What would it require to modernize Islam and make it a gentler, less dangerous faith that still could be kept forever and adhered to fervently by its one billion supporters?
First, Muslims must leave their group existence, and individuate particularly. They would need to blend this Western concept with their traditional faith.
Second, they would have to free women and subjugate them not at all.
Third, they would need to soften shariah law so that obedience to it was voluntary. Punishments would need to be much less severe and numerous for minor infractions.
Fourth, mullahs, believers and followers would need to fight for democracy and human rights to reign in their authoritarian rulers with an emphasis on non-empire building, and no world monopoly on power, territory and one world faith administered by a universal caliphate.
Fifth, holy war would have to go.
Sixth, the laws would have to be modified to allow tolerance of unbelievers, other-believers individuators and moderate thinkers.
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