So the Libs are up at arms about this young Christan man getting a shotgun for Christmas. Oh well, it it gives them something to whine about.
I think children should be given guns as presents at the age of 12, after a two year course of training on self-defense and weapon use.
How are we to live as canton anarchists if our citizens in the canton, from age 8 to age 92 are not well-trained and well-armed as a citizen militia, exercising their natural right and Constitutional right to bear arms?
How are we to field an army of millions of girl soldiers, boy soldiers, women soldiers and men soldiers if children are not raised bearing and using arms from early ages?
God's army of soliders needs to be ready, willing, armed and able to wield weapons in a minute.
Jedidiah, enjoy your shotgun; bring home some quail for your mother to bake.
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