These millionaire whiners should be disciplined with 5 game suspensions for their outrageous behavior. These spoiled brats are living high on the hog, in a mere sport's venue, and their wealth flows to them from an affectionate, adoring societal audience, largely white. But they have taken the best that we have to offer and then throw it back in our faces.
They get the best treatment and are put on a pedestal by society. The professional gladiator position and its concomitant rewards, the adulation and privilege bestowed freely upon them is astounding for what they do and contribute..
Now they reject white values to show solidarity with a violent criminal, Mike Brown, and plead racism and police brutality. Their ingratitude and hypocrisy knows no bounds.
I think it is time for the conservative, white middle class to pull the plug on the NFL. Quit advertising their sports events, do not watch the games on TV, and do not go to the games. Perhaps a boycott of this rich, reverse racist jerks will bring them back to reality.
The game is for fun, and no political advocacy should be tolerated. The game is sacred Americana and should be off limits to politically correct phonies lecturing middle class America on racism that it does not feel towards blacks or anyone.
For too long liberal blacks and their race-baiting leaders have, under the cover of pursuing racial justice, sought to attack white society, based on reverse racism. They seek to let their young men run lawless, preying on society. They seek to use the socialist government to beat us into the ground. They are winning and gaining ground. Now even emboldened football players are getting into the act? Why do whites take it, and when do they start fighting back in earnest?
Liberal blacks do not want equality: they seek supremacy and payback, even reparations. They want to set up a welfare state dictatorship run by a nonwhite dictator, with secret police, and minority gangs out terrorizing white society--and all society--without legal limits. Talk about a racist, genocidal nightmare.
Obama is seeking to foment a race war so that he can be the hero, and sweep in, declare martial law and finalize his dictatorial status.
I do not think we will stand for that, but who knows how passive, craven and submissive that we have become?
For starters, let's discipline these giants, these pampered brats strutting around before games. let us take away their income, and see how they fare.
If they want to show solidarity with Mike Brown, put on a t shirt and blue jeans, drive to Ferguson, go into a minority owned store and beat the hell out of the owner, and then shoplift something. They should wait for a cop to show up and then attack the cop until he shoots them dead. Then Barak and Al and liberal white college students can start this false narrative all over again.
Black people are Americans, like all of us. They are welcome in the conservative tent. Respect the law and the brave officers upholding it. Do not give them a hard time.
I would like to get a hold of their young people to educate and instruct them on the values of hard work, getting an education, loving and following God as they view God, learning to live by conservative values, and teaching them to individuate. They need to assimilate into white culture, adopt our values, to forsake group-living.
The rates of crime and poverty would disappear in poor black communities--all without one ounce of government interference.
I must be a realist, not an idealist. People in groups tell their false narrative to each other, and tune out wisdom from the sages like me. They continue their groupist lies of ignorance, suffering and sinning.
If Obama succeeds at finalizing his Castro-like reign of terror on America and white society, young black men are going to be turned loose on society to rob, rape, murder and attack as they see fit. It would be like the Mafia running the community in the open without justice or law and order. That may well be our fate, but it will not help the black community. It will not make them happy. They may not get to heaven once Obama converts America into Haiti. God is not pleased with Obama.
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