Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Mass Shootings

Obama is worried about mass shootings, so this is his wedge issue to drive a hurting nation to stampede to pass background checks, registers all guns and license all gun owners, and then confiscate our guns. Liberty be damned. Private property rights be damned. Bill of Rights and the Second Amendment be damned. Shredding the Constitution is his Executive Privilege.

Well, I have a little news flash for President Barry with his plan to disarm the citizens. It ain't gonna happen. We are too united, suspicious and focused on his power-lust, treachery, treason and habitual lying to let be be persuasive about gun control. GUN RIGHT FOREVER!

We conservatives cannot trust the Left to come up with solutions for mass shootings, so let me provide a plan that should work.

First, mentally ill people that are dangerous may need to be institutionalized if they are a threat to the public or themselves.

Second, we need to pass a new Amendment to the Constitution, a kind of supplementary Amendment to the 2nd Amendment. The petition could read like this: "Citizens of all 50 states shall have the right to conceal and carry, or carry, pistols or automatic rifles in all 50 states.

Third, we need another Constitutional Amendment stating that law-abiding gun owners shall have the right to eat, work, attend church, got to parks, schools, museums and shopping malls in all 50 states with total reciprocity. If the manager of a building asks the gun carrier to leave, they would still need to leave.

Fourth, we must encourage all to get safety training and then carry guns to work, in their car and in the gym. If they see an mass shooter underway, they are encouraged to arrest and detain him, or shoot him if need be.

Many mass shooters are angry loners. They may be sick or they may be sane. If society would back individuals be welcomed in any and all social settings, then this desire to get a gun and get revenge in TV would dry up.

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