Saturday, June 14, 2014

Flag Day

Fly your flag today in memory of those that served in Iraq and other wars. May we learn that it is not enough to fight a war, but we must win the war. Once we take a country, we must not lose it to imperialists, Marxists, Communists or a growing Islami/Caliphate empire.

Once we take a country we hold it for 50 years until it is a stable, Western-loving, free market, constitutional democracy. When we go to war, we tell the voters the truth: we pay cash for this war. We will reintroduce the draft so all serve. We will have dead and wounded vets, but it will be a good war, a justified war, and we go in to annihilate the opposition and win quick and hard. No hesitancy, no half-baked efforts, no second thoughts, or arm-chair quarterbacking.

Should we go back into Iraq? I do not know the answer to that. It could be that a three-part set of nations would avoid civil war.

We must support Israel and curb Al Qaeda.

Fly your flag. Be a patriotic American. Secure our borders and do not reward illegal aliens with amnesty and citizenship for 25 years. Whether they go or stay, we must decide, but citizenship should be long delayed.

Fly your flag. Support America for Americans.

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