My wife and I have detected a regrettable decline in basic manners in Caucasian, educated relatives the last year or two. We receive invitations to weddings and high school graduations from various relatives. We receive notifications of the death of someone dear to us, and we send a memorial.
We usually send a gift to the wedding party, and to the high school graduates. We used to receive a thank you note in every instance. Now, quite often, they do not even bother to send a thank you note.
I am so offended, that I am about to quit sending gifts. There are certain, decent sensible courtesies that must be maintained. This lack of appreciation and gratitude is appalling. It is very ill-bred and tacky.
Now if one did a sociological study of the selfish, rude, self-absorbed of the ungrateful, in almost every instance the offender is a joiner, not a loner.
The world every day reveals to me that the selfish, the rude, the pushy and ungrateful are collectivists. Most individualists, whether self-absorbed or not, will likely adhere to at least superficial social courtesies. Much of my egoist morality grows out of what I have seen, heard and experienced; it is not just some abstract theory, isolated from life. To observe people in the raw, coarse behavior of daily life is a real shock to the system. They are often evil without cause; they are often not good, beyond what they absolutely must be.
Last weekend, I was shuttling at the hotel. A tall, handsome young black man took his 80 pound pit bull outside in front of me, and allowed it to raise its legs and pee on a pillar 8 feet from the front entrance. The pee was running on the sidewalk in a crowd of 10 white people, None of them said anything to him. Most white are afraid to confront blacks for fear of being beat up or attacked.
I gave him a dirty look (I usually say nothing at work, especially in the hospitality industry.). He looked very embarrassed and fled with the dog 100 feet out for it to do the rest of its business.
I am thinking to myself: what kind of upbringing allows a young adult to act like that in public in a middle class hotel in an affluent suburb? How can you justify such vulgar, coarse, aggressive, inconsiderate behavior? Did he not know better, not realize what he was doing? Or did he know exactly what he was doing, and did it to provoke and intimidate white cowards around him? Did he like to ruffle the feathers of congregated whites that should have stood up to him to end such bullying, insufferable behavior. Reverse racism is alive and well and being acted on.
I forgot about him and went about my day. Three hours later this young man, his wife, his baby and his brother were loading their car in front of the hotel. I was coming back from an airport run. I was not paying any attention to them, and was walking passed them: my mind was elsewhere focused.
These two brothers are about 6'3" and about 220 pounds each. The one guy shouts "MOTHER......" as loud as he can. The other guy shouts f... this and f..... that. I was furious, but I was not intimidated one whit. I just grimaced and walked into the hotel. The one brother had a cup of coffee and a muffin on a napkin. He hurled them to the ground. The other brother had a muffin and napkin, and he hurled that to the ground. I ignored them. They got in their car and left.
My sense of afterwards was that the one with the pit bull was embarrassed and felt disrespected. He wanted his revenge on an old white guy that curbed his asocial behavior. They wanted a fist fight and I could have seen me being knocked unconscious with them putting their boots to my head and spine. Death could have resulted. These men were gang-bangers and they were capable of anything. They also had a car door open, and may have had a weapon handy. I do not know.
What kind of life is that baby going to have, witnessing his father acting like that?What kind of husband acts like that in front of his wife? This behavior is savage, barbaric, insufferable?
If an individuator is not a gentleman most of the time, God will refuse his individuation offering
If a nonindividuator like this young black man acts like a thug, God is holding it against him, to whatever degree his free will is operating.
I could just see Mike Brown out of control and a white cop tries to curb him. Murderous indignation was the response and resulted in him being killed.
These folks are all about fairness, equality, dignity, non-hatred, injustice and brotherhood. But they are pure collectivists. Their behavior is sinful and wicked. The Left created these young monsters by promoting socialism and anti-Americanism.
I speak for most whites that we will not be intimidated, and will fight any bully and thug to the death if cornered. The black community needs to reorient many of their young men to live within the law and be civil in a civilized society. The silent majority is only going to take it for so long.
We must all be Americans. We have to have manners, whether altruist or individualist. We must move beyond race and identity politics. Young people need to individuate so that they behave and excel. There is no future, no civilization otherwise.
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