Saturday, August 29, 2015


Drudge Report tonight runs an article by Julius Krein pointing out that Trump scares the hell out of elites because he actually is a nationalist, for the common people, and seeking to take care of American first, and cherishes America first.

Krein is quite insightful. The Republican Congress and Washington elites that seem craven and submissive to Obama's aggressive Marxist agenda are not just weak: they would rather live in a post-constitutional democracy under a socialist dictatorship, replete with supportive elites and corporate capitalists feeding at the public trough than see the country restored and run by the people directly as constituional republicans and anarchist supercitizens. That prospect scares the daylights out of them.

The healthy nationalism championed by Trump is the first step toward giving America back to its people, and that the elites will not stomach if they can in any way obviate it.

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