Monday, June 22, 2015


Bill Bennett was commenting today that every crank like Dylan Roof can discover, make contact with and learn from fellow travelers with a similar or identical point of view, on the Internet.

So true, in most instances, but not for me. I have been on line with  books and blogging for 5 years, and few books sell, and almost no comments occur on my blog site despite thousands of entries.

As a very great soul, being that rare exception to the rule has become a predictable nuisance for me to bear.

Either people do not write a response because I am unknown and isolated, because they do not know the magnitude of their good fortune to have made contact with me, because what I write is very banal, shocking and wicked, or it is so perspicacious, original and startling, that silence and turning away are the standard responses.

I could use a few thousand nut jobs like me to respond so we can build Mavellonialism, build God's army, and get this powerful but gentle revolution underway.

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