Tuesday, February 10, 2015

To Drink Legally At 18

If a girl or a boy is old enough to serve in the Armed Forces at 18 and may be wounded or die in defense of our great nation, then all 18 year olds are mature enough to vote and drink.

If they are too immature to vote and drink, then they are too callow and easily duped by authority figures in the Armed Forces, to serve logically and responsibly.

We as a people cannot have it both ways. Nationally, we need to be consistent in how we regard and treat our 18 year olds. It is scandalously immoral, inconsistent and hypocritical to let them serve and die, and then refuse to serve them a drink in a bar.

If they are callow, and they often are--as nonindividuators--what would you expect?--deny them armed service duty, drink and vote until they are 21.

If they can serve and die at 18, let them drink and vote at 18.

Were we Mavellonialized as a people, then the average 18 year old would be more than sensible enough and mature enough to vote, drink and serve in the Armed Forces at 18. The debate would then disappear.

If we ran a citizen army of draftees and volunteers, then we would not need the raw 18 year olds to man the Armed Services in sufficient numbers.

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