My philosophical work is stymied, not being circulated. This is so in part, being a new writer seeking to break in. The other part is a conspiracy of those familiar with it that despise me, and disbelieve in what I write, so they work hard to suppress my work.
This body of work is dammed up like a river. When the dam breaks, and it will, the dam will give totally. The masses will receive all of my ideas, and there will be no further successful ability to restrict access.
What may be the result is not known, but it could be mass persecution of me and any that follow me.
If so that price is necessary to getting God's message out there. What the powerful, ignorant and wicked do with what is released in on their shoulders.
May many come to know and live the Mavellonialist truth. Once the genie is out of the bottle, there is no putting him back.
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