The mover and shaker is all about getting after it and getting it done. More power too him. For such larger than life heroes, nothing rankles them so much as putting real exertion, talent and brains against resolving some knotty problem without being able to make any headway against it at all.
Life can be like that sometimes. The trick is to will the problem away with resolve, energy, will and alternative solutions, but occasionally nothing works. In that case, the activist needs to calm down, back off, and cease ramming his head against the brick wall in front of him before he splatters the contents of his brain all over the ground.
There is a point to stop and reflect. Is it time to walk away? Is it time to take off a couple of days, or let someone have a go at it? Is it time to go do something else, in hopes that some better way to tackle the knotty problem comes to one in a flash?
Chill out. Back off. Preserve the self, and live to fight another day.
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