Friday, July 10, 2015

Hilary Is Pushing Gun Control

I think we 100 million gun owners should make the Democratic Party embrace her call for gun control in 2016. This should be a litmus test for the vote of liberty-loving Americans, enjoying their unalienable right to bear arms without government intervention or suppression, taxing or licensing.

We need to send the message to the Democrats and to the Left once and for all that this critical liberty is not to be deprived by federalists and Lefties, as a further encroachment on what liberty that we still enjoy.

We need a dose of Mavellonialism, the spiritual and philosophical principles underlying true conservative thought. We must expand it to 250 million gun-toting, Bible-embracing, flag-waving patriots that are supercitizens serving as armed soldiers in God's army, as well as in the American militia. These holy warriors will love their guns, and wield their guns, when appropriate, at all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Go ahead, Hilary, make our day. Try take our guns away. We are coming after you people to assert a return to the people of their money and all unalienable liberty that have been stolen from them unconstitutionally by corrupt, bullying federalists.

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