Friday, June 6, 2014

If You Like Your Faith

Obama lied to us about Obamacare: you cannot keep your doctor or your private insurance plan. Their goal of creeping towards single payer public health care program is well underway.

Mavellonialists will not lie or issue false reassurances: If you like your faith, you can keep your faith. If you want to, you can update and modernize your faith by blending it with Mavellonialist core values like respect for individuators as doing God's work, eschewing groupism, emotionalism, holy war, fanaticism and love of spiritual and moral evil.

If you want your traditional faith in its pure, present state, that is noteworthy and important. Do as you will. Believe as you will. Just renounce holy war (religions wars are almost always unholy), intolerance, discrimination against and violence against unbelievers, or those that believe but believe differently.

If you want to chuck your traditional faith, and wholly embrace Mavellonialism, that is great; again, what you decide or do not decide is a personal decision, and is no one's business.

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