I work two jobs, about 55 to 60 hours per week. I have three yards to mow, so lately juggling all the competing needs of these properties have been a bit of a cumbersome load and challenge, but I manage somehow to get everything done. It is all likely a lovely substitute for the 160 hobby and working farm that I would like to live on full time up at Mora.
This morning I did some blogging and then had breakfast and coffee with Jane. I enjoy or time together. She works the night shift at the hospital, so she headed off to bed, and I finished weeding to flower beds on the north side of the house. That completed my September round of weeding.
15 years ago we had two species of Chinese lantern, but they were so invasive and spread so vigorously that I largely wiped them them out--or so I thought. Between us and the elderly neighbor on the north side of the house is the small gooseberry bed. The gooseberry bushes are from my Grandma Ramsey's farm grove in Crystal, North Dakota. They are great producers, and are protected by thousands of needle-sharp thorns, so weeding in amongst those bushes is not the most desirable of assignments.
Three years ago, guess where the Chinese lantern made a comeback. They are flourishing among those bushes, and I do not try too hard to hold them back, but I will pull them if they seek to spread too much. This morning the orange lanterns are glorious. From this I will draw two lessons.
First, whether or not Chinese lanterns are from China or just resemble their paper lanterns, the beauty of these homegrown lanterns serves as a symbol for me, representing Chinese resiliency in face of much suffering. This great and perhaps the smartest races in the world, deserve a break. Groupism is their custom, religion, economy and government. I wish some dissidents would add Mavellonialism to their way of life. That people would become unstoppable, and lead the world to New Jerusalem.
Dear God, may the Hong Kong protesters come out on top, in order that the wicked oligarchy poised to crush the masses, do not give in to their evil desire to wipe the helpless, defenseless protesters off the face of the earth. May those people come to self-actualize, know political freedom and a civil society, in order that they do not need to provide workers and soldier to man an empire operated by a totalitarian governnment to expand and crush the whole world.
Asians are too energetic, too bright and too focused to settle for their crappy leaders low goal ofworld conquest under Han rulers.
Second, that the Chinese lantern are surviving and flourishing in the one spot where I cannot get to them speaks to the innovative and adaptive intelligence of all living things. Is this adaptability creative instinct, or spiritually soul-guided (the soul of the lantern) cleverness, a manifestation of the special intelligence of the particular surviving plant, or just chance or a lucky accident? I do not know but it might be a little of all of these factors are at work.
God bless the protesters. May they not be martyred? Dear God, please save a humanity in just deep peril.
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