If people fawn all over you, and your popularity rating is very high, this likely indicates that you are very cool in the eyes of the worldly, the joiners, the followers of Satan. This perception of being cool has some truth to it for you are a winner in the eyes of the world. From the vantage point of heaven, you are a big loser, and most uncool. Once again, while alive, misleading perception trumps eternal reality.
Be unpopular and shunned by the worldly, but this sacrifice and dedication to individuation, God's way for us to work and live, reveals a most favorable assessment of your worth in heaven, because your reality is one of goodness, obedience the the Divinity, hard work and self-realization. The price paid in this world is high, but in the after life it will have been well worth the disapprobation, pain and struggle, all conducted for God's sake.
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