Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The Latest


Yesterday, briefly, I had a few minutes to listen to Dennis Prager on the radio while eating lunch, and it is a privilege which has been rare for me lately. He is very wise and super-smart. His ethical system is still altruist-egoist, the standard traditional Judeo-Christian and secular humanist morality, pervasive throughout the West, but Prager is leaning towards my morality of egoism-altruism, though he is not aware of the trend, and would likely deny so leaning if I pointed it out to him.


Here are some points that he made that show his thinking is progressing from altruist morality, more towards egoist morality.


First, he repeated his often-stated case that the bigger the government, the more corrupt it is. This seems like classical conservative philosophy, and it is because centralized power corrupts, and totalitarian government (wholly, purely centralized power over the people economically, politically, legally, and socially) is absolutely corrupt.


What interests me is his emphasis on large, centralized government and its intimate, proportionate link to corruptibility increasing as public and private institutions become huge monopolies controlling every aspect of society and the lives of its citizen/victims.


If one accepts that individualism and egoism are morally good, and groupism and altruism are evil and morally vicious, then as hierarchies become taller, extending everywhere through society in all institutions, there the helpless, captured masses are stratified and locked into a set of ascending classes with most at the bottom ruled by a few at the top. In a hierarchical society, where personal freedom and equality per capita are denied the masses who also fail to fight for freedom and equality, there depraved human nature that is selfless, group-oriented and altruistic, is further sickened as personal and communal self-hatred is ramped up to new heights.


When a wicked people are infected with hatred of self and others, embedded in personal low self-esteem, their country will be a society, this centralized, bureaucratized, hierarchical social order, especially prone to massive corrupt practices and enormous even genocidal human rights abuses because pure, near universal private and public hatred and hating are pure evil, and corruption is evil by another name.



Second, insightful Prager mourned the ontological fact the liberty is not an instinct but is a value. People by nature are fatalistic and crave to be enslaved, oppressed, and exploited (as a member of the victimizing class, or the majority in the victimized classes); they do not like themselves or others, so being enslaved is how they prefer to live. If big government promises to feed them, pay them, provide for them, and do their thinking for them—if the citizens will agree to forfeit personal liberty to the government, as the exchange paid to authoritarian control by governmental functionaries—that is a bargain the masses are most willing to accept, and even beg for.


Only a society of individuating supercitizens, living in something like an America with its free market constitutional republic of limited government, and massive amounts of each supercitizen wielding power, liberty and influence, can have trained a group of upper-middle class citizens (the majority of the country’s population), will insist and demand that their culture and social order be a society where personal liberty, freedom of speech and intellectual independence are pervasive and unlimited. There will the masses possess the self-awareness, the Mavellonialist training and right value system on how to act and how to run a country;  their intact and achieved self-discipline lead them to shout out and demand fulfillment of their preference for liberty to slavery as the red line for no acquisitive politician to cross over.


Prager wants limited, small, strong government run by a population of strong, assertive individualist citizens, and this anticipates my concept of the egoist, individuating supercitizen.


Third, the Left preaches hate. Nothing is your problem. Your faults, problems and failure are always problems owned by an outsider, or society. Your failure is their fault, not your own. This grows and magnifies citizen envy, anger, resentment and a desire for revenge, retaliation and usurping power for other groups, growing division and hatred and conflict in America: blacks, Muslims, women, LGTBQ, people of color (the “oppressed” noble groups and tribes) set against whites, males, heterosexuals, conservatives, individualists, and Christians (the “evil oppressor groups).


Prager does not say it, but I believe that altruism-collectivism as an ethical system deprives everyone of the opportunity, the power and the blessing to be responsible and take control of her own life on her terms and make something of herself, blaming no one else and accepting blame against her from no one else (unless it is corrective, fair criticism to be addressed). If she is a successful individuators, she is not obliged too, nor should be willing to ascribe her astonishing success to others only marginally responsible for her victories.


Leftism is a mass movement, and its zealous true-believing adherents are filled with self-hatred and hatred of all other rival groups and unaffiliated individuals, so they wish to inflict maximum harm upon themselves and others, to gain absolute power over them, or even exterminate others from the face of the earth. This is where cultural Marxism is headed to, and they will make Stalin and Hitler look like trial-run choir boys by comparison.


When the individuators loves herself and God first, and then, others secondarily, then she blames only herself, and corrects her deficiencies, thus much improving her lot, and then she can be proud of what she has accomplished, and no one gets the credit but herself. Being blamed or praised are both earned by her so there is no need to hate or blame or fight with the neighbors. A society of individualists should be largely peaceful and cooperative with their neighbors because there is little group rivalry, destructive completing or even warring to lead to civil war or unrest.

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