In my email account this morning, 10-3-2014, WND warns that jihadis are already here. Homegrown Muslim terrorists are converting fast. Whereas the Islamic faith and the Islamic culture can be peaceful and moderate, it has never modernized and been gentled and moderated, so both Islamic faith and Islamic culture remain fanatical and violent, and the nonviolent and moderate Muslims in faith, culture and government do not denounce and take up arms against the fanatics and killers.
You will not hear this denunciation form the featherlight ruling class, Obama and his lapdog media. But the truth is the truth, deal with it.
We are at war with Islam. We must invade Syria and Iraq right away with 75,000 boots on the ground. We must kill all members of ISIS before they reign nuclear weapons down upon our heads.
If our feckless Turkish NATO partners would loan us 100,000 troops and 50,000 troops from Saudi Arabia and the other fence straddlers, ISIS would be easier to wipe out, and this exemplary cooperation from nonviolent and temperate Muslims would go a long way to reassuring the West and the world that Islam can be a religion and culture of peace, tolerance, coexistence and moderate stances.
Muslims, step forth. Moderate American and European Muslims, step forth, and form citizen militias about 100,000 strong and go over there to wipe out ISIS. I would help fund them and perhaps join them as volunteers. Then hope for the world may grow a bit.
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