Washington Post:

“Rhodes set up a team of staffers who were focused on promoting the deal, which apparently included the feeding of talking points at useful times in the news cycle to foreign policy experts who were favorably disposed toward it. ‘We created an echo chamber,’ he told the magazine. ‘They [the seemingly independent experts] were saying things that validated what we had given them to say.’”

Rhodes, of course, was describing journalists and experts whose professional mission is supposed to be providing accurate information, written from a background of knowledge. And yet, Rhodes says, in effect, that journalists are merly credulous sock puppets and policy experts are nothing more than ventriloquist’s dummies.

Now consider what all this might suggest about the journalists’ and experts’ younger siblings on American college campuses. Filter those observations through Hoffer’s The True Believer, and you begin to understand the appalling and otherwise inexplicable behavior occurring on campuses, in the streets, and across the internet this month . . .”

My response: Grayboyes is illuminating in revealing that the current crop of journalists are gullible, uninformed zealots that do not think independently or question the party line. Note how educated journalists, professors and students all believe ignorant foolish things. It is their true believing epistemology, that what their group says is true and good, that is true and good, whether it is or not. What heretics, dissidents and rival groups say is true and good is never true and good, not even a little bit, whether it is true or not.

When groupists fanatics prize conformity to groupthink over critical thinking, this is how smart, educated people end up believing and do unwise, immoral, even cruel things. They are militant and defiant in justifying their stupidity and wickedness too, for they really believe they are morally superior to and smarter than any that oppose them. When someone lies and is evil but is convinced they are truth-telling and virtuous, that person is the hardest one to enlighten and persuade to be a good person once again.