Most people spend their lives seeking to gain a few degrees of more "inness" with the social group that they belong to and curry favor with.
These are the people that they associate with, marry, make love to, do business with and die with. Group is everything, and to whatever degree of popularity that one can gain is their fulfilled life ambition if they succeed at it.
Now I come along and declare that the Father and the Mother are individualists and so to are the individuating Good Spirits, their army of angels.
I exhort people that to lead a spiritually and morally meaningful life, they need to abandon group-living, and take up the cross and individual-live and self-realize.
Can anyone think of a more cold, lonely, unpopular, warped lifestyle to offer the huddled masses that spend all their time, money and imagination doing well at group-living and gaining power in that powerful realm of collective power, and personal powerlessness?
From their point of view, I offer them starvation and death. It is predictable that as great, wise and sensible as I am, that I am rejected, misunderstood, ignored and discredited?
All they want is to belong, be more popular, and live in their cocoon. What kind of madman wack-job seeks to deprive them of such happiness and warmth? They may not understand me, but I am able to read their thoughts because I have 60 years of being snubbed and stepping aside for these mob bullies.
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