Saturday, October 10, 2020

More On Jordan Peterson

 I am obsessed with Jordan Peterson's insistence that hierarchies are human destiny, and most of the work, the productive work, and the innovation and creativity is generated by the top 5% of humans. Where human nature is not trained to maverize, he is correct. Where people naturally just stumble along untrained, primitive, lazy savages that they are, instinctive, passive, fatalistic, asleep not unawakened, he is correct. Natural man lives in hierarchies, which hold humans back and down, and Satan and Lera do their best work in that environment.

If we rear up a generation of individuating anarchist maverizers and supercitizens, hierarchies become very small, only the lean, honest, essential frameworks of hierarchies will continue to exist, thus liberating human beings to be all that they can be. This can all take place with the constitutional republican system that is America with its concepts of limited government, the free market economy running pretty much wide open with little government intrusion and management of it.

As maverizers the less talented 95% will use whatever God-given talent they possess to develop into living angels, and what a contribution they will make to society. Their best, and the best of millions of other average people, will be so miraculous, fantastic, wonderful, productive and brilliant, that they will run a classless, upper middle class, deinstitutionalized society with the top 5% still splendidly out doing the other 95% at the top of the heap, but it will not matter, because all have a role to play, and we don't know who is the creative original thinker that introduces that one terrific idea that save humanity, or propels it forward into a new future on some planet not yet discovered, not yet colonized.

It might be an Argentinian from some highland mountain region that has just the genetic makeup, the unique-God inspired soul, the experience and environmental inputs that generate the greatest, most useful insightv imaginable. Who knows--the idea could come from an immigrant from County Kerry, or from Nigeria.

One of Eric Hoffer's greatest insights was his ability to capture the pulse of the common people, and he was no racist, but his insights could be generalized to characterize all humanity. An example is his famous, favorite story of the truck loads of bums and street people loaded onto trucks and sent into the Californian mountains to build an road. They lacked structure, hierarchy, supervision from a class of elite managers, and they built the road, and worked together, to build a beautiful road. 

Hoffer, the genius of truth, knew down to his toes that the common people are loaded with talent. They do not need elites, hierarchies or a caste system for them to flourish, run society from the bottom up, or get things rolling at room temperature. Sorry, Jordan, but your elitism is shining through. 

The top 5% can be freed up to do remarkable original work while the 95% run society and maverize and do it with minimal supervision, and scarce but strong, effective, lean governmental structures to guarantee their rights, property, lives and liberty. 

Jordan, we need not snub elites or hierarchies: we just need to keep them out of political power (another idea that I owe to Hoffer) so that they cannot get in the way and gum up the works.

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