Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Levin Is Smart

Mark Levin laid out the case that Officer Wilson was denied his civil rights as the Left, the government and the press tried to get him indicted for defending himself against a violent, attacking giant felon.

Now there are liberal protests all over the nation, complaining about prejudice and legal injustice against blacks in America. This is a complete lie, and unlike 60 years ago when the protests were quite legitimate, Levin asks if it is much ado about nothing, why is it happening, and what are the aims of the organizers.

Levin and I are enjoying a convergence of thinking, but I am unknown to him, and like everyone else, he would likely reject my thinking as bizarre and wildly reactionary. Nonetheless, allow me to lay out my argument.

Levin complains that frustrated minorities, especially blacks, are being used as battering rams by the socialist ruling class to destroy civil society. He is correct.

The Left hates America, conservatism, God, humanity, constitutional republicanism, capitalism and individualism. They also detest white people and seek a reversal of circumstances through reverse discrimination to have us legally disenfranchised, discriminated against and so forth. If Obama's dictatorship goes hard and violent, why could not the government pull a Rwanda, declare March 17, 2017 as the day for all nonwhites to rise up in America and use machetes, hatchets, cars and guns to kill and maim as many whites as possible.

The statists and the Left cannot abide the American Way. They have ginned up opposition to destroy our civil society. If they flood the country with socialist foreigners, let terrorists sick with Ebola and ladened with bombs cross our open borders, if they shred the Constitution, if they tax the capitalist producers out of business, if they expand governmental agency control to all corners of society, if they can register and confiscate our guns, if they divide women against men, blacks against whites, old against young, rich against the poor, gays against straights, then they will have made society so sick that it will collapse.

Then the nightmare world that their darling Obama is introducing to the homeland can be made a reality. It may start out as Cuba, and then morph into North Korea. The main thing is to install their workers' paradise, and install a severe, murderous Stalin to guarantee that counter-revolutionaries do not bring back the American Way.

With America destroyed, the world can begin its further decline back into statist darkness, a dark age of totalitarian world government under UN auspices. Then they can look forward to endless civil wars, wretched poverty, sickness and decline. There are no limits to how low they can go and are willing to go.

With the media creating false crisis after false crisis like fabricated injustice in Ferguson, they keep the masses steered, brainwashed and directed to hate and destroy the American Way, and not allow conservatives to come into ascendancy to save America and help her recover.

I will work until I die to try save the civil society, and offer Mavellonialist reforms to take our people forward, but God and Fate rule our world, and there were never any guarantees. Bad things happen to good people, and Satan and Lera often win. Earth may be meant to be theirs to keep; time will tell.

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