Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Barak's Civilian Army

If Barak can appropriate funds without Congressional approval, add it to the 18 trillion dollar debt, nationalize every police department in America, and force them to wear body cameras so they fear arresting young black outlaws terrorizing society, his hard dictatorship is close to being up and running.

If cops do not enforce law and order, then they will have time to be an extension of the federal police. They can put their time to good purpose crushing conservative dissidents and serving as body guards for drug dealers, like the reputable police forces south of the border.

An army of young black men will then be able to wreak havoc across the nation to suppress and rob. These Tontons Macoutes will serve at Papa Barry's beck and call. Then white America will pay. Haiti here, now and forever. Obamasim and Ameritopia--Barak's hope and change are coming soon to a theater near you, and through your front door.

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