Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The Hidden You

So you are well-liked, upbeat, cheerful, popular, almost universally regarded as a nice person. And, likely that appraisal of you is accurate, as far as it goes and you go. You are a group creature interacting with fellow group creatures, and you genuinely like each other, and are very comfortable with each other, and sincerely enjoy hanging out with each other.

Now let us expose the hidden you, bringing it to the surface. This you is nasty and very unfriendly, sour and selfish. You now have a great soul introduced into your most intimate circle as a constant, permanent social addition. You are horrified and furious over this invading, pushing introloctor.

Now your unfriendly, unwelcoming side is made obvious as you, the lying, discriminating groupist work feverishly to dislodge and drive out this invader.

You never knew you had this side to you, because you never before had occasion or provocation to seek to wipe an individuator out.

You are a groupist, so this is the hidden you, a fairly common reaction by a groupie to up-close contact with a great soul.

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