His brilliant Prager U video on the Left cleverly controlling words so that they control how we think and act, thus allowing them to control the culture. Very true and well described.
There is a report on Breitbart tonight that the railroads are bursting with business and profits, but cannot find enough workers. They have always paid very well, but, like the trucking industry, no one wants to do this blue collar work anymore.
I would be more confident with outfits like the Republican Party of Minnesota, NRA Minnesota, Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus and Minnesota Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance were not tepid, weak, RINO Compromisers if they were welcoming and adopting the more pure, fiercer protection of the 2 Amendment offered by Minnesota Gun Rights, spearheaded by the Dorr brothers.
That some of these all these organizations trash and smear MGR while all praise House Speaker Kurt Daudt that killed Stand Your Ground and Constitutional Carry here this spring while being willing to talk reasonable gun control with Leftist gun-grabbers funded by Bllomberg and attacking us at the Capitol makes me see them as liar, traitors and willing to compromise with gun-grabbers.
The University of Texas is going to treat masculinity as a mental health issue. It is in the sense that manly men, proud of their gender and their macho strengths, individuating, but not putting down anyone else ever, are men of sound, strong, sterling mental health.
But what gender study monstrosity now engendered at the University of Texas must be shut down. It is time for the good people of Texas to pull their tax dollars and students out of that University until it comes to its senses.
Also, Dennis Prager videos on gender and gender identity need to be taught in the place of this monstrosity.
Donald, this weekend, threatened to shut down the government to get his wall funded. Go for it, and do not cave. And force Mitch to use the nuclear option to pass immigration reform, repeal Obamacare, and pass constitutional carry and reciprocity before the 2018 election.
We can do it without many Democratic votes, and the people will love the principled, couragous legislative accomplishment, all Republicans can run on.
Your lassitude may come from deep roots in your group conformity and identity, in your natural laziness, unfocused attention, your low energy level, your low self-esteem and your depression and your health problems. I get all that.
Now, you are an adult. Now, you have been introduced to Mavellonialist thought. Your heedlessness, resistance, low achievement and inertia are no longer excusable. You had better get off your duff and move ambitiously and smartly so you have something to show for your time on earth when you meet your Maker that had such high expectations for you.
Define and clarify concepts all you want to. Agonize over what properly can be said and posited.
But if you do not describe the world, leap-of-faith your way into all kinds of metaphysical descriptions and propositions, and if you do not affirm that God is, you are, and then what ethical stance you must assume, you are not alive, but a mere tumbleweed thrown hither and wither across the plains of Western Oklahoma.
Dear God, show your power and take back and over this sin-filled, satanic pit called earth: "Show forth, O God, your power, the power, O God, with which you too our part; . . ."
Heather Mac Donald is a lawyer and contributing editor to City Journal
and is an author. She gave a speech at Hillsdale College on 4/18/18. I
read her speech in Imprimis ( • Volume 47, Number 4 • Heather Mac Donald), and this blog entries is about her great, insightful speech, including some excerpts from that speech.
The #MeToo Movement, political correctness and especially identity politics cam out of, or were redounded to, by Academia, according to Mac Donald. Her worry is that political correctness and the hiring of job candidates based on race and gender quotas will disallow hiring manager to land the best job candidate due to political considerations, rather that merit. The disastrous consequence will be a loss of American competitiveness and scientific achievement.
So true, I add. There will also a loss of and decline in intellectual and cultural achievemetn too. This is a horrible race to the bottom to the lowest common denominator of candidates, centered in groupist affiliation, rather than personal merit.
Imagine applying for a plum job in the Nazi regime: if one was a Nazi or a member of the Aryan race, one could go forward. For anyone else, no promotion, no employment, no acceptance, indeed, once identified as non-Aryan, one may well be arrested and sent to a concentration camp.
Though #MeToo correctness in all governmental and business hiring from now on will damage our whole country, hiring managers must yield or be destroyed. What Mac Donald has revealed is that any identity-based hiring, promoting or admittance to graduate school is actually mere totalitarian, groupist preferences being enforced upon candidates, hirers and the organizations in question. Under the guise of corrective action and promoting diversity, the politically correct crowd are literally setting up a police state of spies and consequences for not living in fear and hiring in fear. That this hysteria is gripping America should alarm any decent, thinking person.
I have long advocated that, if we want to hire and promote the best possible candidate, the goals of excellence, superior candidate chosen, with diversity, equality and fairness as unenforced, indirectly valued and influencing the decision-making, but an intended byproduct of merited hiring, will only be met if the candidates competing are maverized individualists, whose skin color, class origin, genitalia and sexual orientation, are mere, natural attributes owned but de-emphasized by each candidate and their hiring managers. Astoundingly superior, brilliant candidates will be falling over each other to be hired.
A gaggle of individuating mavericks, of utter diversity and original perspective, are meritocracy operating wide open.
#MeToo hiring practices, however well-meant, are the epitome of anti-meritocracy. This is why Mac Donald bravely and assuredly warns that organizations hiring this way will begin to decline. It should be immaterial if a candidate is a white, herterosexual male, or whatever that candidate is or professes.
Mac Donald reports that there is some shunned and silenced scientific research pointing out that men like more abstract-idea centered work, and women like more human-centered, relational activities. This can influence who goes into what field, and may explain why mathematicians, engineers, and high tech engineers are mostly male and white.
She points out that gender differences are real, significant and must be given recognition. Men and women are created equal and are equal, but they are not the same and not identical. To deny these differences is to flout God's gender preferences for us as De created us.
I must quote a whole paragraph from her wonderful speech--it is so articulate:
"The #MeToo movement has uncovered real abuses of power. But the solution
to those abuses is not to replace valid measures of achievement with
irrelevancies like gender and race. Ironically, the best solution to
sexual predation is not more feminism, but less. By denying the
differences between men and women, and by ridiculing the manly virtues
of gentlemanliness and chivalry and the female virtues of modesty and
prudence, feminism dissolved the civilizational restraints on the male
libido. The boorish behavior that pervades society today would have been
unthinkable in the past, when a traditional understanding of sexual
propriety prevailed. Now, however, with the idea of “ladies and
gentlemen” discredited and out of favor, boorishness is increasingly the
Mac Donald is wise and exercises common sense. Let men be gentleman, manly and chivalrous. Let women be modest and prudent. Boorishness, out of control male libido and #MeToo movement witch hunts are the consequence of ridding our society of good manners and traditional gender identity.
I saw it first hand this morning. I attended the gun rally at the Capitol with perhaps 3,000 people yesterday. A family of six gun rights advocates had a picnic 700 feet back, in among 4 state troopers, with one small placard. They were seated and silent the whole two hours.
This morning, the local news on TV interviewed one gun rights attender, and the mom of that family of 6 for the spot, The announcer then expressed disappointment about little gun-control legislation being passed this year. Now that is the liberal press in Minnesota, once again, lying, deceiving and distorting reality.
I last attended a political rally in the fall of 1972 for George McGovern at Hector Airport in Fargo, North Dakota.
I went by myself to the Saturday pro-gun rally at the Capitol in St. Paul. There were 2,000 to 3,000 people there, a few blacks and Asians, but mostly whites. Many were armed, and a few carried semiautomatic rifles. There were some elderly people, some union members, bikers and gays, but most were middle class, middle-aged people, some with their wives and children with them.
The NRA was there, the Republican Party and the Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus. They are the RINOS in the Minnesota Gun Rights fight and debacle, with all the letdowns, treachery and backstabbing that that entails and implies.
Minnesota Gun Rights, the North Star No Compromise Gun Rights advocacy group (my favorite), was nowhere to be found.
I believe that they are few in number and funding, but they were not even given a booth and a presence and they really do advocate for gun rights, a Tea Party quality issue advocacy group that is spurned, shut down, attacked and shut out by the three organizations mentioned above.
I could write a doctoral dissertation on the nature of political advocacy in Minnesota, and by extension, in America, based upon what I have witnessed here in the last few days.
In politics, I advocate for supercitizens heavily, constantly, unendingly advocating for the people, in this case, liberty and gun rights.
House Speaker Kurt Daudt and Representative Kurt Heintzman are doing an attack piece online savaging Minnesota Gun Rights. Minnesota Legislators blocked passing Stand Your Ground and Constitutional Carry, all while supported by the Republican Party, and getting A ratings and endorsement by the NRA and Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus. Just know that Governor Rick Scott of Florida, that raised purchasing a semiautomatic rifle in Florida to 21 years of age, has an A rating with the NRA.
Voters look at these ratings with the NRA and shilled and pasteled Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus and do not know whom to believe, or whom to vote for. RINOS talk a helluva fight, but intend to do little when at the Legislature or even worse, cower and are weaking and allow to gun-grabbers to introduce lots of anti-gun bills because they are emboldened.
Remember, if the conservatives are not on offense, they are busy playing defense. That is what Daudt and Heintzman did to us, and neither the NRA or the Republican Party in Minnesota said a damn thing about it at the rally yesterday. They even praised Daudt.
Daudt is a fair-weather, swamp-politician out to see which way the win blows, so that he can get elected to higher office some day. He has prostituted himself to the highest bidder, or to allow the Left to dominate Minnesota legislative agenda. The NRA, the Republican Party and Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus have all given him undeserved cover.
Who should people trust? Trust me. Trust God. Trust the Tea Party. Trust NGR and MGR, and not many others.
I love and continue to support the NRA, but worry about their weak-kneed compromises at times. I give no money to the Republican Party or to the Minnesota Gun Rights Caucus, because they are Mitch McConnell students and followers.
The Center For Disease Control hid a statistic that they did not want publicized that supports law-abiding gun owners use gun 2.5 million times a year to defend themselves or others.
This informs us about two situations. First, government researchers would collect and twist gun research statistics only to ban guns. We will not fund their research but will let Dr. John Lott, outside the government, do real research.
The CDC also covered it up that 60% of gun deaths are suicides not murders.
They also do not highlight that with record gun ownership here, crimes rates are going down.
In Chicago, with very stringent gun control, gun ownership is lower than in say North Dakota, but crimes rates are skyrocketed. More government control, more violent crimes. Once again, everything the government touches, it poisons and ruins.
When we started with Obamacare 10 years ago, Palin and others warned about death panels, like in England, sentencing the sick and old to death, rationing health carry, executing certain ill and high cost individuals using up too many resources without much bang for the buck.
Now a Judge there killed toddler Alfie by not allowing him to go to the Vatican to get care which may have prolonged his life. The English government has blood on its hands. Human life is sacred and the government should not be taking human life. This evil trend must be halted, and ferociously fought.
The NRA advertises itself as the oldest civil rights organization, and that is so.
I would like to extrapolate upon that and offer Mavellonialism as the youngest civil rights organization just coming onto the political and cultural scene. If we can protect the constitutional and legal rights of oppressed individuals, then we have struck a chord for civilization, justice and human rights.
Matt Rosendale, running for US Senate this fall as a Republican, wants to reduce federal spending 23%. That would be the best way to reduce the danger of the out-of-control deep state. It would reverse our trend to rob from our children and grandchildren. It would be good for America.
Breitbart reports today that the University of Utah opened a crying closet for distressed students.
Part of being an adult, especially and individuating adult of the promising feature, is to man up, put on your adult pants, and face life head on, even grief, pain, stress, bad news and set backs.
We must be rational, calm adults and deal with the truth and new happenings straight-forward, by accepting the reality of them, if not submitting always to what just occurred to us. if the occurrence strikes us as immoral or inconsistent with our values.
We do not run. We do not hide from life. We never seek cry closets.
Drudge Report has an article this morning about bringing the Paris Accord back to life. No Way. Trump walked away from it, and that is good for America. We cannot forfeit our fossil-fuel economic boom for the sake of fake science (CO2 alarmists) that is really socialist ideology out to wreck our economy and make the world poor and wretched.
We should expect great things from ourselves, from our partners, our children, our politicians, our employees.
We want to hold that bar high without being severe. We want to be exacting, but know when to back off. We want to coach but not be hypercritical. We want high performance, but not perfection, not impossible outcomes.
We pulled an $1800 heater out of our farm house up north and tried to sell it on Craig's list--not one nibble in 100 mile radius. Bloomington has community garbage pick up day (an annual event in April) on Saturday (4/28/18).
Scavengers with trucks and trailers prowl the streets for a week in advance of the trash collecting to salvage deals. My son and I put out the heater after work today, and I thought it would be gone in an hour. The propane furnace has some minor rust on the heat exchanger, but otherwise is only 6 years old.
Two guys, a truck and a trailer loaded the LP heater and flue 20 minutes after we put it out on the berm. These stinkers would not give me a penny for it through advertising, but they nabbed it for free as soon as it was free. Pretty clever guys who knew real value, right away.
I am no canny negotiator, which is why I do not gamble, am not a realtor, salesperson nor auctioneer.
You can discover facts about the objective world, and you can explain those in clear language, expressing concepts that capture the reality that you grasp and experience daily. The discovery and the recounting of the discovery is a meaningful, substantive undertaking.
She may have proven that the Blue Wave is for this fall is only wishful thinking. Lasko is a smart, real conservative to join the House Freedom Caucus. What a refreshing woman, and solid, honest politician. Kurt, Daudt, are you listening?
This writer for Breitbart News tonight wrote that Trump should acknowledge Turkish genocide against 1.5 million Armenians during World War I and afterwards.
I could not agree more. Any act of genocide needs to be remembered, and we need a anti-genocide museum here in Bloomington, Mn. so these mass crimes against humanity are never forgotten.
Genocide proves two things at least. Big, organized government is a common, efficient tool for committing genocide against hated minorities.
Groups kill other groups. This is not the work of individualists.
Two great sources of evil in the world: huge, majority groups and big, centralized government serve Satan.
Republican Speaker of the House Kurt Daudt told reporters this afternoon that he thought it was possible to reach a consensus with Democrats in the Minnesota Legislature on some form of gun control.
I called this RINO RAT and told him if Republicans like him betray their base, I will personally wallk 100 blocks this fall in his district to go house to house to defeat him.
We at Minnesota Gun Rights are fighting for the liberty of all tonight: Senator Ron Latz' Universal Background Checks (SF1261) and Red Flags Orders (SF1262) bills are a gross abuse of the Second Amendment and a slap across the face of law-abiding gun owners and if passed would be a disaster for our Second Amendment rights.Recipients
Any statement can be translated into the symbols and language of formal logical. If any statement can be translated into a mathematical language, or expressed as a principle of symbolic logic.
As an epistemological moderate, I would never dismiss a tautologous translation of statements of expressed in regular, common speech into statements of mathematics or symbolic language. Different ways of communicating and alternative ways of thinking do offer us fresh ideas, and fresh outlooks.
Having granted this, I think that ordinary language still works very well as the language of epistemology, philosophy, and commerce.
Drudge Report tonights mentions a worsening drought in Southwest America. This is quite alarming for many reasons. We hope and pray that the drought is broken, and that those farmers, ranchers and cities with drying wells and reservoirs find relief.
God has power over death, and is our salvation in this world and in the next: "Blessed day by day be the Lord who bears our burdens; God, who is our salvation. God is a saving God for us; the Lord, my Lord, controls the passageways of death."
Today, 4/22/2018, is Earth Day, and Breitbart News reports that Trump sent out a message today promising to eliminate unnecessary and harmful regulations. He says a healthy environment and a strong economy go hand in hand as free market economy can still give us clean air, land and water.
Go, Donald, go.
No data bases on who owns what guns, no universal back ground checks, no red flag alerts. Here is the petition that I just signed for Minnesota Gun Rights. The cowardly treacherous Republicans in the Minnesota Senate have gone soft and voted for gun control, and with Governor Moonbeam willing and able to grease the skids for gun confiscation, if we lose it in the House, we are doomed.
Second Amendment to the United States Constitution states that “the
right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed;” and
statewide so-called “Assault Weapons” ban seeks to outlaw any
semi-automatic rifle, shotgun, or pistol based solely on their cosmetic
“scary” features; and
“Universal Background Checks” are nothing more than “code” for STATEWIDE GUN REGISTRATION; and;
Gag Act is simply designed to muzzle organizations like Minnesota Gun
Rights from exposing anti-gun votes during election years;
your constituent, I insist you VOTE NO on the full slate of gun control
bills listed above and ANY other gun control bills, which clearly
violate our Second Amendment rights!
I have long advocated that American adults, of both genders, above the age of 18, pack heat, constitutional carry, anywhere, with no gun-free zones.
As organized militias, and as private citizens, all Americans must be armed and ready to defend themselves, their family, their neighbors, and peers at work and school from thugs, crazies, terrorists, foreign invaders and rogue federal police turning society into a fascist state.
If we incorporate and train the civilian population to be a domestic, armed militia of 125 million souls, that should do something for preparedness as a military force, with the added benefit that there may be some savings in the military budget or reallocation of resources to where needed more.
My homepathic healer has this motto on the back of her business card: "Health is living in balance."
That motto runs deep and is true existentially as well as a spiritual or ethical law of nature.
It really is a restating my ethical motto of moderation in all things.
Regarding healing, conventional Western medicine is great at diagnostics, surgeries, etc. With the use of powerful drugs, the whole person is not being treated, and that is a problem that needs correcting.
Just as conventional doctors now refer patients to chiropractors, and vice versa, so too will, in 15 years, homeopathic healers be referring patients to conventional doctors and vice versa.
I have been visiting a classical homeopath for about a year, and seemed to be doing generally better. My blood pressure is a bit elevated and my A1C is higher than it should be but at 310 pounds that is to be expected.
I am trying to lose weight, reduction in beer drinking, fewer carbs, less candy, smaller portions. I am not an alcoholic but show the tendencies that the Irish glom onto. I am a foodaholic, and food is my ism to compensate for stress, low self-esteem, anger, troubles and just loving food in general.
Conventional doctors push the low carb diet (good) and Metformin, which has some serious side effects. For high blood pressure, they push statin drugs that have some serious side effects.
Homepaths promise to deal with the Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure condition with remedies and holistic, natural medicine.
She tells me the same thing that my conventional doctors do: my lack of self-control, overeating, foodaholicism, my insufficient cardiovascular exercise are real impediments to my recovery that I must deal with successfully before they can do very much to help me get well.
What they want me to do the most, and what I need to do the most, are the favorite things that I do in this crazy world: drink beer and breads, eat lots of pizza and red meat, and enjoy candy and ice cream. It must say something about human nature, and my nature, that we love the most what is bad for us and hate the most what is good for us. Is that paradox or theater of the absurd in action, or what?
So I am quasi-dieting with beer intake reduction, increased walking and biking, trying portion control, more vegetables, etc.
Promote feminism. Arm your wife, your daughter, your sister, the women that you work with. Nothing like pistol-packing to make a woman the physical equal to any man that plans to do her evil. When poised and packing, she may not be invulnerable, but she is now ready to handle most anything or anybody coming her way.
We will drive our young people, much more so, going forward, to live as individuals and to excel as individuals. On the other hand, we must inform them through speech ad by example in action that self-perfecting is what individuating is, but it is not and never will be chasing after achieved perfection, an impossible, too strict a standard, guaranteeing personal disillusionment, unhappiness and frayed nerves.
We strive to motivate the young, not dishearten and disillusion them
Dedicate your life to God by individuating all your life. This sacrifice, this enormous commitment of time, energy and talent will be your significant gift to the world, and, in return, you will get back all that you want and need, and then some.
Leftists activists feel justified in targeting the homes of promiment conservatives. The effort is to silence and intimidate, and it displays the ugly, violelnt, undemocratic, totalitarian, thuggish side of the Left better than words ever could.
Well, the practice must be stopped, and we conservatives must fight back, every inch, every day, every hour. We will not be silenced. We will not be coerced. We will not shut up. Indeed, we are going on offense and will stay on offense to win liberals and independents over to our side.
We instinctively do not like change and growth, but they will keep coming at us with our without our okay. We must retain our core beliefs and old ways, while ever, steadily, calmly bringing in new ways. In that way we take ownership of the change without losing our identities, our sense of proportion, our keen grasp upon what is going on, how it all fits together, and how it should all be arranged and rearranged.
"Peace Be With You" is the greeting that good Catholics greet each other with during Mass as you shake hands with your neighbors around you. It is a noble and worthy thought and wish to share with others in the worshiping community.
Leftist fanatics, conscientious objectors and idealistic college kids high on feeling and easy solutions just feel that there could be a just and lasting peace if we would just confiscate all guns, and only the military and federal and local police will be armed. The world would be peaceful only if we disbanded our military and unilaterally disarmed ourselves of any of our weapons of mass destructions.
Prager has a great video out on the peace-through-strength approach. A well-armed American public keep criminals, crazies and government fascists from the Left and the Deep State from taking over the government and setting up a Cuban dictatorship here.
A powerful, modern, well-equipped American military, as world cop, keeps peace around the world to keep the theocratic Islamist fascists, the Russian thugs, and the Communist superpower like China from taking over the world.
Humans are violent, and massed man with militaries and powerful centralized governments have never been peaceful, and often at war.
I want peace to be with you and pray for you and me to that extent, but until Mavellonialist supercitizens are the norm in America and all over the world, peace will not be with you, until the Good Spirits, not the Evil Spirits, rule the world. Stay armed, stay militarized and be restrained, and that is the best peace that we can muster until the world changes.
Chinese, governmental censorship of online and Internet content is not a new thing. According to Drudge Report this morning President Xi Jinping is tightening his grip on the Internet to "ensure broader social and economic goals are met".
I got this from a Reuters article (4/21/18), reported by Adam Jourdan and edited by Ros Russell. Jourdan writes that Xi is concerned about losing influence and control over a younger generation who are driving a diverse and vibrant online culture from livestreaming to blogs.
What do I take away from this? Censorship online in China will spread to the rest of the world where every junta, elite and dictator inflict totalitarian mind control and brainwashing upon its populace through Internet suppression of free and diverse thought. It is happening here too as the Left in Congress (Klobuchar wants Facebook regulated?) in social media and through the high tech gians are censorship conservative thought and expression.
I have been online with my free blog site for seven years with over 5,000 entries and only 4 comments in 7 years. Who is being kept from reading and responding to my ideas.
China seeks world domination, and we have to oppose them early, hard and constantly. Xi like Hitler before him is on the march and we had best inform our Libertarian isolationists that war is coming. Shutting down freedom of speech and freedom of access online is but one step along his route to world take-over.
I just heard Dennis on the radio, a few days ago, affirm that there is an objective sets of rights and wrongs, moral absolutes to bind us and guide us.
There are situational ethics with a little wiggle room locally and in the moment in which the agent must adapt, creatively and quickly, but still guided by the overarching moral absolutes.
The epistemological moderate in me is not so certain of easily, clearly identifying and accessing moral absolutes to guide us, but his offered moral absolutes are probably true anyway, so they are serviceable and will guide us anyway.
Robins and cardinals are singing this 35 degree Minneapolis morning. Up in Pembina County the sharptail grouse are dancing their mating dance with full vigor and enthusiasm They love life, and earnestly want to live, procreate, eat and make babies to perpetuate their species.
Their instincts and hormones inform them that life is not meaningless and absurd. They are bursting with purpose and the will to live and survive. Perhaps this biological sense of life and meaning will inspire the cynics, pessimists and world-weary among us to take stock and find hope and comfort from the primordial optimism of the birds in nature at spring time.
I was discussing theology with a close friend and this person informed me that she was a monotheist, but that belief must seem simplistic to me.
I was taken aback by that remark. My quick response was, no, I never characterize the religious beliefs of anyone as simplistic. First, of all the communion between God and the believer is a singular, complex phenomenon, so private and personal, that no outside like me has a right to put a label on it, let alone call the relationship and accompanying beliefs simplistic.
Second, any relationship involving God cannot be simplistic because if God is not all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-loving, De is awfully close to possessing such traits, and there is nothing simplistic about the Almighty.
Third, there is always an element of uncertainty and relativism inherent to belief or unbelief, and there is the inevitable basing the religious outlook on faith. I believe what I believe but we have no logic, scientific experiment or revealed, certain truth to lay out the case of what is what regarding belief.
Absolute claims are not sure proofs of correctness. Educated guesses, the love of truth, shrewd, naturalistic analogies, honest searching for ultimate answers and revealed truth are means of arrving at religious belief. These are the means by which we arrive at or support our acquired or inherited religious outlooks. None is qualified to declare that someone's religious belief is simplistic or complex.
All I ask and condemn is those that openly, willingly worship and serve evil deities and demons.
My niece posted this quote on Facebook by Deborah Ellis:
really owns anything. We give back our bodies at the end of our lives.
We own our thoughts, but everything else is just borrowed. We use it for
a while, then pass it on. Everything. We borrow the sun that shines on
us today from the people on the other side of the world while they
borrow the moon from us. Then we give it back. We can’t keep the sun, no
matter how afraid we are of the dark."
--Deborah Ellis
My Comment: In
a way Deborah Ellis is correct, and we really do not own anything. That
really is behind the radical, pure altruism and theological
collectivism of Eastern religion. We are nothing, we own nothing, we are
mere Maya transitoriness, a gossamer appendage to the divine One that
is inscrutable, unknowable, ineffable, individisible, unchanging,
eternal and immutable.
then my Mavellonialist metaphysical objecting kicks in. We are
individual. We are real. We are angels, at our best when developed,
spitting images of our divine parents. We own things, we own our life
mission, we own our consciousness that is good,
real, indiviisible and wholesome. We own our divinely mandated journey
to make something of the self must as the oak seek grows into the mighty
Arisotelian tree. We own this and are enjoined by the Higher Power to
take a lasting interest in and resourceful management of what we own and
what we are.
My Niece: "I agree, but the idea of things being borrowed and not inheritantly belonging to us is also from the Bible: Job 1:21 ► He
said, "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The
Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised."
reappears again and again in the New Testament when Jesus speaks of
money in the Parables and even when he speaks to Pontius Pilot
(spelling?) when he's about to be sentenced to death.
Bible also plays with the idea of being Stewards of the earth in
Genesis, so I'm not sure that managing our resources that we've been
granted (versus "own") is necessarily separate. In fact, if we have
more, we are supposed to give those in need--rather than solely
accumulate more wealth. That's my understanding of it anyway.
My Response: Your
quotes from the Old Testament and the New Testament are honest,
reasonable interpretations from those texts. If one loves God and loves
pursuit of the truth, and these two loves and practices can never
contradict each other, then one has to be very careful not to take
Biblical text out of context to support one's own non-Biblical
interpretation of sacred text to strengthen the argument that one is
promoting. Regarding your Job quote, it can be used to promote altruist
ethics and metaphysics, which you favor, much more than egoist ethics
and metaphysics, which I favor. One could remain an egoist and not
disagree with Job by remarking that entering and leaving the world naked
and shorn of property are the reality, but really do not prove whether
the soul, the ghost in the machine, is but a connected soul to the
collective crowd after death, or if it is a sturdy, discreet spiritual
angel, alive, singular and apart, an immaterial individual in harmony
with a vast host of other such souls in that kingdom of heaven. My
theology is that the Mother and the Father are the ultimate,
near-Perfect individuated Individualists. Yahweh, Allah, Buddha and
Jesus are earlier divine manifestations, bound by historical
circumstances, cultural, linguistic and human limitations, of Higher
Power or Higher Powers reach out to needy humanity as collectivists
deities, with all the accompanying religious text, altruist ethics,
anti-materialistic and anti-secular excesses, and the altruist
metaphysics. These earlier, limiting values and principles are not now
to be regarded as inferior or primitive or wrong, but are to be
supplemented by more modern, advanced superior egoist theology and
egoist ethics that overlay and provide context not refutation of what
went before. The Bible, like any great source of divine knowledge and
inspiration, has such holistic greatness inherent in it, that every
side of an argument can find text to support their personal agenda. All
are somewhat right and all are somewhat wrong, and moderate truth is
uncovering roughly where the balance lies, and that demarcation is only
approximate and ever shifting. It is easy to be deceived and misled even
when one is honest and out to deceive none, including oneself.
This is from my nephew an atheist and Libertarian, but a philosopher, nonethelesss. He wrote this on Facebook, and it is significant--I will respond to it when not going out the door to work:
"To defy the absurd is absurd in and of itself.
The irresolvable contradictions in human thoughts become paradoxes, axioms or unanswered questions."
It seems to me to defy the absurd is not absurd in and of itself. It all depends upon one's world view.
If one is a diehard pessimist, asserting that there is no ultimate meaning in life, then one could regard all as absurd, and that defying the absurd is an absurd response. One should just live with it, embrace hedonism, just not worry about it or fight at it, or just give up and commit suicide.
One cannot be a theist, an optimist or a Mavellonialist, and agree with this statement for several reasons.
First, the epistemological moderate will agree that some thing may remain unaswerable, absurd, meaningless and inscrutable, while assert that much of what occurs fits an ontological pattern that can be recognized, described, captured in words and mathematics. Reason and faith can make sense of it all, even filling one with hope, love and optimism. Yes, there is senselessness, wanton cruelty and unexplainable tragedies at work in the world. People are basically evil and Satan rules this world, but that does not mean that we must abandon hope, abandon faith in the Almighty, forsake love and human achievement, all for the glory of God whose embrace will take us to heaven if we choose the route of salvation.
Second, the absurd requires the application of reason, rational intuition and an informed leap into the darkness of conundrums to uncover the hidden patterns at work inside them.
Third the irresolvable problems built into human thought may become paradoxes, axioms or unansweredquestions, but with courage, cheer and the plying of these perplexing puzzles with moderate logic, and hunches sent from the divine, one can make headway against these actual or seeming absurdities. They may never be all resolved, but some will be resolved, and some will be made sense of, or at least allowing the creative-thinking individuator to adopt a posture of survival around these intellectual dilemmas.
Is your soul your own? It
really all goes back to our core assumptions. If we are metaphysical
and ethical altruists, as were the historical Hebrews and early
Christians, then the idea of accepting fundamental non-ownership of our
things, our bodies, our minds, our souls, even our very lives, then
Job's eloquent lament holds true. If one is a committed metaphysical and
ethical egoist, then a strong, permanent self that owes much to the
Higher Power while that individualistic Higher Power confers upon each
disciple much freedom, power and ownership to be all that he can be,
then ownership has worth, divine backing and meaningful existence. It
really is both/and more than either/or.
a way Deborah Ellis is correct, and we really do not own anything. That
really is behind the radical, pure altruism and theological
collectivism of Eastern religion. We are nothing, we own nothing, we are
mere Maya transitoriness, a gossamer appendage to the divine One that
is inscrutable, unknowable, ineffable, indivisible, unchanging,
eternal and immutable.
then my Mavellonialist metaphysical objecting kicks in. We are
individual. We are real. We are angels, at our best when developed,
spitting images of our divine parents. We own things, we own our life
mission, we own our consciousness that is good, real, indivisible and
wholesome. We own our divinely mandated journey to make something of the
self must as the oak seek grows into the mighty Aristotelian tree. We
own this and are enjoined by the Higher Power to take a lasting interest
in and resourceful management of what we own and what we are.
Thank you for your strong support of gun rights. Please do not allow anti-gun research bills and other anti-gun bills to get a hearing from the Senate Health and Human Services Finance and Policy Committee.
He has an eye-opening video on Facebook about what is going on at the actual open southern border where 98% of the heroin passes through. Why do we tolerate this affront to our well-being and national security needs?
This smart, winsome, articulate, independent-thinking young black woman, on her Prager U video, recounts her intellectual journey from being an Obama Democrat to a conservative Republican.
She is a black, college-educated young woman, a millennial, a liberal that became a black, female, educated, conservative millennial referred to as a race-traitor, anti-feminist, etc,
She is a free thinker and a self-made woman that grew up poor.
Sounds like a budding individualist to me, ever refusing to play the victim, ever insisting upon making her own way in the world.
What a fine young person, a paragon that all young need to emulate. As individuators and individualists, they have a future disconnected from campus cant and Leftist victimology.
Levin wants a special counsel appointed to clean out DOJ, the FBI, NSA, and maybe the CIA. Good point. Trump should take Sessions out, and put in a tough AG to fire Rosenstein and get that special second counsel appointed to clean up, and clean out, and deweaponize the Deep State traitors to Trump and America.
The new AG needs to limit severely anymore fishing by Mueller, not fire him, but restrain him, until his witch hunt runs its natural course.
Swear your allegiance to God in public before all people, without apology or misdirection. State your loyalty to De with humility, joy and frankness. Let us see that you put your trust in the Mother and the Father.
In return they will bestow many gifts and blessings upon you, including joy, peace, calmness, love and contentment.
If you are isolated and filled with worry and care, be frightened no more. Invite God and the Good Spirits into your being and life, and you will know an inner tranquility that outlasts all concerns, all setbacks all happenings in daily life.
Dear Senator
There are lots of nasty DFL bills and schemes to restrict gun bearing and gun ownership, the slow Leftist crawl to outright confiscation. I imagine you will vote for all this tyranny-increasing bills, but surprise me and yourself and do not. The DFL is now the party of gun-grabbers and the citizens are going to wake up and throw you people out of office.
Here is my not hopeful plea to Andrew, our liberal DFL representative, to vote against HF 4360:
Dear Andrew:
I know at heart that you are a gun-grabber but your peer Erin Murphy takes the cake with this bold, sweeping bill towards gun confiscation. If you vote for this mess, it is clear that you are a dedicated gun-grabber like all DFLers now are. You reveal your unpatriotic, anti-American schemes with this kind of crap legislation. Please vote against the DFL and send this bill to an early grave. Thanks, Ed Ramsey. Bloomington, 612-360-5320.
This gun confiscation legislation is typical of the Nazi-crap brought forth by DFLers. Erin wants to run for governor. Democrats are now the gun confiscation party.
Here is what was sent to me by Minnesota Gun Rights:
Edward --
The legislature is back from their Easter Break -- and Rep. Erin Murphy, DFL HD 64A, wasted no time in filing yet another egregious anti-gun bill.
You might remember that Rep. Murphy is also running to be the DFL candidate for Governor of Minnesota -- a race where the three remaining candidates in the race are all trying to see who is more anti-gun than the other.
Rep. Murphy has been talking about her "assault weapons ban" bill for weeks - making many of us think she was going to come up with something unique and different.
Instead, it's more of the same, tired, ineffective gun control strategies of the past.
Here's what's in her proposed bill - HF 4360.
Universal background checks / universal gun registration
A ban on magazines holding more than 12 rounds
A complete ban on transferring "Assault Weapons" - meaning no more sales, no more purchases, and you can only sell yours to a family member or give it up for destruction.
A ban on "bump stocks"
A new "Gun Violence Restraining Order" law
A buyback program that would spend taxpayer dollars to "buy back" firearms, magazines, and "assault weapons"
Our action for today is to call Rep. Murphy and your legislators to tell them you are opposed to Rep. Murphy's proposed gun control legislation - and remain all of them to STAND STRONG AGAINST GUN CONTROL!
Call Rep. Murphy at 651-296-8799: Tell her that you're opposed to HF 4360 and her gun control schemes. Tell her to withdraw the bill and stand strong for the Second Amendment!
Follow-up with an e-mail to Rep. Murphy at rep.erin.murphy@house.mn. Reiterate your opposition to this legislation. Be polite, but firm.
If you don't already know by heart, find out who represents you: Find your legislator at this link if needed. Note their Name, Mailing Address, Phone Number, E-Mail Address (or link to Senate contact form), and link to their webpage.
Call your State Senator. Let them know you're opposed to any gun control legislation - and you want them to STAND STRONG.
Call your State Representative. Let them know you're opposed to any gun control legislation - and you want them to STAND STRONG.
Follow-up with a brief e-mail to both your State Senator and State Representative. Reiterate the same points from your phone calls.
If you're not already a member, please join the Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus today!
If you're able to commit to a monthly donation, signup for an ongoing sustaining donation to help us take the fight to the anti-gunners in Saint Paul.
This is the time of session when deals get made - when people give up on the fight and look to compromise - our legislators need to hear from us -- and we need your help to ensure that they stand strong!
Please no longer support HF4116 for it a dangerous step along the slippery slope to gun confiscation. We are watching and demand that you support this no more. No Republican support at all at betraying Minnesotans to advance Soros/DFL gun confiscation schemes.
With space-age technology at our finger tips, it is no longer necessary to have school students or college students serve servitude as beaten-down clones, brainwashed and ill-educated by union goons and Marxist professors.
We citizens must take the feds out of all local education. We need vouchers and dollars to follow per capita parents and teachers home, to magnet schools, to charter schools and private religious schools so that educational monopolies are broken up and dismantled.
As the young come to face a lifetime of prodigious, exciting, profound learning as mavericks and individuators, they will custom-build the education that they receive and decentralization and computer technology at hand will help them reach and exceed their educational goals.
When Mavellonialism catches on, it rate of expansion and influence will be exponential. This rapid expansion will be a tsunami crashing ashore and it will be unstoppable. Only the Good Spirits know when and how the break out will lead to sea change. I would like to see it occur while I am still here, but that is wishful thinking only.
So I am offensive to you with my conservative musings, and your ranting about confiscating my guns really torques me off. So what. We agree to disagree and fight it out in the salons, on Twitter, online, in the coffee shop, in the various legislatures, and in the ballot box.
We all have free speech rights, and offensive speech is not hate speech. Even actual hate speech must be tolerated.
I despise Leftists, but would never use the law, my guns or group intimidation to coerce them to my point of view. Personal views and personal speech are voluntary choices and must be sacrosanct, or America the Free no longer exists, and the Constitution has been demolished.
Some isolationists do not like Trump bombing Assad and Ssyria for using gas on rebels. We have to stand up to totalitarian butchers to prevent World War III. Being the world's policeman requires that we make tough decisions and act accordingly.
My social capital is now 3, on a scale of 1 to 100. Social capital is my technical name for measuring an individual's inness or clique popularity in a designated clique or social grouping. Social capital can also measured quantitatively under the technical name of mine, outness, or clique unpopularity of the person being measured, in a designated clique or social grouping.
The numbers that I assign are wildly approximate and are not carefully pondered and calibrated. These approximations, still, roughly hold true, and are indicative, illustrative measures of social capital that inform us about an individual's social standing.
Mavellonialists, in the future, will have refined the metrics for measuring social capital as to be much more accurate and informative than I am doing. I am not a trained social scientist, nor an actuary, so I do not apologize for not providing what I cannot provide. The introduction of measured individual social capital as very telling about group dynamics locally as they impact each specific individual is a contribution that is of lasting value going forward.
Note that my standing in Minnesota and North Dakota societies is one of exceeding unpopularity, a score of 97 out of a 100 for outness of social capital. That corresponds directly to a score of 3 out of 100 for measuring degree of popularity, with a resulting score of 3 for inness.
One's social capital with a low inness score and a high outness score, in evil societies, indicated the individual is a saint, a great soul, a hero, a stellar intellectual, a rebel of high caliber, or a vicious criminal, one that is mad and avoided, etc.
If one is very popular with a high inness score of 92, and a low outness score of 8, that person is deeply entrenched in the corrupt society. That person is revered, admired and envied by groupists through out the corrupt society striving solely to increase personal social capital at any price, by any act of self-denial, and eager willingness to commit any immorality to gain favor and increase in rank.
Were this 100 years in the future, after Mavellonialism and individual-living have swept the planet, social capital will be had and gained based on individuator growth in kindness, knowledge, power, holinesss and wisdom, but will be the reward of good living and good doing, not bad living, conformity, and bad doing.
Group-living social-capital enhancement games going on today under group-living conditions increases and reinforces the power and social control of Satan and Lera as they run this world.
Individual-living concerns about increasing personal social capital will not be sought after or manipulated in the Mavellonialist future, but will be doled out automatically and naturally with effort or fanfare by the Good Spirits as individuators live and do their thing. Social capital will no longer much matter, but an earned but not overemphasized increase in social standing measured as increased social capital will be appreciated, not much valued and never sought after.
If you are a mathematical genius like Isaac Newton, a philosophical giant like Russell, or some brilliant, anonymous Pythagorean at work in ancient days, you or some future such indivduating, formal logician, may be able to come up with symbolic language expressed as mathematical proofs or formal logical arguments that directly express the thoughts of God, and thus capture the divine expressing of the laws that govern nature, all worlds, and all creatures.
Or you could use ordinary, everyday language or vernacular English to express that same divine language spoken and thought by God and the Good Spirits.
Either language will one day allow individuators to read the mind of God directly, and receive their orders and revelations directly as uttered, written and proclaimed by the Divine Presence, showing De's preferences.
Communicate well. Ask the Good Spirits to guide your writing and your speech so that you say what you mean and mean what you say in language, logic and clarity that 90% of the public will grasp and relate to on first encounter.
As you individuate, you will become increasingly aware of who you are, what is your mission in life, where you are headed, why it is important that you stay your present course, and why you do as you do.
As you grow as an intellectual, and more guardian-angel guided, your ideas, your philosophy of life, and your language capturing it all will sharpen, form a logical argument, come into focus and be something that you can share with the world in clear, concise, eloquent words.
There is a common saying on the Right that whatever the Left touches, it ruins. That is true and I would like to explore how and why.
But first, I would like to express my amazement that the Left's endless ability further to deceive itself that its failures are not its fault, that progressivism only failed because of poor progressive leadership, or that the next time Ameritopia will be achieved and be perfect.
Why does the Left destroy everything it touches like Cuba, Venezuela, Detroit, Baltimore and the state of California, and many Indian reservations? It does so due to a series of stupid, destructive and wickedness-loving policies and life-style choices that can only lead to perennial poverty, blight, uncivil society, breakdown of the family and neighborhoods, and high crime rates. It never ceases to astonish and sadden me as to how generation after generation in these failed communities arrogantly, stupidly and rebelliously cling to a way of life that hurts each and all in these failed communities. We must conclude that people are born wicked and masochistic to perpetuate such horrible, mindless repetitions of suffering, injustice and cruelty upon each other and the whole community, dooming generation after generation to the same tragic fate without escape.
I offer capitalism. The Left in these blighted areas offer welfare, government involvement in every aspect of ghetto life and dependency on the system. Only crime lords offer some sort of illicit wealth generation in the local economy through drugs, prostitution, gambling, etc.
I offer individualism and individual-living. The Left offers groupism and group-living.
I offer self-reliance and personal Horatio Alger type of bootstrapping one's way to worldly, material and intellectual success. They offer group-sharing, group ownership of property and wealth, and dependency upon each other's generosity and federal largesse.
I offer invigorating ambition and hard work to achieve artistic, spiritual, monetary and intellectual, resounding success. The Left offer doing only what one has to to survive, and to give away one's profit, unselfishly and nobly, to the government or to one's neighbors. They regard ambition and self-seeking as wicked practices.
I offer the American Way with supercitizens, as vibrant individuating anarchists, running a thriving, bustling, enriched, civil society as a constitutional republic. The Left offers nonindividuating, Big Government thralls that muddle along as sub-citizens told what to do, what to think, how to vote and how to live and whom to hate by Big Government elites, billionaires, Big Media, Pastors, Professors and educated white professionals all conspiring together to create Socialistized massed humanity, uniform in thought and action, as they are ensnared group-thinkers and wards of a one-party, Marxist dictatorship close to making their Ameritopian transformation of America a complete reality.
I offer God and the Good Spirits, so modern and yet honoring and issuing moral commands consistent with traditional Western moral values. The Left offers isms: Islamism, Marxism, Fascism, Atheism, Fanaticism, Ecoterrorism, all of which, are superficial faiths leading to to rise of Satan and Lera with the one world, socialist government. Then demon worship will be uncovered as the politicial and religious faith of the day, unwittingly followed and served by billions of Leftists, spearheading their own downfall.
Steve Forbes eloquently explains why we should go to a flat tax income tax collection system on a recent Prager U video. Works for me, time for a change.
Who are the racists? All are in the sense that all are born racist, but most do not act upon their prejudiced inklings because their moral upbringing forbids such nasty behavior.
Who are the active, practicing racists? Any that do not espouse individual-living and the arrival on the human scene of billions of individuator-anarchists. Only these great-souled individualists outgrow their racist tendencies.
Non-individuating joiners are the actual racists because stereotypes based on blood lines, identity politics and social affiliations are believed in and enforced until they appear to be reality, thus true.
Some college somewhere, according to Drudge Report today (4/14/18), is hosting no-whites pool parties.
Finally, the Left is revealing its bigotry openly: anti-white, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-American, anti-individual, and anti-capitalism. That is a lot of hate and rage from people that were never wronged by any of their targets. Hoffer pointed out that we are the most ruthless and vicious towards those that are the leasting deserving of our abuse.
I propose that we encourage and culturally uplift our young people to lead their lives as individuating supercitizens, great souls that run the neighborhood, the county, the state, the country and eventually the entire globe? Now how is the hoplelessly idealistic fairy tale to be brought about?
If our children develop into individuating supercitizens, and then we declare that an American supercitizen is the prototypical world citizen, then we have a real political and economic basis and common ground but establishing harmony, understanding and even world peace across international borders. It just might work.
I just read in today's StarTribune that North Dakota is the second largest oil-producing state in America. As the drilling upticks, thousands of good-paying jobs are going unfilled in the western part of the state.
Another sign of robust economic growth under Trump, and that global-warming frauds are waning in influence.
Not that you would think so in Minneapolis, where the eco-religionists in the little San Francisco of the North, are gearing up to sing for Earth Day of the advantages of a green economy. Enviromentalists are deeply anti-humanistic, and they are dangerous when in power. We must keep them singing at St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Minneapolis about Earth Day, with no power or influence beyond that.
Theories Abound, so pick the prominent ones, the ones you know about, or that interest you. Become expert on them, and share your positive and negative review of them with the world.
Current events require paying attention to. We want to be efficient and effective in the present, without losing site of our ancestors or our coming opportunity to be in heaven after death.
One of the greatest contributions that the Hebrews contributed to Western Civilization is a keen sense of identify injustice and then do something about it: "The father of orphans and the defender of widows is God in his holy dwelling. God gives a home to the forsaken; he leads forth prisoners to prosperity; only rebels remain in the parched land."
Only the godless and defiant sinners and moral rebels remain behind in the parched land.
Philosophize and play with ideas the way that you enjoy a game of cribbage. Generate lots of ideas. Then do your best to form them into a system, and detect and clarify the connections. You just invented a philosophy system and you can now shared it with the world.
You do think about the world and how it works. Your speculations and philosophizing inform you and entertain the world too.
Your conclusions are based upon your experience, your outlook, the culture from which you sprang and upon the assumptions that you bring to the table.
If your assumptions are that we are born good, that socialism is beneficial, that God is dead and group-living is the way to go, then truth and understanding will remain elusive for you.
If you assume that we are born flawed, but that God exists, loves us and saves us, and that individual-living in a free market system is the way to enjoy heaven on earth, then perhaps you will have wisdom and illumination appear before your eyes.
If a course of action being considered by you seems unsettled and ill-advised, resist doing it until you have to, get good advice about it, or reconsider doing it at all. If you hunch about this line of behavior is making you queasy, desist now.
There is a rumor this morning that he is considering firing Rob Rosenstein. That is a wise first step. Then he should order Jeff Sessions to resign or be fired, but give him a special czar job of implementing all of Trump's immigration goals for Trump.
Then Trump's actual or acting Attorney General should put a tight leash on Mueller, disallowing any further fishing expeditions on Trump. The unjust prosecutor needs to be shackled and no more going after Cohens, etc.
God The Father, the Father Sky God--and the Mother De's Co-Equal Queen and often cloud-rider too--rides upon the clouds: "Sing to God, chant praise to his name, extol him who rides upon the clouds."
I consistently champion the rights of individuators and individualists, insisting that their natural rights to live free and unharmed by disciminating groupists.
Now, as a straight, white male, it may seem hypocritical for me to back the rights of individualists while not being a civil libertarian for the cause of LGBTQIA gender and general issues of being discrimianted against.
How, do I answer this? First of all, I have some bias against the LGBTQIA folks, but would never act upon it, and never have, with the hundreds of gays and lesbians that I have worked with. I live and let live.
I am offended by their groupist and leftist leanings, their elite assertion that they will impose their veiws upon heterosexual, middle class society. That is not chasing after equality and justice. They are already liberated and largely left alone. Rather, than I using being offended and discriminated agaist as their source of outrage to gaint he upper hand on all straight society, forcing the majority to live according to their world views. That is tyranny not pursuing justice.
Individuals are individuals and not groupists or a part of an elite at the head of the pack. The analogy breaks down and the two groups are just too dissimilar.
Besides, individualists do not seek to control other people like groupist LGBT activists do.
Most people do not go deep to think for themselves, do research and ask lots of questions. They settle for groupthink, and they resign themselves to being followers.
Analysts are nominalist that believe we can know nothing beyond language and its symbols and that they tell us nothing about what is out there ontologically and scientifically.
My response: we can and do know a lot more than just the immediate context of language the we utilize to express truth about what is out there beyond our experience and consciousness.
I thought for giggles and the heck of it, I would apply for a Maintenance Engineer job at the Children's Science Museum in St. Paul.
In the hiring add it said that LGBTQIA could apply. I had to look the acronym up, and apparently there is a gender for Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, transexuals, Queers, intersexuals and asexuals.
I could not believe it: gender identity and political correctness have reach a new low.
There are men and women and a few other of whatever identity or self-referencing. It is no one's business and the world of straight men and straight women is still the main show and always should be.
God will triumph and take back the earth in the end: " God arises; his enemies are scattered; and those who hate him flee before him. As smoke is driven away, so are they driven; as wax melts before the fire, so the wicked perish before God. But the just rejoice and exult before God; they are glad and rejoice."
Get smart. Get educated. Learn all you can in detail and depth about every pertinent situation.
Once you do know what you are talking about, speak your truth with calmness, certainty and confidence.
This makes you knowledgeable and knowing, but not a know-it-all.
A know-it-all may know everything or a lot, but his arrogant, insulting demeanor will force people to react negatively to him, and move away from the truth.
Be knowing and be confident, but not a know-it-all.
The concept of ubermensch needs to be revived, if redefined in context. I would see all humans self-actualize and become the superhuman selves that God destined them to be. These great souls, these superpeople, will run our society as individuating anarchists, and living and working as supercitizens is an extension of this new, raised bar of behavior and living.
Monotheism is very Western, and somehow it leads to individualism, not collectivism.
Polytheism is not Western and yet it leads to collectivism, not individualism.
My moderate theology is a mixture of Monotheism (Fate) and Polytheism (There are hundreds of deities from the Mother and Father on down the the sprite that is the goddess of Crystal Creek in my home town. The Great Chain of Being is reality.)
Trump's attorney Michael Cohen's office was raided by the New York prosecutors on a referral from Mueller. Levin calls these police state tactics. We are in real trouble? If weaponized prosecutors can take down a sitting President with impugnity, where do the rest of us stand?
Prager has a video entitled that as the rich get richer, the poor get richer. That is factually so. The capitalist system does lift all boats.
This is so especially if we can train the poor and the youngsters in the middle class on how to build, retain wealth, be frugal, build savings, build investment funds, start business, and possess the mindset to acquire, obtain and retain wealth.
With the proper money-amassing psychology, plus a skilled expertise, widespread in society, to generate, amass and hold onto wealth.
With these introductions, the poor and middle class will get richer, here and world wide.
Breitbart has an online article tonight in which Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has endorsed the concept of wiping out conservatives and the Republican party for a few generations so that there is a one-party rule by Democrats and Leftists.
Others and I have been warning that this is their goal from which they have never wavered, and now one of their arrogant leaders openly states their ultimate goal.
The civil war, the cultural war, goes on and we conservatives must fight back with everything we have because the opposition is evil, totalitarian, demonic, Marxists, smart, organized, powerful and determined. They mean what they say about bring their Final Solution to America.
On Saturday, 4/7/18, I was leaving work at the hotel by the MSP airport at 2pm. A kestrel was 3 feet on the ground flying hastily in a panic away from a pursuing crow. I was turning onto American Blvd. so I did not see the whole transaction, but a minute later the crow was flying away northwest with something in its beak, a vole or mouse I presumed, robbed from the hungry, smaller enterprising kestrel forced to give up its tasty morsel on a cold Minnesota afternoon.
I have never seen anything like this before. There are many behaviors in nature that we do not know occur until we see them. The law of the jungle and the struggle for life and death is an endless, fascinating battle.
My nephew posted an online statement to the effect that humans always have leaders.
Here was my response: Humans
will always have leaders and will always be ruled. We are creatures of
and in nature, and nature is never without its own regulations and
regulating all creatures, even it it is but the law of the jungle.
We can do better than that and must do better than that. How about if we teach regular citizens to morph into being individuating supercitizens? Then each is his own ruler and follower while working in a societal arrangement of legal and voluntary associations with powerful, engaged peers that individual-live while cooperating to run the country as politically engaged supercitizens.
There are still leadership-follower relationships, but the fall out is a minimzation of mob behavior and crowds controlled by tyrannical leaders, while liberty, empowerment and activism are the hallmark traits of an active, smart citizenry.
In a scary, worrisome article in Breitbart by Allum Brokari, written 4/4/18, Dr. Robert Epstein warned that this town hall was to enlighten the public that tech giants (Masters of the Universe) like Facebook and Google could swing an election without the public or government officials even knowing that it occurred.
Epstein, a psychologist and search engine manipulation expert, was sending out alarm bells to the public about the potential misuse of all this hidden data by tech giants.
If they all conspired together to abuse the vast reams of data that they have collected on us, they could change how we think, and tell us what to think, how to vote and what products to buy. They could nudge 10% of voters to vote a certain way, shifting the outcome of elections undetected and untraceable.
They can do mind control and indoctrination to suppress the views they dislike, and shape public thinking about views that they support.
How do we trust them, and how to we prevent them from not shaping how we think and vote, and encroaching on our free thinking and free choosing.
I do not want government censorship to control the tech giants, so maybe Levin tv can give us a free public rating and rewrite of whatever is out there, so we can get the skinny on how to think and vote without big tech indoctrination us. It is tricky and there are not easy answers, but government control will only lead to Big Brother, so that is no solution. Scary, real scary.
Truly this is the land of the free, the blessed, the well off and generally fortunate: "The earth has yielded its fruits, God, our God, has blessed us." Psalm 67, 7.
Chloe (Valerie--sp.?), a pretty, articulate young black woman, has a Prager U video online about how naive it is to reach the ideal racist-less society idealized in MLK's articulate quote (MLK: I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.) by treating blacks not as equals but as naughty, inferior children that must be excused when they riot and loot because they cannot take it any more. She identified 2 kinds of racists: white KKK kinds that are honest, few in number and powerless, if vicious, and the dishonest, condescending, numerous, powerful progressive racists that look down on blacks, and do not treat them as equals, and cut them slack that they did not earn, and do not deserve. To end racism, and to treat blacks as equals, is to treat them as individuals, as sinners, meant by and ordered by God to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, to individuate and individual-live. That is the wonderful, well-off, happy future for all blacks, for all humans. No other means exists to end racism. No other solution to much of anything works.