Liberals do not believe that natural evil or spiritual evil exist: there are only basically good people that are blank slates twisted by perverting, degrading environmental circumstances.
Now, it is true that, whatever our basic natures, environmental influences shape us. They are likely more important, in the long run, the worrying about the makeup of our basic natures.
Still, the make up of our basic natures carry impact. Without something evil and twisted in us to pervert and degrade, how can a misshapen, corrupted environment wreck us. The answer: it is impossible for external forces to taint us unless we have internal, negative attributes that can be stimulated.
I posit that both natural evil (as instinctual viciousness) and spiritual evil are basic and innate to the human soul. Indeed, we are more depraved than we are noble-hearted.
To triumph, humans require moral values that bring out the best in them. It is difficult but can be achieved.
The right set of values indeed elevate us.
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