Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Bad News For Pseudo-Moderates

This morning the New York Times is warning that the Tea Party candidate's primary victory over Eric Cantor is bad news and ominous for Republican moderates. The Times' editors require an introduction as to what being a political moderate actually indicates.

Leftists have dominated America for the better part of the last hundred years. We were, in 1910, a small government, constitutional republic. That is our ideal. That is where we on the Right are returning this country to. Under that utopian setting, a society of free enterprise, middle class,  individuators can live out their lives as temperate individualists, growing, working, loving, raising a family and gaining in intellectual strength. Groups will be, but regulated and minimal. Institutions of all kinds will exist, but be severely curtailed and regulated to protect the liberty of the individuators to do their own thing without governmental intrusion into their lives. That is the spiritual, rational, legal and emotional state of moderation.

What Klobuchar, Franken, Reid, Pelosi and Obama have heightened today is the moral and political demise of America. When groups of joiners, the majority, with all their centralized passion and low self-esteem, are assembled and stratified in castes with most being poor and a few rich on top, people live lives of utter poverty, lack of opportunity and deprivation of liberty as institutional victims, dependent on that nanny state for their sustenance. That fanatical, radical sub-par existence is the future that the Left under Obama are bequeathing to our children and grandchildren.

This nightmare hellhole, sort of a mixture of Russia, Cuba and Venezuela writ large, is the dystopia, the powerful center of powerlessness that the intellectuals and ruling class educated folk on the Left have repeated, psychic orgasms lusting after and stubbornly fight to bring about. The Left's dream is close to becoming reality under this Administration. The current Democratic Party is filled with fanatics, and if Republicans do not each and every time, and cooperate, play ball, surrender to their nasty, radical agenda, gridlock erupts. The Left does not want compromise. They want total conservative surrender, complete defeat of the opposition, and utter control of America so they can put everyone that dissents in Cambodian style reeducation, concentration camps until they are dead or brainwashed. No opposition of any kind will be countenanced. This is the world that Obama is working to bring to us. This is the world that he will have no moral qualms presiding over. He and they are drunk with federal power lust. They are completely corrupt and without conscience. They are true believers in Big Government.

In light of this context, when the Times defines moderate Republicans, what they mean is team players inside the DC beltway, those Boehners, McConnels, Ryans and Cantors that are Chamber of Commerce, Mitt Romney, nice, sold-out conservatives.

I hope the natural uptick in Tea Party, grass roots conservative moving is a trend that grows and expands. If we can get them to blend Mavellonialism with their conservative instincts, the coming utopia of 1910 can be reintroduced, and then we will enjoy a celebrated, remembered, glorious future.

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