Sunday, October 4, 2015

The Trip North

We went up and closed the lake cabin. It is a sad fall ritual. Like the conventional Minnesotan weekenders, we left for the lake after 8 pm on Friday night. Andy and I encountered a gray fox crossing highway 64 at Leader, about 30 miles south of the cabin, at 10 pm or so.

This was a good weekend for wild life: wild turkeys, 3 deer, a raven, fox sparrows, an unidentified warbler, blue jays, and so forth.

Canadians were thick on the lake after 11 when we got to the cabin Friday nights. The next morning we heard multiple shotgun blasts as the hunters were out to get them there or on the lake next door.

Enjoyed the gun club. With the stout ammo the Taurus 44 has quite a kick as it consistently knocks the paddles back. I am practicing a less jerky, follow-through trigger finger motion, and it is improving my accuracy.

I am getting pretty accurate the the Highpoint.

Today I watered the trees planted in the spring. Our nocturnal, visiting bear left scat all over the yard and up and down the stairs to the lake.

I noticed a mound of dirt that I have left over from 2004 (it was covered with weeds and grass in August) was bare like it had been hoed clean as an oval mesa about 5 feet wide and 7 feet long.

My speculation is that the bear is eating grubs, or so tasty ant morsels in the pile.

The woods were gorgeous. It is always hard to leave, a bit sad to leave this piece of Eden and return to the concrete jungle to make a buck.

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