Sunday, April 20, 2014

Never Apologize

Never apologize for who you are, what you like and what you enjoy. Be individual, and if people ridicule your for being who you are, they can go fly a kite, period.

Let us say take that rare instance where I am wrong, and you should be horrified over who you are, what you desire to do, and that you should apologize for your inclinations and personality.

Let us consider that deep-down you  are wired to be a child molester, children of either gender. That is who you are and what you aim to pull off. If that is how God made you, that is what it is. You must not act upon your perverted urges, but apologize not for being what you are. Sublimate your rotten nature, and never go near children, or hurt them. Dedicate your life to inventing a vaccine for Ebola virus, or writing brilliant, off-the-wall fresh space-age poetry on Twitter, but never touch a child. If you achieve this, you can be proud of who you are and what you have done with your life, and do not need to apologize to anyone over anything.

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