With his refusal to ban flight and travel to and from those African nations, and his unwillingness to totally secure our borders, this negligent Commander-In-Chief is putting 315 million Americans in grave danger. His passive aggressive viciousness bespeaks an evil monster that seems slick and cool, but his cold heart drives him to bring our people, especially uppity white people, down to the level of poor, sick West Africans.
Obama speaks silently to himself: "Americans have no right to health, wealth, freedom and liberty that Africans are missing out on. It all needs to be taken away from these spoiled, privileged American brats that did nothing special to create that wealth. They merely plundered and robbed the rest of the world to end up living high on the hog.
By infecting these uppity Americans with Ebola, this may be the blow that I have wanted to deliver to them: a great and likely successful effort to dumb down and even kill thousand of them. Hope and change of a Marxist kind against these colonialist swine is forthcoming.
Why, they put me, Obama, in charge and I am doing my best to undo their superior way of life, and humble them. I am a genius of destruction. The crops that I have planted over the last 6 years, are about to yield a cornucopia of woe for Americans, and that is my legacy, and that is what they richly deserve to have happen to them.
Ebola may be my greatest gift to them? May their lives become a living hell, just like they imposed on the rest of the undeveloped world."
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