Hello, this is your modern-day, Old Testament prophet out here on the fringes of society, yammering away to turned backs, shrugged shoulders and deafened ears. I am completely isolated and unheard. I am wholly discredited. I am called a liar and people-hater, a maniac and meanie. I speak the truth, but it is not believed. I am not trusted. The people have no confidence in me. My enemies have kept my word from getting out to the target audience. God's word and God's prophet have been denied access to the mass audience. Who then do my detractors and obstructionist work for? Satan and Lera.
I have sinned against social standards. But, do not worry--you were not going to anyway--I am getting along pretty well; I will make it and be as happy as I can be, all things considered.
The unforgivable sin is to remind people that they are wicked and living in sin.
The unforgivable sin is to admit that God exists, and that people owe De their fealty.
The unforgivable sin is the invite people to follow a righteous path.
The unforgivable sin is to mention that society is corrupt, and held up by a vast conspiracy of lies.
The unforgivable sin is the remind people that they are part of this vast conspiracy to live dull, unfulfilling lives far from God, and God's order that we individuate.
The unforgivable sin is simply to speak the truth.
The unforgivable sin is to urge people to step away from group-living.
The unforgivable sin is to brandish the sword of Mavellonialism to cleave apart the filthy, giant curtain that keeps divine sunshine from pouring into the dank, mucky village square, bringing light to darkened spaces.
That is okay. You are wicked robots that have not awakened. You really do not know what you are doing, or you would forsake the Progressives and group-living. Barak and Johnny Boehner are delighted that you are so easily misled, duped and extorted by such low class charlatans and power-hungry cretins. Go ahead take your medicine as prescribed by Dr. Barak.
As financial ruination, government collapse, the spread of Marxist totalitarianism across the lovely heartland and the flag of ISIS is unfurled over the White House, just remember those of us that were wise and vociferous but silenced and ignored, out here on the fringes. We were trying to awaken the slumbering masses to the dangers awaiting them, to point them in a superior direction.
We will be here after the collapse unless Obama's Homeland Security/Secret Police have imprisoned, tortured and murdered us for crimes against Father Obama and the State.
Go back to sleep, Mr. and Mrs. Sheep. Await brigand Big Brother waiting to shear you and then cut your throats, sacrificing your frying carcasses on the altar of Big Government, a smoldering, divine sacrifice honoring the Dark Mother and the Dark Father, and the larger holocaust that they will soon unleash. They would end the world, if they just had the chance.
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