She is quoted on Facebook, asserting that we need to close all museums because they are only for white people. She is a racist. She hates whites because the high information voters among them appreciate art and culture. She disrespect low information whites by pretending that elite cultural experiences are denied them. This is balderdash. They deny themselves. In America anyone has access to anything, if they will get off their lazy butts and go after it. Working hard to be educated, broadminded, intellectual and self-actualized is a human right and human duty pushed onto each failing, nonindividuated soul. Going to see what ever museum has to offer is the duty of each individuator on the way to becoming a supercitizen, a trained political operative.
She is a racist against blacks and other minorities, assuming that they are too meek, too lazy, too passive and too put upon to go to museums. Non-whites come either from tribal backgrounds or from collectivist cultures.
The nonindividuating values bred and perpetuated in these collectivized communities is what holds minorities of every description down and back. Nothing else of any substantial note suppresses their ability to individuate, soar, become artists, artisans, craftsman, writers and thinkers of the first rank.
The Left is radically conservative. They take blacks, other minorites and groupists whites--the majority of lazy, barely functioning whites that are only slightly individualized and individuating--and would have them be enslaved, directed, herded, nonindividuating wards of the state.
Those values worked in the Stone Age when individuals were relegated to tight communal units for survival, but these tribal, value holdovers relegate all collectivized Americans to being duds, slugs and government wards. They will not visit museums.
Besides, who goes to museums is none of the First Lady's business. Why does the government need to be involved in that--the brazen overreach of the Left into every aspect of private society is dangerous and unacceptable. It must be stopped,
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