Monday, December 19, 2016


Listening to CNN this morning, and to local news outlets, they are all blathering on and on, whining about Trump becoming President, and for the need to abolish the archaic Electoral College system.

It is depressing, infuriating and profoundly disturbing to here this: what it reveals that the pundits, reporters and Leftists that know better, utterly hate America and her divinely-granted political and constitutional system, and use Hilary's lead in the popular vote to justify abolishing the Electoral College, that brilliant, humane setup that protects minority rights and individual preferences from mob rule and socialist tyranny backed by voters from about 3 big blue states.

That millions of leftist low information voters are chanting, "Kill the Electoral College" points out how little they understand, know or appreciate about our most precious, humane, enlightened and liberating election guarantees that in part are enforced by electors abiding by the Electoral College majority that Trump has put together.

I am horrified at how lost so many millions are, and we conservatives have a lot of work to do to win over the people that want the Electoral College wiped out. The people are dumber and sicker than many understand.

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