Racism against whites is on the rise, thanks to Obama and the Left, our expert dividers of peoples into identity groups.
Racism is from the heart of sinful, biased people. We all have it. If we do not express it it is because our moral upbringing disallows us from expressing or acting on it.
Overt racism and prejudice is a group, social, systemic pattern. It is exacerbated and turns vicious when identity politics reinforce people living in groups, and loathing and attacking people from other groups.
We are all Americans: the only way to end racism from blacks against whites and whites against blacks is for us to encourage the young of all racism, to repudiate group living and identity politics.
As indivudalists, as individuator-anarchist, racism would evaporate. This is the only cure. Not implementing this cure will lead to a race war, if the race-baiters fail to dial back their hate speech--something they will not do because the death of the American way, and the imposition of Marxist totalitarianism upon America is their end game.
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