Not all things are planned, and determined in advance. There are accidents that come about that no one saw coming or controlled.
A life well lived is quickly, widely embracing what happens to us by intent, design or by accident, and then you make the most of it.
Saturday, February 29, 2020
You are more loving, decent and sensible when your words and action are consistent over time. We are complex creatures so we will speak and act in inconsistent ways at time, and that is normal, expected, even acceptable, as long as you get back on task and act in a determined, patterned way over time.
Is the world a structured entity. Yes, since God made the world and arranged it into an ordered whole, it is a cosmos, a system.
Sorry, Bob; Let Me rewrite
that more clearly: MGR, Minnesota Right To Life, and Magasota are little
people now exercising their grassroots political power to restrain
Leftists tyranny, lawlessness and un-Americanism. Most politicians, even
Republicans, oppose them, and these politicians are running one big
scam at the expense of all Minnesotans.
Thursday, February 27, 2020
RINOS are all talk. reassuring us that they are pro-gun and pro-life.
But never do they take votes to forward legislation that actually keeps
rights from being infringed on, to defund Planned Parenthood. Liberty
and the sanctity of life are imperiled.
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
The People Are Alert And Angry
citizens are awake now. RINOs, Progressives, elitists and swamp
dwellers will lose their jobs for seeking to rob us of our gun rights.
Scammers Of The World Unite
we gun rights people are scammers and low information voters. We do not
want RINO Republicans in the Senate to give away our gun rights on Red
Flags and Universal Background Checks. It is now or never.
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Circular Firing Squad Time
I have contacted and called
all of these people that Ben asked us to do. Jennifer Carnahan talked to
me last night and said she would have Gazelka call me but he never did.
She claims one of us told a legislator's 6 year old son that he dad was
a baby killer and this enraged the Establishment. I told her this
internal Republican fight is killing our party. We are not scammers or
low information voters and we are not going away. We will stop gun
control, we will protect babies, we will get Trump into office again,
and we remain outraged at how fine, volunteer, conservative women at
Magasota are besmirched and disrespected in such an ungentlemanly
Sunday, February 23, 2020
The Roman Catholics have made a sacrament of Confession so that one can confess one's sins formally in the confessional at the church to God through his intermediary the priest.
For those of us that are not Catholic, it is still a responsible act to admit to God where and how we have sinned, and that we are sorry for our wrongdoing, and are willing to atone for our sins. We ask God to forgive us, and we can state our case to God directly without the priest intervening.
For those of us that are not Catholic, it is still a responsible act to admit to God where and how we have sinned, and that we are sorry for our wrongdoing, and are willing to atone for our sins. We ask God to forgive us, and we can state our case to God directly without the priest intervening.
Reverse Course
On Page 7 of Liberty and Tyranny, Levin insists that conservative forces rise up and strive to reverse course against the Progressive/Socialist/ Statist tidal wave that is sweeping across the land, destroying our economy, liberty, government, our very civilization and way of life: "The Conservative understands that if America a vigorous, civil society in which the individual can continue to improve and progress, the forces arrayed against the free market must be interrupted and their course ultimately reversed."
Statist Incompetence
In Liberty and Tyranny, Page 107, Mark Levin complains that the ideologically motivated Statist makes serious, far reaching blunders as he micromanages the economy: "Furthermore, when the Statist exercises authority arbitrarily . . . Chaotic tyranny takes over ordered liberty."
Educational Arrogance And Destructive Ignorance
The StarTribune editorial on Saturday (2/22/20) was on Minneapolis Public School reorganization.
Let me quote the editorial, the top three paragraphs: In a series of recent public meetings, push back against Minneapolis school reorganization plans has been formidable. Supporters of mostly south and southwest schools have turned out by the dozens to voice objections. Some are upset because the reorganization could break up K-8 schools. Others worry that there would be too few language-immersion programs. Still others don't want their school closed or their kids moved to a school outside their neighborhood.
Yet despite all those legitimate concerns, leaders of the Minneapolis Public Schools must do something differently to address stubbornly entrenched learning disparities between student groups. And that means the district must work to adopt a final reorganization plan that strikes a balance between making needed changes and preserving the most popular, academically effective programs.
The five reorganization proposals being debated aim to stem the flow of students out of the district, to reduce race and class segregation, to slash transportation costs and to use those savings to enhance classroom instruction. The plans include cutting the number of magnet schools and locating them in the center of the city. . .
Superintendent Ed Graff told an editorial writer that the primary goal of the change is to improve academic achievement. The reconfiguration is intended to offer equal access to effective programs across the city, in hopes of boosting learning outcomes for students of color who make up more than two-thirds of the district's enrollment."
Now, Minneapolis is largely more white and middle class on the south side, and more white and upper middle class south of Lake Street southwest Minneapolis. These parents do not want their kids bussed out of their neighborhood schools. They wanted their kids attending neighborhood schools until they graduated from the 8th grade. Ed Graff is going to do away with that. Families with high achieving students and white families favor the language-immersion and magnet schools so their kids can get a better public education. Ed Graff is going to close many of those neighborhood schools and put them downtown in the center of commerce away from neighborhoods.
What that fool Graff is pulling will further drive white families and upper class families out of the city, or will force them to send their children to private schools or to superior suburban schools outside of Minneapolis. How will that help a barely functioning urban school system where 2/3rds of all students are already persons of color. How does his integration of north and south side Minneapolis and the closing of magnet schools do anything for the kids left behind. How does this stabilize an already failing school district.
He wants to reduce race and class segregation but, if they are honest, most middle and upper class families, white or non-white, do not want their children going to school with lower class and poor children of any color, because human nature being what it is, it is the lower common denominator rule prevails. Mixing higher achievers with lower achievers lowers the academic performance of the high achievers but does little to increase or raise up the performance of the low achievers. Let me refer you to the euphemistic wording offered by the editor up above: " . . . leaders of the Minneapolis Public Schools must do something differently to address stubbornly entrenched learning disparities between student groups." All the millions and millions of dollars, and integration efforts and head start initiatives are not working and non-white and lower class kids still perform far below academically on average than do white kids and upper class kids.
All Graff, a typically arrogant and ignorant Progressive that will fail no matter what he does because he only doubles down on already failed urban schools policies. He will further integrates classes and races and now all of Minneapolis schools will be converted into low functioning, academically failing ghetto quality schooling for all. He will destroy the south side and southwest side schools too in the name of political correctness, to end "discriminatory practices that have not existed for 30 years", all for the sake of fairness, equal opportunity and equal education access. These socialists and social engineers are utterly helpless, clueless and destroy everything they touch. The entire K-16 educational system in America needs to be upended and rebuilt from the ground up.
I have a list of proposals that are not exhaustive but would help:
1. Abolish the federal Department of Education.
2. All or most control of local educational practices and rulings should be determined and controlled by the local school board.
3. Pass strong, real voucher programs so that whatever a school district gets per child (say $22,000 per year per child, is allocated to all parents, regardless of race or class identity, interested in removing their children from public schools in order to enroll them in suburban school districts, private schools, religious schools, home schools or magnet schools, would have the resources to get a good education for their children.
4. Encourage all young men to get married to their girl friends so that children born to them have a married mother and father, so that the family unit can concentrate on bringing up well educated children that love learning and regard school as their childhood mission, a privilege as well as a right.
5. Perhaps most important of all is to build an American culture where most adults in future generations grow up to be very accomplished individuators. Where moms and dads are individuators, their children are far more likely to love learning, reading and intellectual pursuits, and they will take school studies much more seriously. When children are burning with intellectual ambition, hungry for math, the printed word and knowledge itself, it is almost irrelevant how good the school is, or how inspirational and skilled the teachers are. This would move the meter significantly regarding that entrenched low achievement meter mentioned in the editorial above.
6. Ed Graff, his hierarchical army of educational bureaucrats, and army of teachers are all or mostly public employees, government employees, socialist in political orientation, very group-oriented and engaged in progressive ideological purity which they are indoctrinating the young with. The young are impressionable little bureaucrats, groupist, ideological and nonindividuating. How do you raise the academic achievement of all these little rascals after you have bled all the personality, fire, brains, ambition, work ethic, love of learning and individuality out of them.
7. We need to deschool society somehow, and get these children into little educational pods, perhaps in the neighborhood fire station, church, senior center or town hall. By flattening the hierarchy and letting kids be kids as individualists and individuators will spark a learning revival unlike anything we have ever seen.
Unless Minneapolis school system adopts these reforms, and they will not, they are doomed to failure and further decline in city public education as the ghettoization of their northside school reorganization guts what is still working somewhat on the south side of town.
It is astounding that Progressives destroy all that they touch and demonstrate constant failure at whatever city, nation or school system that they run, but they never internalize, acknowledge or apologize for their failure and switch to free market, non-governmental alternative strategies. The intellectuals, the academics and the media all lie all the time and give them a pass as they tank our entire economy, and way of life. They never learn and will never learn. We need to fire all these administrators and teachers and go in a whole different direction.
Let me quote the editorial, the top three paragraphs: In a series of recent public meetings, push back against Minneapolis school reorganization plans has been formidable. Supporters of mostly south and southwest schools have turned out by the dozens to voice objections. Some are upset because the reorganization could break up K-8 schools. Others worry that there would be too few language-immersion programs. Still others don't want their school closed or their kids moved to a school outside their neighborhood.
Yet despite all those legitimate concerns, leaders of the Minneapolis Public Schools must do something differently to address stubbornly entrenched learning disparities between student groups. And that means the district must work to adopt a final reorganization plan that strikes a balance between making needed changes and preserving the most popular, academically effective programs.
The five reorganization proposals being debated aim to stem the flow of students out of the district, to reduce race and class segregation, to slash transportation costs and to use those savings to enhance classroom instruction. The plans include cutting the number of magnet schools and locating them in the center of the city. . .
Superintendent Ed Graff told an editorial writer that the primary goal of the change is to improve academic achievement. The reconfiguration is intended to offer equal access to effective programs across the city, in hopes of boosting learning outcomes for students of color who make up more than two-thirds of the district's enrollment."
Now, Minneapolis is largely more white and middle class on the south side, and more white and upper middle class south of Lake Street southwest Minneapolis. These parents do not want their kids bussed out of their neighborhood schools. They wanted their kids attending neighborhood schools until they graduated from the 8th grade. Ed Graff is going to do away with that. Families with high achieving students and white families favor the language-immersion and magnet schools so their kids can get a better public education. Ed Graff is going to close many of those neighborhood schools and put them downtown in the center of commerce away from neighborhoods.
What that fool Graff is pulling will further drive white families and upper class families out of the city, or will force them to send their children to private schools or to superior suburban schools outside of Minneapolis. How will that help a barely functioning urban school system where 2/3rds of all students are already persons of color. How does his integration of north and south side Minneapolis and the closing of magnet schools do anything for the kids left behind. How does this stabilize an already failing school district.
He wants to reduce race and class segregation but, if they are honest, most middle and upper class families, white or non-white, do not want their children going to school with lower class and poor children of any color, because human nature being what it is, it is the lower common denominator rule prevails. Mixing higher achievers with lower achievers lowers the academic performance of the high achievers but does little to increase or raise up the performance of the low achievers. Let me refer you to the euphemistic wording offered by the editor up above: " . . . leaders of the Minneapolis Public Schools must do something differently to address stubbornly entrenched learning disparities between student groups." All the millions and millions of dollars, and integration efforts and head start initiatives are not working and non-white and lower class kids still perform far below academically on average than do white kids and upper class kids.
All Graff, a typically arrogant and ignorant Progressive that will fail no matter what he does because he only doubles down on already failed urban schools policies. He will further integrates classes and races and now all of Minneapolis schools will be converted into low functioning, academically failing ghetto quality schooling for all. He will destroy the south side and southwest side schools too in the name of political correctness, to end "discriminatory practices that have not existed for 30 years", all for the sake of fairness, equal opportunity and equal education access. These socialists and social engineers are utterly helpless, clueless and destroy everything they touch. The entire K-16 educational system in America needs to be upended and rebuilt from the ground up.
I have a list of proposals that are not exhaustive but would help:
1. Abolish the federal Department of Education.
2. All or most control of local educational practices and rulings should be determined and controlled by the local school board.
3. Pass strong, real voucher programs so that whatever a school district gets per child (say $22,000 per year per child, is allocated to all parents, regardless of race or class identity, interested in removing their children from public schools in order to enroll them in suburban school districts, private schools, religious schools, home schools or magnet schools, would have the resources to get a good education for their children.
4. Encourage all young men to get married to their girl friends so that children born to them have a married mother and father, so that the family unit can concentrate on bringing up well educated children that love learning and regard school as their childhood mission, a privilege as well as a right.
5. Perhaps most important of all is to build an American culture where most adults in future generations grow up to be very accomplished individuators. Where moms and dads are individuators, their children are far more likely to love learning, reading and intellectual pursuits, and they will take school studies much more seriously. When children are burning with intellectual ambition, hungry for math, the printed word and knowledge itself, it is almost irrelevant how good the school is, or how inspirational and skilled the teachers are. This would move the meter significantly regarding that entrenched low achievement meter mentioned in the editorial above.
6. Ed Graff, his hierarchical army of educational bureaucrats, and army of teachers are all or mostly public employees, government employees, socialist in political orientation, very group-oriented and engaged in progressive ideological purity which they are indoctrinating the young with. The young are impressionable little bureaucrats, groupist, ideological and nonindividuating. How do you raise the academic achievement of all these little rascals after you have bled all the personality, fire, brains, ambition, work ethic, love of learning and individuality out of them.
7. We need to deschool society somehow, and get these children into little educational pods, perhaps in the neighborhood fire station, church, senior center or town hall. By flattening the hierarchy and letting kids be kids as individualists and individuators will spark a learning revival unlike anything we have ever seen.
Unless Minneapolis school system adopts these reforms, and they will not, they are doomed to failure and further decline in city public education as the ghettoization of their northside school reorganization guts what is still working somewhat on the south side of town.
It is astounding that Progressives destroy all that they touch and demonstrate constant failure at whatever city, nation or school system that they run, but they never internalize, acknowledge or apologize for their failure and switch to free market, non-governmental alternative strategies. The intellectuals, the academics and the media all lie all the time and give them a pass as they tank our entire economy, and way of life. They never learn and will never learn. We need to fire all these administrators and teachers and go in a whole different direction.
Psalm 103, 20-22
Not only should you invite God to bless you, but David in Psalm 103 invites all to bless God. Our prayers of blessings prayed for for God are pleasing to God and are welcome: "Bless the Lord, all you his angels, you mighty in strength that do his bidding, obeying his spoken word. Bless the Lord all you his hosts, his ministers that do his will. Bless the Lord, all his works, everywhere in his domain. Bless the Lord, O my soul."
Be sure not only to praise God in private and in public but bless God on the street and at home.
Be sure not only to praise God in private and in public but bless God on the street and at home.
Psalm 103, 15-16
Make the most of your days, for life is short: "Man's days are like those of grass, like a flower of the field he blooms; The wind sweeps over him and he is gone, and his place knows him no more."
The Warning
Both Hoffer and Stirner repeated caution us to the dangers of what happens when intellectuals worship a word as a magical totem/abstraction/cause for each individual to suberve himself to--his holy cause to spread across the world, and terrorize all unbelievers to succumb to its unholy power.
Only the individual, as the calm, impartial, sensible thinker and individuator, steeped in ethical moderation, epistemological moderation and individual living, has the discipline, strength, training and orientation to enjoy and to benefit from living under selected, beneficial abstractions, guided by the objective truth and divine wisdom highlighted through the study and application of such abstractions, without his free adherence and obedience to, and his willing self-subjugation to the behavioral rules implicit in and emanating out of said abstraction, from, over time, degrading into an extreme allegiance to his selected cause, as the answer to all problems in the universe, the answer to be forced upon all unwilling habitants across the globe, by torture and the sword, if necessary, "for their own good".
We humans must personally, repeatedly, consciously, publicly and privately state in clear language, that we accept that we are sinners, sick in heart and soul. We instinctive altruists hate ourselves and crave suffering, tyranny, cruelty and mob existence in a mass movement in worship of an enthralling ism that we worship as our demonic ism of choice. We innately lust for the absolute power of powerlessness. We cannot ever get enough control over our neighbors as all are forced to live together as a suppressed, cowed, huddled mass doing the bidding of the Dark Couple.
We must love the Light Couple. We must use our reason, our healthy sentiments and our ennobling intuition to live in accordance with the spiritual and ethical principles that are a part of natural law. It is always complicated, tricky and elusive to know what is objetcively true, what is God's will for us, and how we are to live to be good angels. The force of moderation ontologically at work in the universe renders final, stationary answers about the concerns just previously mentioned hard to nail down with complete certainty, for the targets are always moving and evolving.
We can know how to live. We can discover God's will, but we must be humble regarding our claims to absolutely goodness and intellectual certainty. With these caveats known and lived by, we should be right and in the right most of the time.
Only the individual, as the calm, impartial, sensible thinker and individuator, steeped in ethical moderation, epistemological moderation and individual living, has the discipline, strength, training and orientation to enjoy and to benefit from living under selected, beneficial abstractions, guided by the objective truth and divine wisdom highlighted through the study and application of such abstractions, without his free adherence and obedience to, and his willing self-subjugation to the behavioral rules implicit in and emanating out of said abstraction, from, over time, degrading into an extreme allegiance to his selected cause, as the answer to all problems in the universe, the answer to be forced upon all unwilling habitants across the globe, by torture and the sword, if necessary, "for their own good".
We humans must personally, repeatedly, consciously, publicly and privately state in clear language, that we accept that we are sinners, sick in heart and soul. We instinctive altruists hate ourselves and crave suffering, tyranny, cruelty and mob existence in a mass movement in worship of an enthralling ism that we worship as our demonic ism of choice. We innately lust for the absolute power of powerlessness. We cannot ever get enough control over our neighbors as all are forced to live together as a suppressed, cowed, huddled mass doing the bidding of the Dark Couple.
We must love the Light Couple. We must use our reason, our healthy sentiments and our ennobling intuition to live in accordance with the spiritual and ethical principles that are a part of natural law. It is always complicated, tricky and elusive to know what is objetcively true, what is God's will for us, and how we are to live to be good angels. The force of moderation ontologically at work in the universe renders final, stationary answers about the concerns just previously mentioned hard to nail down with complete certainty, for the targets are always moving and evolving.
We can know how to live. We can discover God's will, but we must be humble regarding our claims to absolutely goodness and intellectual certainty. With these caveats known and lived by, we should be right and in the right most of the time.
Stirner The Pure Irrationalist
The absolute rejection of Abstractions (at least abstractions over the private individual) by Max Stirner and the postmodernists is what I would describe as pure irrationalism, epistemological nihilism and severe epistemological pessimism.
As I read Stirner more and more, it occurs to me that he is a negative, epistemological moderate. In his greatest work, The Unique And Its Property, he cites sample after sample of abstractions that he does not want the self to be possessed by. When the abstraction or cause controls the ego, the self becomes the involuntary egoist and his ownness and property are alienated from himself and he is alienated from himself, as he worships this objective predicate that he now holds as sacred, objective and unassailable.
Rather as the voluntary egoist, the self is to utilize each predicate, creating it and destroying it as the self decides to do. No idea or predicate is to be made sacred and worshiped. None is to be utterly reevred or scornfully dismissed. Each concept is merely one's property to use for one's own pleasure, as long as such utilization brings the self pleasure.
Under Mavellonialism, or positive, moderate epistemology, I would suggest that every idea, every feeling, ever desire and every instinct are all to be preferred or dis-preferred in uneven but proportionate amounts. None is solely good or evil, and none is perfectly true or correct, or bad or incorrect.
None of these manifestations of consciousness or mental contents are to possess one, or be worshiped as the absolute cause or final answer for all humans all the time. When duped egoists take this stance, then, as possessed fanatics, they will hurt others and themselves while promoting and extending the reach of their cause.
Now, reasoning or rationalism (the realm of the objective) more than feeling or irrationalism (the realm of the subjective) is mostly more individual, good and moderate, while the irrational is naturally more groupist, evil and immoderate.
Stirner is an moderate irrationalist more than a immoderate rationalist so he is a epistemologically negative, subjective individualist. I am a moderate rationalist more than a fanatical irrationalist so my epistemological stance is that of an epistemologically positive, objective individualist.
As I move onto my study of Ayn Rand, what I have discovered here about Stirner's and my own epistemologies influence and enlighten my interpretation of her epistemology. This further will be explained and fleshed out as what would serve as the proper, workable epistemology for my book on moderate egoism, which includes my hermeneutics on the works of Mandeville, Stirner and Rand. How this epistemology would apply to the theology of Maellonialism would be an interesting, rewarding inquiry, should I live long enough, and be clear enough in my old age to lay out for the reader such an epistemology.
As I read Stirner more and more, it occurs to me that he is a negative, epistemological moderate. In his greatest work, The Unique And Its Property, he cites sample after sample of abstractions that he does not want the self to be possessed by. When the abstraction or cause controls the ego, the self becomes the involuntary egoist and his ownness and property are alienated from himself and he is alienated from himself, as he worships this objective predicate that he now holds as sacred, objective and unassailable.
Rather as the voluntary egoist, the self is to utilize each predicate, creating it and destroying it as the self decides to do. No idea or predicate is to be made sacred and worshiped. None is to be utterly reevred or scornfully dismissed. Each concept is merely one's property to use for one's own pleasure, as long as such utilization brings the self pleasure.
Under Mavellonialism, or positive, moderate epistemology, I would suggest that every idea, every feeling, ever desire and every instinct are all to be preferred or dis-preferred in uneven but proportionate amounts. None is solely good or evil, and none is perfectly true or correct, or bad or incorrect.
None of these manifestations of consciousness or mental contents are to possess one, or be worshiped as the absolute cause or final answer for all humans all the time. When duped egoists take this stance, then, as possessed fanatics, they will hurt others and themselves while promoting and extending the reach of their cause.
Now, reasoning or rationalism (the realm of the objective) more than feeling or irrationalism (the realm of the subjective) is mostly more individual, good and moderate, while the irrational is naturally more groupist, evil and immoderate.
Stirner is an moderate irrationalist more than a immoderate rationalist so he is a epistemologically negative, subjective individualist. I am a moderate rationalist more than a fanatical irrationalist so my epistemological stance is that of an epistemologically positive, objective individualist.
As I move onto my study of Ayn Rand, what I have discovered here about Stirner's and my own epistemologies influence and enlighten my interpretation of her epistemology. This further will be explained and fleshed out as what would serve as the proper, workable epistemology for my book on moderate egoism, which includes my hermeneutics on the works of Mandeville, Stirner and Rand. How this epistemology would apply to the theology of Maellonialism would be an interesting, rewarding inquiry, should I live long enough, and be clear enough in my old age to lay out for the reader such an epistemology.
Progressive Tyranny
Progressive tyranny does not work and it hurts all. These elitists yoke the people obey and live in compliance with their federal dictums.
When people are subject to the wills of higher-ups, they do not think well or work hard, so the system grinds to a halt, or close to it.
Those that make the masses subject to their will hate their subjects, and loathe themselves. To set someone free to run his own affairs is the only real act of kindness in the world, and only such liberating release has a chance of lessening all the hurt at large and operating in the world.
When people are subject to the wills of higher-ups, they do not think well or work hard, so the system grinds to a halt, or close to it.
Those that make the masses subject to their will hate their subjects, and loathe themselves. To set someone free to run his own affairs is the only real act of kindness in the world, and only such liberating release has a chance of lessening all the hurt at large and operating in the world.
Two Kinds Of Leadership
True and kindly leadership is setting people free, and instilling in them the self-reliance, confidence and skills basic for their taking care of themselves and making it on their own.
False and cruel leadership trends along lines laid out by a tyrant or guru, binding people to himself, and forcing all to be under his thumb. To bend others to one's will is an act of pure hatred.
False and cruel leadership trends along lines laid out by a tyrant or guru, binding people to himself, and forcing all to be under his thumb. To bend others to one's will is an act of pure hatred.
The Transfiguration Of Christ
When Jesus was transfigured on that mountaintop in front of three of his closest disciples, it was almost as if those from the world of the living, the phenomenal world, were offered a glimpse into the divine, eternal world of Spirits, Forms and Ideals, that noumenal world.
Could an individuator ever be transfigured while alive? Not likely. Jesus was a divinity when born, and, though a Son of Man, he was always a divinity, so this disclosure of his nature as it was for his chosen disciples, was so radiant, rare and unique that it was a transfiguration.
Could an individuator ever be transfigured while alive? Not likely. Jesus was a divinity when born, and, though a Son of Man, he was always a divinity, so this disclosure of his nature as it was for his chosen disciples, was so radiant, rare and unique that it was a transfiguration.
All Could Be Prophets
The Mother and the Father are equal opportunity disclosers: they will share their divine message with all willing to tune in. As the receptive believer self-realizes, and climbs the ranks of living angels, entering into great-souledness while still alive, with a calm, sober touch of divine madness thrown in for good measure, that receptive believer might well become a prophet, starting a new faith, or writing a new chapter of the Third Testament.
All possess this receptive aptitude--anyone can become a prophet.
All possess this receptive aptitude--anyone can become a prophet.
Young Women, Armed, Skilled And Ready
If young women are able to
handle firearms, with the confidence and strength of will to use lethal
force if absolutely critical and necessary, should they or their
children, or their country be under attack, whether said young women
exist, in a civilian militia or as formal members of the armed services,
then we have real, concrete, meaningful empowerment of American young
women. That is solid feminism, and neither men, Conservatives or
Progressives, should object to this, or be allowed to oppose it. Strong
women make for strong, independent, self-reliant children, and
responsible, focused, virtuous young adults are the future of this
country, to keep the constitutional republic free and operating smoothly
for another 150 years.
National Gun Registry
There is a report and video online that the ATF is altering its forms to make it easier to make a national gun registry, the first step to citizen gun confiscastion. This is why federal police agencies can never be trusted.
Their lust for power and their desire to disarm the citizentry is their instinctual preference as they are only to willing to serve future socialist President/Dictator so vested in gun confiscation, nationalizing the economy, eliminating the Constitution and all personal freedoms, subjugating and oppressing disarmed citizens.
We must immediately bring pressure on the Trump Administration to kill this early attempt to build a national gun registry, done within the Administration, be federal police, on the sly.
Their lust for power and their desire to disarm the citizentry is their instinctual preference as they are only to willing to serve future socialist President/Dictator so vested in gun confiscation, nationalizing the economy, eliminating the Constitution and all personal freedoms, subjugating and oppressing disarmed citizens.
We must immediately bring pressure on the Trump Administration to kill this early attempt to build a national gun registry, done within the Administration, be federal police, on the sly.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Conservatism may not be dead, but it is very ill, and conservatism and Republicanism are not synonymous.
Genius In Politics
2/22/2020: The reason that the Minnesota GOP Establishment statewide is viciously attacking MGR, Megastar, and Minnesota Right To Life is that they are really upset by bruising beating that these grassroots uprisers have put on them and the DFL.
The Dorrs brother possess brilliant political acumen. They do not lobby like other lobbyists at the state capitol, like Minnesota Gun Owner Caucus and the NRA. These two organization are owned by the politicians and do their bidding. They are whores and puppets manipulated by and beholden to their whore-masters and puppeteers, the special interests, the politicians and bureaucrats running things in St. Paul.
What the RINOs are furious about is that the Dorrs and the other upstart conservative organizations have exposed them totally, and the voters of Minnesota are on to them. RINOs grow big government, grow the welfare state, grow the socialist monster in St. Paul, they fund abortion, suppress gun rights and grow tyranny against the citizens and taxpayers. The Republicans, the Democrats and the Independents in St. Paul are the swamp, and they like it that way. They do not feel guilty but are angry at being exposed by the Dorr’s et al, and fear losing their power, access and money.
Aaron Dorr has a shrewd understanding of the dangers of a lobbyist being an insider, too close to and walking too often, too long in the corridors of state power. Politicians corrupt the lobbyists, and the lobbyists corrupt the politicians, and all get rich, get powerful, lose their souls and grow the state and tyranny, as a ruling elite disenfranchising, living off of, and ordering about the citizens and taxpayers, not serving them, not representing their constituency, not serving the public interest.
Aaron Dorr, I believe, taught his younger brothers, and other nascent no-compromise gun lobbyists from around the country, to stay out of the corridors of power at state capitols. Put in an occasional appearance, shoot some videos for loyal members, testify when possible, and talk to a few politicians, and push some gun rights legislation, while combating gun-grabbing legislation.
Aaron wants voters to be the actual lobbyists, doing the actual lobbying be done by the citizens, by the tens or even hundreds of thousands. When grass roots lobbying from a politician's district yell at him, and threaten to not for his reelection, then he is scared. Aaron shows great insight into human voters. The people have the real power, and always did. If they wake up, get informed, organize, stay politically alert, engaged, and communicate to their elected officials that they, the voters, are the bosses and will not tolerate deviation by politicians from voter orders given and betrayed.
I see a future where we make America and Minnesota great again. We once again have limited government, a greatly expanded civil society, much smaller leaner government no longer social engineering, and violating the Constitution as Progressives have done for the past 100 years. We will again live under our constitutional republic with our full right to bear arms, with our free market economy with much restored personal liberties and privacy without government intrusion and meddlesome micromanagement. If we become what I refer to as self-realizing, religions supercitizens, we can make this grass roots movement grow until we reestablish America the rich, powerful, free and beautiful for another 100 years.
The swamp-dwellers in St. Paul are liars, thieves, authoritarian thugs, elitists of the worst kind, scammer and con men. They want the Dorrs to come to the capitol and stay there so that the legislators can surround them, bribe them, schmooze, flatter, bride and dictate to them, until they are enthralled, owned, bought and sold, and betraying the common people, like the rest of the lobbyists, special interests and insider swamp-dwellers.
Lobbyists ensnare the new politicians until they betray their campaign promises. Veteran, sold-out, jaded politicians ensnare new lobbyists until they sell out to and become part of the broken system.
Only by staying no-compromise, working from outside the swamp, and by firing up the little people to take over the system and boot all the swamp-dwellers out of office--only then will the socialist juggernaut be halted. Only then will unlimited, ever expanding big state government will limited in size and scope as it has gobbled up more and more of the economy and private wealth.
MGR is a grassroots reform group to protect our gun rights. We do believe in the constitutional republic. We do assert that the people are the boss to be obeyed by their politicians or else. We do believe in natural rights, including God's gift of bearing arms for us to defend ourselves and our nation against violent attack from within and without. Liberty must and will be restored.
In their attacks on the Dorrs and us, the swamp-dwellers accuse the Dorrs of being scammers and con men who do no work for their money, who do not lobby at the capitol, who have no influence. Really? The Dorrs are outsiders.
I believe that we are all born in sin. God made us this way and gave us the Constitution, our republic and our rights so that we could be religious, moral, educated citizens able to handle liberty and enjoy our private property, happiness and preserved lives with limited but strong government in place to protect and guarantee these rights, without being without internal checks and balances so that it turns tyrannical, and those in power become entrenched elites addicted to power and working tirelessly to exploit, subjugate, bully, terrorize, tyrannize and abuse he citizens--like the swamp-dwellers crave to succeed at in their abuse of power to deprive Minnesotans of the right to have and bear arms.
My hunch is that the early idealists in the NRA once were anti-Establishment, but not they are part and parcel of the Establishment, owned, sold out and promoting gun control. If the Dorrs ever become successful insiders, we will have to be reluctant to trust them, for once the swamp takes in a lobby group leadership, they become its servants, they forget why they came to the capitol in the first place.
Ben Dorr warns us to trust no politician and not assume that they are not betraying us and lying to us. It matters not if they are Republican or Democrat. If they promise to fight gun control and advance gun rights, but do not introduce the bills to the floor and vote as they have promised, or if they actively sponsor gun control legislation or at least do not obviate it, they are traitors.
One of the most genuine and satisfying ways to feel good about oneself, is to receive periodic kudos, from self and others, about a job well done. To be skilled is to feel skilled, to feel worthy and able to be of esteem to the self and the community.
Get skilled soon. There is no substitute for being able, very able, even talented, even gifted.
Get skilled soon. There is no substitute for being able, very able, even talented, even gifted.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
are engaged, fierce, focused fighters, are ruthless because they are
fanatics, true believers, guilty of groupthink. They move as one huge,
united mob because they are advancing the Progressive mass movement, and
this is their religion. They are effective because they are so united,
and it makes them powerful, and they are winning the cultural war.
Conservatives have to fight back as aggressively, as focused, tireless
and willful as are the Progressives. This is the only way that we can
repel them and defeat them, especially regarding advancing gun rights.
The Attackers
that Progressives, State Republicans and RINOS accuse MGR and the
Dorrs, impugning them as liars, frauds, scammers and thieves--all the
time that these political whores have their hand out to the highest
bidder all the time. They lie, cheat, steal and deprive us of our
liberties by growing government and tyranny. The corrupt accuse MGR of
what they are guilty of themselves, just like the Left accuses Trump of
what they are actually guilty of.
RINO Incoming
Republican traitors are turning vicious towards MGR because they are
like cornered rats that fight back with all they have. We must double
down and triple down and defeat these bastards to defend our gun rights.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Among The Sinners
A good conservative has more work to do among the socialist sinners in Minnesota than in solid, red North Dakota.
Set Free
The truth will set you free. When you are honest and open, you can receive advice and divine correction, and then as you self-transform, you will be able to let your sinful life begin to slip away from you.
A Virtuous People
A virtuous people are an honest people. A virtuous people are a moral people that behave themselves and keep the civil society in good working order, so freedom can function here, and no authoritarianism is welcome or required.
The Direct Appioach
Social justice warriors clamor for government take over of the free market economy to redistribute wealth. Our loss of liberty and our wealth would result from such legalized robbery.
It is revolutionary and quite corrupt, to be strongly opposed.
It is revolutionary and quite corrupt, to be strongly opposed.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Do It On Your Own
Boot-strap your way to independence, prosperity and self-sufficiency. Nothing makes one so justifiably and positively proude as being self-made.
Follow The Dream
Capitalism is a working economic miracle system. In America, if you have a vision of a better life for yourself, get after it, and work hard, smart and long, you will win the brass ring.
Keep God Happy
Do your level best with your good will, your maverizing, you righteousness and faithful to live in line with God. God will be pleased and De's blessing will be yours.
Little Mikey
Mike Bloomberg (today is 2/18/20) is on video from 2016 dismissing and disrespecting farmers as dumb. He also demeans the factory workers--and by extension--blue collar workers as not very bright, and they work would be easy to duplicate because it is so mindless.
New York liberals and intellectuals like Bloomberg always look down on workers that work with their hands and get their hands dirty. Elitism is not based on intellectuals being superior to farmers and blue collar workers, but it is based on their really believing that they are smarter and better than those that work with their hands.
New York liberals and intellectuals like Bloomberg always look down on workers that work with their hands and get their hands dirty. Elitism is not based on intellectuals being superior to farmers and blue collar workers, but it is based on their really believing that they are smarter and better than those that work with their hands.
The Reagan Miracle
On Page 105, of his book Liberty and Tyranny, points out the the Reagan economic miracle is what happens when capitalism and liberty are unleashed together: "The Reagan economic program, based largely on free market principles, spurred economic prosperity that created, over the next twenty-five years, for forty-three million jobs and $30 trillion in wealth."
The Statists are having any of that: "But the Statist is committed to a different course.He is unmoved by reason, evidence, and history. The danger to the individual and civil society from his constant assault on liberty and private property cannot be emphasized enough."
The Statists are having any of that: "But the Statist is committed to a different course.He is unmoved by reason, evidence, and history. The danger to the individual and civil society from his constant assault on liberty and private property cannot be emphasized enough."
The Drain
In Liberty and Tyranny, Page 103, Mark Levin reminds us that government is a drain on the economy, not a creator of value and wealth: "The government does not add value to the economy. It removes value from the economy by imposing taxes on one citizen and providing cash to another. Or it borrows money that would otherwise be used by investors and redistributes it elsewhere. Or it prints more money and threatens the value of the dollar. Nothing is stimulated. Spending power is not increased. Moreover, politicians and bureaucrats are substituting their uninformed, largely political decisions for those of the marketplace. Their past miscalculations demonstrate that they do not and cannot possess information, knowledge, means and discipline to manage the economy."
Monday, February 17, 2020
Angry Lefties
how these Progressives hate America, freedom, whites, white males,
babies and gun ownership. They are seething with rage, anger, bitterness
and raw hatred. These are not happy, good, grateful people. They do not
love themselves, America or anyone. We must fight back against them,
and give them no deference, no obedience and scant political victories.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Appeasement Fails
Appeasement against Leftist aggressors is the traditional way that conservatism has ceded ground to statism.
The Flood
The Progressives are assaulting the American Way of life as never before, and this inundation is taking hold. We must fight back with all that we can muster to stem the tide, and preserve the greatest country and way of life that this world has ever encountered.
The Transmission
I am working to finish my philosophy of Mavellonialism (largely complete in my four books long since published) so that a new generation of Americans going forward in this 21st century can inherit a view of life that liberates every human that studies these principles and lives in accordance with them.
Rushing Around
Move swiftly but carefully. Move fast but mindfully so that you do not plunge into quagmires, or form relationships or do violence, when prudence and caution would have allowed you to hold yourself back.
You should be honest, and control your thievery, not yielding to temptation emanating from your larecenous heart. You work hard, earn money and buy what you need and want. You do not steal it. You respect the private property of others, and demand the same hands-off attitude towards your property.
Common Sense
Is it is good reasonable and consistent with common sense? It likely is more times than not but not always.
What Is Good
Most of what is good is true, logical, rational and comprehensible, while what is evil is false, illogical, irrational and meaningless.
Still the good could be false, and the bad could be logical for the world is complex more often than it is simple and obvious.
Still the good could be false, and the bad could be logical for the world is complex more often than it is simple and obvious.
There is much in life that does not make sense, that is contradictory, illogical, pointless and unfathomable.
With all our advances in science and knowledge, we humans cannot yet and may never be able to make sense of it all.
With all our advances in science and knowledge, we humans cannot yet and may never be able to make sense of it all.
Abstractionism is supposed to occur when a thinker falsely or mistakenly attributes actual existence in the world, to something that is but a name, or symbol representing a universal concept.
If the name or symbol assigned to a concept is indeed a relationship of pure chance, then hypostatization has actually occurred.
But part of me believes that Hegel and other idealists have it right. God's language, thinking, written code that is natural law laid out in words, in syllogism or by mathematical signs and proofs. In these instances, it could well be that language, reason and logic, if properly stated and clearly communicated, might well indeed be existent and one with the Forms, the essences, that they are simultaneously characterizing.
If the name or symbol assigned to a concept is indeed a relationship of pure chance, then hypostatization has actually occurred.
But part of me believes that Hegel and other idealists have it right. God's language, thinking, written code that is natural law laid out in words, in syllogism or by mathematical signs and proofs. In these instances, it could well be that language, reason and logic, if properly stated and clearly communicated, might well indeed be existent and one with the Forms, the essences, that they are simultaneously characterizing.
Amy Klobuchar
Amy Klobuchar is not bright
but she is a Leftist fanatic, and they salivate just thinking about
grabbing guns. Never believe that because someone that is stupid, that
that makes them any less determined to crush us, that they still cannot
hurt us. There are a lot of fools out there like her that hate free
Americans wield arms and asserting their 2A rights.
Profiles In Political Courage
Here is a profile in political courage. These are the caliber of politicians that Minnesotans requir
The Roseau County Board of Commissioners voted this past week to pass a resolution declaring the northwestern Minnesota county to be a "Second Amendment Dedicated County".
We need more and more counties to make it a litmus test for endorsement that all candidates for county commissioner and state legislature support such resolutions as a condition of receiving endorsements from MGR.
First, we must prevent the Legislature from passing gun control bills, but we must stay on offense across the state to build support for our 2A freedoms, and shoring up such support county by county is a solid way to prevent gun control, and build momentum to pass pro-gun legislation state-wide.
Chris Dorr points out that these county sanctuary resolutions are feel-good exercises that need to be local ordinances to fight against state gun-control laws.
The Roseau County Board of Commissioners voted this past week to pass a resolution declaring the northwestern Minnesota county to be a "Second Amendment Dedicated County".
We need more and more counties to make it a litmus test for endorsement that all candidates for county commissioner and state legislature support such resolutions as a condition of receiving endorsements from MGR.
First, we must prevent the Legislature from passing gun control bills, but we must stay on offense across the state to build support for our 2A freedoms, and shoring up such support county by county is a solid way to prevent gun control, and build momentum to pass pro-gun legislation state-wide.
Chris Dorr points out that these county sanctuary resolutions are feel-good exercises that need to be local ordinances to fight against state gun-control laws.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Max Stirner, to the contrary, universals or abstractions are illuminating, beneficial, meaningful, useful and true.
But Max has a point: we are not to worship them as idols, and defend their perpetuation by brutal force, snaring people dishonorably to join our cause.
But Max has a point: we are not to worship them as idols, and defend their perpetuation by brutal force, snaring people dishonorably to join our cause.
Prager Video
I thought I was the only one that opined that socialism makes people more selfish and that capitalism makes people less selfish.
I just watched a three year old video narrated by Dennis Prager in which he plainly announces that capitalism makes people less selflish and socialism makes them more selfish, and he is right here.
Both he and I believe people are innately wicked, and must be taught to be good. He misunderstands what evil is, and it is selflessness. Self-centered people are selfish, mean, self-hating and other hating, and in packs are capable to huge cruelty towards outsiders and group victims.
He defines goodness as selflessness, generosity, other-interest more than self-interest. I define goodness as egoistic, not altruistic, as self-centered and unselfish, not other-centered and selfish. Enlightened self-interest trumps other-interest.
With these qualifications and explannations laid out, I must admire how nicely he lays out the case in this video that socialism makes people selfish and dependent on government and their parents, parasites only looking to get more and more free goodies that they have been taught that they are entitled to without any exertion at all. For the government to take care of them makes them selfish, to demand more, not work for more or offer more. They are taught, come to believe and assert that their entitlements are their rights that they are entitled too, which they need not feel grateful for. They are bad people, unhappy and ungrateful, and the welfare state made them this way, Dennis argues.
He explains that capitalism, the free market economy and profit motive produce a work force and citizens that are responsible, working, self-sufficient and unselfish. They know that have to work more if they want more.
Once again, Dennis nails it.
I just watched a three year old video narrated by Dennis Prager in which he plainly announces that capitalism makes people less selflish and socialism makes them more selfish, and he is right here.
Both he and I believe people are innately wicked, and must be taught to be good. He misunderstands what evil is, and it is selflessness. Self-centered people are selfish, mean, self-hating and other hating, and in packs are capable to huge cruelty towards outsiders and group victims.
He defines goodness as selflessness, generosity, other-interest more than self-interest. I define goodness as egoistic, not altruistic, as self-centered and unselfish, not other-centered and selfish. Enlightened self-interest trumps other-interest.
With these qualifications and explannations laid out, I must admire how nicely he lays out the case in this video that socialism makes people selfish and dependent on government and their parents, parasites only looking to get more and more free goodies that they have been taught that they are entitled to without any exertion at all. For the government to take care of them makes them selfish, to demand more, not work for more or offer more. They are taught, come to believe and assert that their entitlements are their rights that they are entitled too, which they need not feel grateful for. They are bad people, unhappy and ungrateful, and the welfare state made them this way, Dennis argues.
He explains that capitalism, the free market economy and profit motive produce a work force and citizens that are responsible, working, self-sufficient and unselfish. They know that have to work more if they want more.
Once again, Dennis nails it.
Absolute Truth
Does it exist, this utterly certain truth that is objectively real, perfect, infallible and never changing? It might, but I do not know if human capacity in langauage and capacity could comprehend such objective truth, even if it did exist.
I will settle for my fallibilistic, 2nd best probably certain truth, good enough to live by. That is the prudent, moderate line to adopt.
I will settle for my fallibilistic, 2nd best probably certain truth, good enough to live by. That is the prudent, moderate line to adopt.
Creative Destruction
Mark Levin, In Liberty and Tyranny, Page 92 and 93, points out that Statists do enormous damage by interfering in free market economy. The genius of the capitalist system is its investors taking risks and amassing wealth and sometimes losing their fortune, and this creative change, this open-ended creative destruction is the essential fact about capitalism. As the economy changes and the business cycle unfolds, the economy grows and most people prosper as winners. Statists and Big Government, seeking to right wrongs, to provide social justice to employees, etc., just makes it all worse.
Nothing Learned, Nothing Forgiven
Statists learned nothing from their disastrous federal, banking policies in the housing industry that about bankrupted the country in 2008. On Page 87 of Liberty and Tyranny, Mark Levin offers this assesment of their performance: "The crisis created in the financial market is of the Statist's making. But he learns nothing of the destruction he unleashes, for he is not motivated by virtue and he does not act with prudence. Instead, his framework is ideological."
The Left, especially in power running Big Government, mismanage everything that they control and put their hands on. And they double down, supremely convinced of their superiority, rationalizing that massive past failures justify them appropriating more and more power to themselves. Inevitably they mismanage all that they touch and control, all the while awarding each other for their brilliance in action.
Psalm 103, 13
Fear of the Lord is not only the beginning of wisdom, it also please God, not that God needs, is seeking from us or requires us to fear him. It is only that a follower of a leader has to show a bit of fear in order for the relationship to be real and effective. It is a concrete indicator to God that the believer does take the relationship seriously, and it actively, wholeheartedly engaged in communing with the Deity: "As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those that fear him. . ."
Once we indicate to God that we are all in, as evinced by our fearing God, God is that much more willing to be generous, or compassionate towards us.
Once we indicate to God that we are all in, as evinced by our fearing God, God is that much more willing to be generous, or compassionate towards us.
Psalm 103, 8-10
May you come to appreciate how gracious and merciful is God: "Merciful and gracious is the Lord, slow to anger and abounding in kindness. He will not always chide, nor does he keep his wrath forever. Not according to our sins does he deal with us, nor does he requite us according to our crimes."
We Will Serve God
We will serve the Mother and the Father, as living angels, and one day, as eternal Great Spirits administering the Light Couple's kingdom, here on earth and through out the universe.
Pslam 103, 2-5
God is kind to us: "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits; He pardons all your iniquities, he heals all your ills. He redeems your life from destruction, he crowns you with kindness and compassion, He fills your lifetime with good; your youth is renewed like the eagle."
Voters In Minnesota Taking Over The State
is brilliant and inspirational for stirring grassroots support. The
voters in America have been meek, used to going to politicians humbly,
with heads down, pleading with elitist politicians for a few crumbs,
while these Progressive snobs and ideologues grow government, cramp our
culture, steal our gun rights, and demolish our free market economy. Our
submissive, passive, polite deference towards our big city masters and
mistresses have resulted in us coming close to losing our nation. For us
to make America great again, to restore our constitutional republic, to
keep our gun rights uninfringed, we must be more organized, more bossy
towards politicians, more politically involved, more aggressive, more
vocal to win.
Under MGR Pressure
work over RINOCRAT Anderson, Ben. Let us double, triple the pressure to
kill gun-grabbing RINOS to kill our gun rights. Gun safety legislation
is gun-grabbing, and power-grabbing. The Left brings tyranny and loss of
rights. They wants our brave American people reduce to serfdom like
Medieval peasants.
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Social Engineering
Social engineering is a Progressive assault to society and individual liberty by wielding government power to interfere in private lives, in business and in the civil society.
Bless The Lord, Psalm 103, 1
Bless the Lord: "Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all my being, bless his holy name."
Time Grows Short
Time grows short, so what have to done with your life to offer as a gift to God when you are gone and before St. Peter's gate?
You Will Be Notified
God will contact you to inform you as to what De wants from you. See that you get the message and do as bidden.
Ben Dorr
Keep up the pressure, Ben. We need to fight like hell to keep the crazy Lefties from infringing on our gun rights
Monday, February 10, 2020
Grass Roots Reform To Take Over The Government
is a grassroots reform group of lobbying citizens out to take over
government, rather than be ordered about by and controlled by government.
Mark Levin suggests that if one does not defend the 2nd Amendment, then
one is not for the Bill of Rights. The no-compromise gun movement here
and nationally has the potential to improve and defend gun rights, while
serving as a spearhead of conservative reform restoring the
constitutional republic.
Out In Force
Haters out in force. So what. We gun-owners are going to out in force to pound them into the ground
Sunday, February 9, 2020
We are such a great
people in such grave danger, and all the Left can do is apologize for
our enemies and let the borders stay open so they can get here and hurt
us. It is madness.
Stoning A Sinner
I just saw on online video of Muslims somewhere stoning a woman to death. There is a Devil that exists and this is proof of it, and the vicious, cruel stoning is done in God's name. God is a God of peace and love, but this prehistoric practice needs to end. These Islamist true believers seek to bring shariah law and their caliphate to dominate the West, and this is a pure example of what we would have to look forward to.
Wicked People
Progressives hate free
Americans, their liberty, their natural rights, and their right to bear
arms. First then they overthrow our republic, then
they confiscate our guns, and then their federal police will have their
way with us. These are wicked people up to no good at all.
The Absolute
I have never regarded the Mother and Father as absolutely anything--omniscient, omnipotent, all-loving, eternal, unchanging (Pure Being), Necessary Being and Perfect (Never Becoming or Self-Perfecting), but they are pretty close to being all-knowing, all-powerful and all-loving.
Fate is the One, the Many, the Absolute, the Cipher, the Everything, the Nothing.
Fate is the One, the Many, the Absolute, the Cipher, the Everything, the Nothing.
If you are unwilling to think, to read, to wonder, to listen, to ask question, then you will not grow existentially or intellectually. You will remain clueless, a conformist ignoramus, guilty of zombie-like obedience, deference and reverence towards the group-thinked clique that you worship, a clique undeserving of all the compliments and affection that you bestow on it.
Be self-willed and strong-willed, but not arrogant, pigheaded unreasonable and closed off to all correction, especially when you are in the wrong, and in need of correction.
The Balance
If you mull over how to act, you might well discover that the golden mean is that rough, approximate touchstone that you can mark your gold alloys with to check color authenticity.
We cannot accept the view of amoralists like Max Stirner that demean and dismiss any ethical standard to live by. People are born evil, the world is wicked and run by Satan, and children are born without sufficient good instincts to know how to act and live without long training and instruction from wise loving parents, the church and social institutions. As group-livers and emotionalist followers, allowing their selfish and destructive passion to run rampant, children will not do well or thrive in the jungle of tradition-less society. Children need an ethical system and religious faith to bring them to moral and spiritual healthy.
Still, non-aristotelians like Stirner have a point. Where custom, doctrine or faith are adhered to absolutely by true-believing millions of adherents, tyranny, intolerance, cruelty to differing believers and dissidents follow, and that cannot be countenanced.
In America, we want, deserve and require want ordered liberty in this constitutional republic under the rule of law. We insist that God and ethics guide our people but not too the degree unacceptable and stemming from theocratic fascism.
Some practices and behavior are evil, need to be called out as such and opposed by the majority of good, moral, law-abiding believers and citizens of society. Evil should be recognized, denounced and shut down early, fast and hard to keep society clean and honest.
We can enjoy virtue in the neighborhood without resorting to theocracy despotism to get there and stay ther
We cannot accept the view of amoralists like Max Stirner that demean and dismiss any ethical standard to live by. People are born evil, the world is wicked and run by Satan, and children are born without sufficient good instincts to know how to act and live without long training and instruction from wise loving parents, the church and social institutions. As group-livers and emotionalist followers, allowing their selfish and destructive passion to run rampant, children will not do well or thrive in the jungle of tradition-less society. Children need an ethical system and religious faith to bring them to moral and spiritual healthy.
Still, non-aristotelians like Stirner have a point. Where custom, doctrine or faith are adhered to absolutely by true-believing millions of adherents, tyranny, intolerance, cruelty to differing believers and dissidents follow, and that cannot be countenanced.
In America, we want, deserve and require want ordered liberty in this constitutional republic under the rule of law. We insist that God and ethics guide our people but not too the degree unacceptable and stemming from theocratic fascism.
Some practices and behavior are evil, need to be called out as such and opposed by the majority of good, moral, law-abiding believers and citizens of society. Evil should be recognized, denounced and shut down early, fast and hard to keep society clean and honest.
We can enjoy virtue in the neighborhood without resorting to theocracy despotism to get there and stay ther
Farhad Manjoo
He is an op-ed columnist for The New York Times. Breitbart News picked up his Times article and commented on it on about 2/5/20. The gist of Manjoo's piece is urging that in the future Americans cannot be allowed to bring up their children in the suburbs with plenty of greenery and land waste, in opulent, wasteful single-family homes.
Manoo foresees the death of suburbia as millions and millions of people pour into America from all over the world. What was urban sprawl with suburbs will be repurposed into apartments, tiny homes, duplexes, etc.
He wants government to manage all of this degrowth collapsing of spacious suburban housing stock into Moscow-style, dreary high-rise apartment living with all living, working in the city, and taking mass transit to work.
He is just another Communist that is pro-open borders, anti-white, anti-middle class and anti-American.
Keep your damned Progressive hands off our our middle class guns, lives, property, privacy and our free market economy.
Manoo foresees the death of suburbia as millions and millions of people pour into America from all over the world. What was urban sprawl with suburbs will be repurposed into apartments, tiny homes, duplexes, etc.
He wants government to manage all of this degrowth collapsing of spacious suburban housing stock into Moscow-style, dreary high-rise apartment living with all living, working in the city, and taking mass transit to work.
He is just another Communist that is pro-open borders, anti-white, anti-middle class and anti-American.
Keep your damned Progressive hands off our our middle class guns, lives, property, privacy and our free market economy.
Rapid Response
Like everything else, there are times when a rapid response is the only proper response: to pull a child from in front of a car with a second to spare, to try get people out of a burning house.
There are other times when a calm, cool, deliberate, delayed, pondered response is best. When in traffic and someone flips you the finger, you are better off just ignoring them and driving on. When a charlatan wants to get the best of you in a business deal, they strive to force you to say yes immediately, so that they can rip you off and be gone before you even know what has happened to you.
When angered, startled or tempted, hesitation and delay can be your smartest reaction, lest you escalate a fight, or make a serious blunder.
Rapid response as the best and only response? It depends on the situation.
There are other times when a calm, cool, deliberate, delayed, pondered response is best. When in traffic and someone flips you the finger, you are better off just ignoring them and driving on. When a charlatan wants to get the best of you in a business deal, they strive to force you to say yes immediately, so that they can rip you off and be gone before you even know what has happened to you.
When angered, startled or tempted, hesitation and delay can be your smartest reaction, lest you escalate a fight, or make a serious blunder.
Rapid response as the best and only response? It depends on the situation.
Leftist Thugs
Leftist thugs and fanatics act just like thugs working for Hitler in the 20s in Germany.
Saturday, February 8, 2020
On Offense
Either we are on offense or we are on defense. The Socialists are ever attacking, ever relentless.
the grass roots is the only way to restore our constitutional republic.
Either politicians learn once more to obey the little people, and do
their bidding, or the swamp will grow even more powerful until the
country is lost.
Psalm 102, 13
We are mortal and perish as if we were never here, but God abides forever: "But you, O Lord, abide forever, and your name through all generations."
Psalm 102, 2-3
I am afflicted by my enemies, dear God--save me from them: "Oh Lord, hear my prayer, and let my cry come to you. Hide not your face from me in the day of my distress. Incline your ear to me; in the day when I call, answer me speedily.
Fallible Empirical Judgements
Can no empirical judgement be regarded as the absolute truth. That is my take, but my ontological doctrine of moderation recognizes that there is an exception to most or all rules, so it could well be that a few empirical judgements are necessarily so.
I am willing to make ethical decisions with great confidence, just based on probable certainty. It is more destructive an evil to society to refuse to make decisions than it is to make decisions that are only right most of the time, but not all the time.
I am willing to make ethical decisions with great confidence, just based on probable certainty. It is more destructive an evil to society to refuse to make decisions than it is to make decisions that are only right most of the time, but not all the time.
Synthetic Necessary Statements
- knowledge? I do not know but if they are actually anaylitic propositions, they are necessarily true. If they are empirical statements, perhaps there certainty is probable, and that is enough to live on and make judgementsy.
Necessary Knowledge
Apparently to deny an analytic statement is to deny or self-contradict an apriori statement, and that woul be an act of lunacy and absurdity.
Is there ever a case where a contradictory or self-contradictory statement about and denying the truth of an analytical proposition, could be true, sensible and meaningful? Perhaps extreme fallibilists would make this claim, and epistemological moderates too, but, in the main, we cannot contradict an analyitic statement or true synthetic statement without talking nonsense, a lie.
Is there ever a case where a contradictory or self-contradictory statement about and denying the truth of an analytical proposition, could be true, sensible and meaningful? Perhaps extreme fallibilists would make this claim, and epistemological moderates too, but, in the main, we cannot contradict an analyitic statement or true synthetic statement without talking nonsense, a lie.
Home Invader
Home Invasion is one of the
ugliest breaches of personal privacy and sense of safety. Whatever harm
comes to the invader is on him.
Friday, February 7, 2020
Unleashed MGR Hounds
Unleash us hounds-- it is time for us to chew on the legs of some RINOS and DFLers.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Centrally Planned Economy
A centrally planned economy is the statist dream come true but a tyrannical nightmare pushed onto the rest of protesting but helpless people.
He Knows Best
Most individuals, especially the individuating ones, know best what they need to succeed and survive, better than conforming to some mandate triggered by some government official pleased with himself, that he knows best how to arrange and direct the individual's private affairs.
Psalm 101, 6, God Rewards The Faithful
God rewards the faithful: "My eyes are upon the faithful of the land, and they may dwell with me. He who walks in the way of integrity shall be in my service."
God Despises Evildoers
Psalm 101, 2-4: God despises evildoers: "I will walk in the integrity of my heart, within my house; I will not set before my eyes any base thing. I hate him who does perversely; he shall not remain with me. A crooked heart shall be far from me; evil I will not know."
Take Charge
Take charge of your life and your affairs. Notify the world that you have arrived, that you mean business, and that you are embarked in making a difference, and a name for yourself.
Be Wary But Honest
Be wary but honest in all of your business dealings. Cozen none, and be taken by none.
Reverse Racist
The new CEO of Starbucks, a black woman, supposedly does not like white people. I believe that: many Progressives hate white people, especially straight white males.
I have long warned that this popular form of racism will one day lead to genocide, pogroms against whites and genocide against us. We must stay strong, united, armed and willing to fight back, even resorting to civil war as a last resort.
I have long warned that this popular form of racism will one day lead to genocide, pogroms against whites and genocide against us. We must stay strong, united, armed and willing to fight back, even resorting to civil war as a last resort.
Only Fate, not the Light Couple or the Dark Couple, is Absolute, Absolute Everythingness and Absolute Nothingness.
I cannnot aver that I am a moderate ethically and ontologically while accepting absolutis stances.
You must know your own mind, and steer your course to meet your own ambitions and needs, strong in mind, and clear in conscience as you blaze your trail forward.
I would be most hesitant to proclaim that any of my positions are incontestable, but I am confident that I am right most of the time.
Reason is the most angelic psychic tool that we wield, and it can lead humanity towards godliness and goodness, more than by utilizing anything else.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Madison''s Angels
This is the title of an article published by Fox News on 7/3/2002 and by The Washington Post on 7/5/2002. It was written by James M. Buchanan.
It starts off with a famous quote from James Madison. Let me quote the first paragraph: "'But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature. If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In forming a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.'--James Madison, The Federalist, No. 51."
Madison notes that angels are basically good, so they need no government to control them because they are completely peaceful, lawabiding and cooperative in a pure, anarchist state. Humans, born depraved, require government or external law and order to help them behave themselves. If all-good angels ruled us, there would be no need to control the controllers, but, since men rule men and are born depraved, and turn tyrannical, corrupt and vicious as they amass more and more power to themselves, seeking to feed their addiction to centralized power, never satisfied, never satiated, never having enough congregated power.
Buchanan offers that:"Government is necessary, but it must be restrained."
It starts off with a famous quote from James Madison. Let me quote the first paragraph: "'But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature. If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In forming a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.'--James Madison, The Federalist, No. 51."
Madison notes that angels are basically good, so they need no government to control them because they are completely peaceful, lawabiding and cooperative in a pure, anarchist state. Humans, born depraved, require government or external law and order to help them behave themselves. If all-good angels ruled us, there would be no need to control the controllers, but, since men rule men and are born depraved, and turn tyrannical, corrupt and vicious as they amass more and more power to themselves, seeking to feed their addiction to centralized power, never satisfied, never satiated, never having enough congregated power.
Buchanan offers that:"Government is necessary, but it must be restrained."
Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson have a Prager U video out about the evils of intersectionality (the hierarchy of identity groups/victim status claimed by the oppressed, putatively held down by straight white males.
We need to live as individuated individuals first, and members of identity groups, third, and second in denial or claiming victim status as empowered and responsible for our personal outcomes.
We need to live as individuated individuals first, and members of identity groups, third, and second in denial or claiming victim status as empowered and responsible for our personal outcomes.
If You Love Humanity
If you love humanity you will support two empowering, liberating structures: free market capitalism and the spread of constitutional republicanism.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Born Kind?
I read an article on Drudge Report tonight (12/4/20). It was written by John Anderer, today.
Its title: "Born Kind? Researchers Prove Altruism Begins Infancy. The assertion that people are fundamentally good (altruistic) putatively is proven that babies voluntarily shared their fruit with adult researchers at an University of Washington experiment, including a control group and an experimental group of 100 19-month old infants.
Let me define terms first. Moral goodness is an egoistic, or self-centered drive, and includes socially beneficial tendencies like caring, cooperating, sharing and working together.
Moral evil is altruistic behavior. The selfless individual is a selfish individual that competes against others in a law-of-the-jungle mode. Altruism is group-oriented.
The egoist is more generous and the altruist is more selfish.
As Anderer points out, human nature is complicated. I have never denied that we have innate generous drives, but is is a minority propensity and grow out of individualism.
I assert that we are not basically good because we are altruistic, and in groups, we are selfish and dog-eat-dog more than not.
Its title: "Born Kind? Researchers Prove Altruism Begins Infancy. The assertion that people are fundamentally good (altruistic) putatively is proven that babies voluntarily shared their fruit with adult researchers at an University of Washington experiment, including a control group and an experimental group of 100 19-month old infants.
Let me define terms first. Moral goodness is an egoistic, or self-centered drive, and includes socially beneficial tendencies like caring, cooperating, sharing and working together.
Moral evil is altruistic behavior. The selfless individual is a selfish individual that competes against others in a law-of-the-jungle mode. Altruism is group-oriented.
The egoist is more generous and the altruist is more selfish.
As Anderer points out, human nature is complicated. I have never denied that we have innate generous drives, but is is a minority propensity and grow out of individualism.
I assert that we are not basically good because we are altruistic, and in groups, we are selfish and dog-eat-dog more than not.
Evil Progressives
Mark Gallagher, on the radio this morning, offered that many Leftists are evil, miserable, nasty, unhappy, angry people, haters that are hateful. Mike offered that when Ruth Ginsberg got cancer a while back, no conservatives wished her ill, but many Progressives went on social media to wish Rush Limbaugh ill.
Former CNN commentator, Reza Aslan, for example, wrote this: "Ask yourself this simple question: is the world a better or worse place with Rush Limbaugh in it?"
My answer: Rush has been my touchstone for years, for understanding the Leftist mindset. He is brilliant, a moral and intellectual giant, that understand the enemies of America so well, and that is what angers them the most. He is not fooled by them in the least. He is onto them and has their number, and he translates their lies, their false narratives, their smears. He has awakened millions of Americans to how dangerous they are, and that they are a mass movement of America-haters that will not rest until America is reduced to a Marxist dicatorship.
God bless Rush and may he survive this frightening cancer scare, and recover to lead us for years ahead.
Monday, February 3, 2020
The James Delingpole Article
Delingpole wrote an article for Breitbart News (2/2/2020). Here is his opening statement: "Global warming isn't really about climate but about leftist control freakery, author, lawyer and energy expert Steven Milloy tol Breitbart . . ."
Milloy claims CO2 emissions are never going down but are actually signs of human progress and rising living standards. Milloy goes on: "'The bottom line is 'climate' is not about controlling the weather; it's about controlling you.'
Milloy asserts that rising CO2 emissions will make the planet warmer and greener, enabling us to feed another 5 billion people born by the end of the century.
The Left uses environmental alarmism to scare the public and to push them to give up on liberty in exchange for a Marxist dictatorship to run everything for them forever.
Wise man and quite believable.
Milloy claims CO2 emissions are never going down but are actually signs of human progress and rising living standards. Milloy goes on: "'The bottom line is 'climate' is not about controlling the weather; it's about controlling you.'
Milloy asserts that rising CO2 emissions will make the planet warmer and greener, enabling us to feed another 5 billion people born by the end of the century.
The Left uses environmental alarmism to scare the public and to push them to give up on liberty in exchange for a Marxist dictatorship to run everything for them forever.
Wise man and quite believable.
Pure Anarchism, Anyone?
We are beasts, therefore we require some government structure, some law and order, to behave. I am in favor of supercitizenship, individuator anarchism for the average voter. Suchparagons, such zoon politicons can handle a great deal of liberty and anarchism, within the ordered liberty provided under a constitutional repulbic, with limited government and a free market economy.
This is not pure anarchism, but the degree of freedom allowed is enormous, and is sufficient for the self-realizer.
This is not pure anarchism, but the degree of freedom allowed is enormous, and is sufficient for the self-realizer.
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Stirner's Hyper-individualism
I never thought I could state that individudalism was excessive, but Max Stirner's hyper-individualism goes too far. There is a need for some interest in abstractions and working for the common good.
Whence They Came
Egoists on earth will spread love, liberty, peace, prosperity and happiness, all while being armed and devoted to the Good Spirits.
Altruists will spread hate, tyranny, endless conflict, want and unhappiness, as is their wont, serving the cause of the Evil Spirits.
Altruists will spread hate, tyranny, endless conflict, want and unhappiness, as is their wont, serving the cause of the Evil Spirits.
To be a loner is to be lonely, but to be a great soul, a great loner, can and will drive that person mad or to suicide unless that person's will is of iron strength, immense self-love and powerful sense of inner calm are highly developed to keep that individual driven toward self-realizing as a way to keep busy and positive, while actually creating great art for example. Such a person living such a life style likely will make contact with the Good Spirits and God, and the communication and relationships formed with these divine beings replace the lost human contacts. They more than fill the void.
To Win
If you are a good person morally and spiritually, you will want to join the winning team in the fight for good--that is the team of the Good Spirits, and the Mother and the Father.
The Drudge Report
An old Drudge Report article reported that a reputable London university was eliminating white philosophers from the courses studied to "decolonize" the college experience for the poor snowflakes attending classes and in need of safe spaces, free from racist white males.
Sorry to burst their bubble but the majority of Western thinkers are dead, old white guys, and they have given the world what uplifting, civilized culture and advance thinking, such a heritage as it now enjoys.
Leftist nihilists and reverse racists are out to de-legitimatize European contributions to human thought and civilization.
Sorry to burst their bubble but the majority of Western thinkers are dead, old white guys, and they have given the world what uplifting, civilized culture and advance thinking, such a heritage as it now enjoys.
Leftist nihilists and reverse racists are out to de-legitimatize European contributions to human thought and civilization.
Dare to be all that you can be. It will be hard work, and it is an enormous life-time proposition, but this is what God and the Good Spirits demand from us as the price of admission into heaven--that in life, we did help extend God's kingdom. You are free to elect to be nothing and do nothing, but it will not go well for you when you meet St. Peter.
Dangerous Idealists
Lethal idealists are confident that they know how to bring heaven on earth to earth, except that hell is what they are introducing. Idealists must settle for living with the status quo while pushing gently some modest, incremental changes. None can be forced by the government to accept these changes.
Liberty is the freedom and opportunity to realize your potential. Liberty can be secondarily defined as not preventing others from doing their own thing.
Do It Yourself
It is a do-it-yourself world. Others can aid you or hinder you but only you can liberate yourself via individuating.
Not Either/Or
One must not be just an atheist, secular humanist, and rational only. One must exist as a whole person, with one's feelings, reason, spirit, heart and brain all engaged interactively. Science and religion can complement each other.
God is not the enemy to humans, to science to unbelief. Indeed God is the smartest scientist, for God knows that both the material and physical worlds exist internally to humans as well as out there in objective reality.
God is not the enemy to humans, to science to unbelief. Indeed God is the smartest scientist, for God knows that both the material and physical worlds exist internally to humans as well as out there in objective reality.
Transhumanism is defined in Oxford Dictionaries as a noun. Under definition 1, it is defined as ". . .the believe or theory that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitation, especially by means of science and technology."
I believe this is quite doable. Ayn Rand may have been an early transhumanist, and my Mavellonialist faith may offer transhumanists the means to achieve their goals.
Most of us are nonindividuators, joiners that group-live. What this entails is that we lack much in the way of self-knowledge. Another way of stating the situation is that we are strangers inwardly, estranged and alienated from basic self-awareness as who who we are, what is our circumstance, and where we should be going.
If most or darned near all of us are strangers towards ourselves, how do we relate to others in community, strangers conversing with strangers, alienated from each other externally, built upon alienation from the selves internally, at home.
With this social quagmire of untruth, competing, game-playing, fantasy-chasing, brainwashing and group-think, is it any wonder why little clear, concise, meaningful communication is conducted interpersonally, let alone aiding communal understanding as to the human condition.
If most or darned near all of us are strangers towards ourselves, how do we relate to others in community, strangers conversing with strangers, alienated from each other externally, built upon alienation from the selves internally, at home.
With this social quagmire of untruth, competing, game-playing, fantasy-chasing, brainwashing and group-think, is it any wonder why little clear, concise, meaningful communication is conducted interpersonally, let alone aiding communal understanding as to the human condition.
Are we biologically alive but but short-lived while alive as a human animal, but spiritually immortal as a human being, very long-lived perhaps immortal, while our soul resides in and guides our biologically ticking body, and, then, after death, our spiritual soul and its accompanying physical body, able to reside and move in the immaterial realm, move about for centuries or more in that immaterial realm? Yes, I believe that is the human reality.
Are We Hypocrites?
Are we hypocrites, while rollicking about in public with a cheerful, positive, can-do face and persona demonstrated for the public, while, frowning, complaining, whining, self-doubting and being discourteous towards family and loved ones, at home out of the limelight?
Are we hypocrites when we feel depressed, empty and uncertain in our own minds while exuding certainty, bonhomie and fulfillment on social media, and when on the public street?
The answers to both of these questions is yes, if we display this inconsistent behavior for manipulative reasons, if we are sour, mean, unpleasant, depressed and dispirited in private, but put on a show in public to gain social approval and to save face, or to gain an advantage.
If we are people of good will, that naturally feel depressed, angry and willing to lash out on others, but restrain ourselves in public to save face, to accrue good will, and because projecting the warm public persona is how to act in public, then this inconsistent behavior between public Ms. Sunshine, and Dour Mama in private is Mama doing the best that she can as an altruistic groupist.
As her self-instruction in ethics and self-realization continues, she will come to appreciate that the difference between how she acts in private, and how she displays herself in public is an inconsistency that must be eliminated over time to the point that how she acts in private is even a bit more sunny and kind than how she acts in public.
Are we hypocrites when we feel depressed, empty and uncertain in our own minds while exuding certainty, bonhomie and fulfillment on social media, and when on the public street?
The answers to both of these questions is yes, if we display this inconsistent behavior for manipulative reasons, if we are sour, mean, unpleasant, depressed and dispirited in private, but put on a show in public to gain social approval and to save face, or to gain an advantage.
If we are people of good will, that naturally feel depressed, angry and willing to lash out on others, but restrain ourselves in public to save face, to accrue good will, and because projecting the warm public persona is how to act in public, then this inconsistent behavior between public Ms. Sunshine, and Dour Mama in private is Mama doing the best that she can as an altruistic groupist.
As her self-instruction in ethics and self-realization continues, she will come to appreciate that the difference between how she acts in private, and how she displays herself in public is an inconsistency that must be eliminated over time to the point that how she acts in private is even a bit more sunny and kind than how she acts in public.
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Do multiverses or alternate realities exist? Who Knows?
As a religious believer I do believe in three domains: heaven, earth and hell. Whether these are multiverses or just different kingdoms or dimensions within a single universe, I cannot say, but it is fun and perhaps illuminating to explore and discuss.
As a religious believer I do believe in three domains: heaven, earth and hell. Whether these are multiverses or just different kingdoms or dimensions within a single universe, I cannot say, but it is fun and perhaps illuminating to explore and discuss.
Feel Harried
Do you feel harried by the world? Well, you are not alone. Many have urged that your will find comfort, protection and a home in God's arms. Amen.
To draw graffiti on a building owned by another without permission is vandalism. To burglarize, embezzle and steal is a big deal because you are disrespecting another when you are a thief, depriving him of his property. For government to overtax, overspend and intrude in personal lives (stealing private voter power, time, privacy and liberty) are legal but unconstitutional acts of larceny.
Property of any kind, owned by the individual, are his possessions, an extension of his self-hood.
Without his expressed permission, none have a right to help themselves to what belongs to another. The rights to his property by another is an inviolable right under natural law, constitutional law, communal ethos and we hope as written statute.
Property of any kind, owned by the individual, are his possessions, an extension of his self-hood.
Without his expressed permission, none have a right to help themselves to what belongs to another. The rights to his property by another is an inviolable right under natural law, constitutional law, communal ethos and we hope as written statute.
Teach Them Young
Girls and boys need to use
firearms legally and safely, as they grow into adulthood as skilled,
responsible gun owners asserting their 2A natural rights.
Do Your Own Thing
Do your own thing, regardless of the community's reaction. If what you do is legal, moral and correct, do it. You must not hold back for fear of offending the tender feelings of group-livers.
Things Just Got Worse In Minnesota
the Democrats got rid of minority Senate leader Tom Bakk, and installed
Senator Susan Kent of Woodbury. It just shows that, no matter how
radical they are, they can become more crazy, and veer even farther to
the Left.
Religious People
Yes, Americans are a religious people and they are very Anglo-Saxon or moderate in cultural and political temperament. Therefore they can practice separation of church and state in government and culture as it now a legal tradition however unconstitutional it is.
Levin has convinced me that separation of church and state never existed in the Constitution as the Founders wanted the citizens to be educated, religious and virtuous so that they could handle the freedom granted them as citizens of this republic, without lawlessness, license and immorality rising out of so much freedom, justifying or making necessary the arrival on the political scene of a strong man to crush liberty in order to restore order.
Therefore, a religious citizenry, that places the highest open, agreed-upon practice by every citizen and every elected official of religious liberty of conscience, peaceful coexistence, moderate coexistence and strong tolerance of other citizens religious beliefs, their rival beliefs, their atheism or their indifference to the religious concern, is an America that can have religion in the public arena without separating state from religion, without descending into theocracy or some other kind of national religious tyranny enjoyed by the majority but foisted off on a reluctant minority.
Levin has convinced me that separation of church and state never existed in the Constitution as the Founders wanted the citizens to be educated, religious and virtuous so that they could handle the freedom granted them as citizens of this republic, without lawlessness, license and immorality rising out of so much freedom, justifying or making necessary the arrival on the political scene of a strong man to crush liberty in order to restore order.
Therefore, a religious citizenry, that places the highest open, agreed-upon practice by every citizen and every elected official of religious liberty of conscience, peaceful coexistence, moderate coexistence and strong tolerance of other citizens religious beliefs, their rival beliefs, their atheism or their indifference to the religious concern, is an America that can have religion in the public arena without separating state from religion, without descending into theocracy or some other kind of national religious tyranny enjoyed by the majority but foisted off on a reluctant minority.
Why Great Souls Remain Without Friends
Why do great souls remain without friends or with few friends? There are several reasons, one being that they enjoy their private lives, by themselves, not finding fulfillment in a crowd.
The most significant reason that they remain without friends comes from being involuntarily excluded the identity groups that they spring from--be it a group affiliation by race, sexual orientation, national status, religion of origin, political affiliation, communal or work cliques, etc.--the vast majority of persons making up any identity groups are nonindividuators, low achievers, groupthinking-conformists with high popularity indexes and loads of supporters and friends that also are mediocrities that are well-liked.
Group insiders punish those that have abandoned the group, or are still part of the group, but do not live with strict obedience to its norms and expectations.
Group members still friendly to the great souls are issued an either-or ultimatum: either sever all ties with and support for the great souls effective immediatel or suffer heavy punishments like revoked communal connections, painful ostracism and being expelled from the group too.
These confronted group members are basically cowards and basically selfish like the rest of us. Thus, when confronted with such dire punitive consequences for being kind and friendly toward social outcasts unfairly targeted and excluded, most of them take the easy path, and betray their great-souled friends to gain favor and re-admission into the identity group in question.
The independence, the self-sufficiency and the very presence and discomforting existence of the great-souled members inside their groups does put pressure on other group members to grow towards making something of their lives too.
The groupists seek to isolate, deny power, success, material and emotional support to the great souls in order that they are driven into exile, into madness and suicide--or at least are so weakened and beaten down that they grow silent, and write, philosophize and paint no more--in effect, the groups win and the great souls are subdued and defeated.
For the groupists, preserving solidarity and group power is the primary objective, and all else pales in comparison.
With my Mavellonialist faith, I have introduced the concept that the average citizen, that indivduating, living angel and great soul, that anarchist supercitizen and zoon politicon extradordinaaire at the canton level and on the state and federal level will serve as a meaning system and training program to offer all citizens the chance to maverize as great souls while still enjoying a robust, healthy social life.
The great souls will individual-live primarily but not exclusively as they group-live intermittently when it is beneficial for the community and themselves--going into and out of group settings as they choose without anyone much noticing or caring.
The most significant reason that they remain without friends comes from being involuntarily excluded the identity groups that they spring from--be it a group affiliation by race, sexual orientation, national status, religion of origin, political affiliation, communal or work cliques, etc.--the vast majority of persons making up any identity groups are nonindividuators, low achievers, groupthinking-conformists with high popularity indexes and loads of supporters and friends that also are mediocrities that are well-liked.
Group insiders punish those that have abandoned the group, or are still part of the group, but do not live with strict obedience to its norms and expectations.
Group members still friendly to the great souls are issued an either-or ultimatum: either sever all ties with and support for the great souls effective immediatel or suffer heavy punishments like revoked communal connections, painful ostracism and being expelled from the group too.
These confronted group members are basically cowards and basically selfish like the rest of us. Thus, when confronted with such dire punitive consequences for being kind and friendly toward social outcasts unfairly targeted and excluded, most of them take the easy path, and betray their great-souled friends to gain favor and re-admission into the identity group in question.
The independence, the self-sufficiency and the very presence and discomforting existence of the great-souled members inside their groups does put pressure on other group members to grow towards making something of their lives too.
The groupists seek to isolate, deny power, success, material and emotional support to the great souls in order that they are driven into exile, into madness and suicide--or at least are so weakened and beaten down that they grow silent, and write, philosophize and paint no more--in effect, the groups win and the great souls are subdued and defeated.
For the groupists, preserving solidarity and group power is the primary objective, and all else pales in comparison.
With my Mavellonialist faith, I have introduced the concept that the average citizen, that indivduating, living angel and great soul, that anarchist supercitizen and zoon politicon extradordinaaire at the canton level and on the state and federal level will serve as a meaning system and training program to offer all citizens the chance to maverize as great souls while still enjoying a robust, healthy social life.
The great souls will individual-live primarily but not exclusively as they group-live intermittently when it is beneficial for the community and themselves--going into and out of group settings as they choose without anyone much noticing or caring.
The Fiction
Selection of gender identity by children is another fallacy and deception that the Progressives are foisting off on our youths.
Gender is a biological destiny, not a lifestyle choice.
Gender is a biological destiny, not a lifestyle choice.
Department Of Education
Many conservatives wonder why the government is in the business of education at all. They assert that this involvement is unconstitutional and it likely is.
We must take back the school system from the Left, the elite ideologues and intellectuals, in the Department of Education (need eradicating flat out) and through out the public school system. No longer should teacher be brainwashing our children, bringing them up as secular socialists, little bureaucrats, tiny collectivists, brainwashed and indoctrinated to serve their cause, the Progressive Mass Movement now assaulting all America and all things American, bringing the Cuban Way to this nation soon.
We must take back the school system from the Left, the elite ideologues and intellectuals, in the Department of Education (need eradicating flat out) and through out the public school system. No longer should teacher be brainwashing our children, bringing them up as secular socialists, little bureaucrats, tiny collectivists, brainwashed and indoctrinated to serve their cause, the Progressive Mass Movement now assaulting all America and all things American, bringing the Cuban Way to this nation soon.
Sorry, Max Stirner
Sorry, Max but your epistemological pessimism is not the final answers. Skepticism makes us reconsider if we know what we claim to know, but pets, children and adults go mad and turn evil and sick when the universe that they experience (obviously not the entire universe) is absurd and meaningless.
We need knowledge, truth, meaning, objective reality, love, language, structure, order with liberty intertwined with it, an at least probable certainty about most things that we believe in order to live and be happy. Without hope, without meaning, life is pointless. Without God, we will lose our will to live.
We need knowledge, truth, meaning, objective reality, love, language, structure, order with liberty intertwined with it, an at least probable certainty about most things that we believe in order to live and be happy. Without hope, without meaning, life is pointless. Without God, we will lose our will to live.
What We Deserve
If voters do not take back the
House from the Democrats, while retaining control of the Senate and the
Presidency, they get exactly what they deserve.
These RINO scum, Mike Lee and
Mitt Romney, give Republicans a bad name, betraying Trump and his
followers bent on rebuilding America, while providing aid, comfort and
support for statists and Progressives, dedicated to the death of America
as we know it.
Stirner On Deities
For Max Stirner, to worship a deity, or to serve any cause any abstraction is to throw one's life away in pursuit of what does not exist. This passionate chase, this pursuit, this rational connection to an ideal out there in objectiv reality is to seek what is not, a phantasm.
I am well aware that Eric Hoffer and Max Stirner are covering some of the same ground. Hoffer repeatedly admonishes that frustrated, unhappy individuals, whose lives are irremediably spoiled, desperately seek to obliterate any consciousness of a self, escaping from freedom into a clique, a cause, a brotherhood that offers them opportunities for self-sacrifice and united action serving an ism that is larger than themselves, granting them identity, pride and the gift of self-forgetfulness. These fanatics, these true believers, are very dangerous. They are most willing to die in the service of their ism which may be a single word, that their demagogue has bestowed with magical properties, now a treasure that they will give all to protect and extend.
Max Stirner repeatedly criticizes duped egoists that deny their self-interest to serve a cause or abstraction, as ruthless, even violent, dangerous enthusiasts, devotees or fanatical followers.
Stirner, the atheist, the subjective egoist, the taoist, the nihilist, the existential nominalist, the anarchist and subjective materialist is a strange kind of negative, epistemological and ethical moderate and skeptic.
The unique, through assertion of his ownness, creates and destroys all abstractions as he will, accepting and rejecting all of these contraries, these rival ideals, even clashing and competing against one another in the mind of the holder, and against similar internal battles of ideas raging in the minds of neighbors through out the community at large.
Stirner's ethics and epistemology seems to allow juxtaposition and coexistence of paradoxical, even contradictory predicates applied to the same person, being or object at the same time in the same place. My positive, epistemological and ethical moderation regarding contrary predicates is a bit like what Stirner is implying. Either the two of us are lunatics babbling and spouting inanities and crazy nonsense, or we are brilliant, original thinkers. I suggest that we can neither know what is the actual truth here, one way or the other, as worldly experiments and mathematical theorems will be unable to affirm or refute our positions.
I am an objective relativist and Stirner is a subjective relativist.
I am well aware that Eric Hoffer and Max Stirner are covering some of the same ground. Hoffer repeatedly admonishes that frustrated, unhappy individuals, whose lives are irremediably spoiled, desperately seek to obliterate any consciousness of a self, escaping from freedom into a clique, a cause, a brotherhood that offers them opportunities for self-sacrifice and united action serving an ism that is larger than themselves, granting them identity, pride and the gift of self-forgetfulness. These fanatics, these true believers, are very dangerous. They are most willing to die in the service of their ism which may be a single word, that their demagogue has bestowed with magical properties, now a treasure that they will give all to protect and extend.
Max Stirner repeatedly criticizes duped egoists that deny their self-interest to serve a cause or abstraction, as ruthless, even violent, dangerous enthusiasts, devotees or fanatical followers.
Stirner, the atheist, the subjective egoist, the taoist, the nihilist, the existential nominalist, the anarchist and subjective materialist is a strange kind of negative, epistemological and ethical moderate and skeptic.
The unique, through assertion of his ownness, creates and destroys all abstractions as he will, accepting and rejecting all of these contraries, these rival ideals, even clashing and competing against one another in the mind of the holder, and against similar internal battles of ideas raging in the minds of neighbors through out the community at large.
Stirner's ethics and epistemology seems to allow juxtaposition and coexistence of paradoxical, even contradictory predicates applied to the same person, being or object at the same time in the same place. My positive, epistemological and ethical moderation regarding contrary predicates is a bit like what Stirner is implying. Either the two of us are lunatics babbling and spouting inanities and crazy nonsense, or we are brilliant, original thinkers. I suggest that we can neither know what is the actual truth here, one way or the other, as worldly experiments and mathematical theorems will be unable to affirm or refute our positions.
I am an objective relativist and Stirner is a subjective relativist.
Steven T. Byington
I still enjoy his classic translation of Stirner's The Unique and his property. I am now reading it for a 5th time as part of my long term research project towards writing my book on objective egoism. Bob Black's translation and interpretation of Stirner captures his humor, sarcasm and satire, but Steven's more straight-laced interpretation seems right on the money to me, most of the time.
On Page 152 of Steven's translation it becomes clear that Stirner is criticizing involuntary egoists rebelling against an old ism, an old abstraction that they no longer worship, only to replace it with a fresh cause to worship and subjugate themselves to.
If I may interpret what Max is warning against: involuntary egoists are altruists that always find a cause to follow, and really remain duped egoists, not voluntary egoists, fulling embracing their own existence, consciousness and experience. Until they shed all causes, and worship only themselves as their own cause, in their utter ownness, having gathered to themselves all their own properties, they will remain alienated from themselves, from happiness, from fulfillment, from a truthful, clear-eyed appreciation of what is going on, who they are, and what they are undergoing.
Of course, as an Aristotelian rationalist and prescriptive moralist, my moderate stance must be too not go near as far as Stirner in rejecting abstractions, in denying the existence of spirits and deities, in despairing that there are ethical answers, in doubting objective truth, and asserting that the universe is absurd.
To borrow a famous phrase from Kant, Stirner like Hume can awaken us from our dogmatic slumbers.
As voluntary egoists, as Mavellonialists, we can have our cake and eat it too: we can live as uniques with our own property while still living within the realm of Aristotelian logic and ethics, and having a loving, rich interaction with the Mother and the Father.
On Page 152 of Steven's translation it becomes clear that Stirner is criticizing involuntary egoists rebelling against an old ism, an old abstraction that they no longer worship, only to replace it with a fresh cause to worship and subjugate themselves to.
If I may interpret what Max is warning against: involuntary egoists are altruists that always find a cause to follow, and really remain duped egoists, not voluntary egoists, fulling embracing their own existence, consciousness and experience. Until they shed all causes, and worship only themselves as their own cause, in their utter ownness, having gathered to themselves all their own properties, they will remain alienated from themselves, from happiness, from fulfillment, from a truthful, clear-eyed appreciation of what is going on, who they are, and what they are undergoing.
Of course, as an Aristotelian rationalist and prescriptive moralist, my moderate stance must be too not go near as far as Stirner in rejecting abstractions, in denying the existence of spirits and deities, in despairing that there are ethical answers, in doubting objective truth, and asserting that the universe is absurd.
To borrow a famous phrase from Kant, Stirner like Hume can awaken us from our dogmatic slumbers.
As voluntary egoists, as Mavellonialists, we can have our cake and eat it too: we can live as uniques with our own property while still living within the realm of Aristotelian logic and ethics, and having a loving, rich interaction with the Mother and the Father.
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