Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Discrimination

I have never had a work home because, as a great-souled individuator, it is impossible for me to fit in with nonindividuator cliques that populate work places.

Often, an interviewer will complain about my gypsy track record, moving from job to job, year by year.

One smart-mouthed building manager, recently bragged that he had worked at the same company for 9 years. I thought afterwards that he should be ashamed of his popularity and clique-involvment that makes it possible for him to stay there for 35 years, should he so choose. Groups favor insiders, and discriminate against outsiders, especially developed, advanced individualists like I am.

There is nothing wrong with moving around, staying at the same company. It is only wrong to stay at the same company for decades if one is a nonindividuator-belonger.

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