Obama, the Left and their lapdog media have several skills. First, they are cunning: they know how to whip up the base, using the politics of division to wreck civil society, ending the American Way. Then they can install their Castro-style dictatorship, and remake America. They get and keep control by dividing America into vying identity groups. Once we are divided, fighting and exhausted, an uncivil society, then they are poised to sweep in and take over the government by authoritarian means.
This is why Al Sharpton is at the White House. He is a racial warmonger, and he and his ilk are the battering ram Obama will use the smash traditional America to smithereens.
Second, by fanning the flames of reverse racism and stoking the Ferguson fire, they help set Benito up as dictator.
Third, their real, ultimate goal is to destroy the traditional social contract honoring the American Way. If they can gut it, they can complete their 100 year progressive goals of transforming America into Venezuela.
Fourth, though this election was a conservative mandate from the American people to forestall any more of Obama's imperial excursions eroding the Constitution and Congress's power, the unilateral surrender of the faithless Republican leaders and traitors is emboldening Obama to complete his fascist assault on America because he is unopposed.
Fifth, the conservative revival can be derailed if the attention of the low-information masses can be kept diverted to media-generated non-stories. Obama and the Left are brilliant at this. By inventing politically correct outrage after outrage like the hollow, manufactured Ferguson crisis, they keep the sleepy masses sleepy, in line, socialist, compliant wards of state.
The low-information voters are detracted from doing what God wants them to do, and what is good for them.
The Left, through destroying and dividing society into factions and non-functioning governmental dependents, allowing lawlessness and disorder, keep control of the national focus, attention and narrative.
This way conservatives and Mavellonialists are kept silenced, marginalized and out of sight.
They, the Conservatives, then cannot take the reigns of government, restoring constitutional republicanism, liberty, small government, capitalism, the rule of law and the American Way.
Kept out of the limelight, and kept of kilter, thee Conservatives do not have time, the opportunity or the media platform to educate the masses to grow into being supercitizens, individuators, lawful anarchists, followers of God, high-information voters and rulers of our free nation.
The masses, distracted, confused and steered away from high civilization, the Left can take America down to the status of Haiti, and open the way for a new Dark Age with one world government under United Nations.
They are sly noisemakers and diverters. They do not know anything. They cannot run anything right or build anything, but the Left are adept at destroying, centralizing power, keeping the people down and duped, and holding on to the reigns of aggregated power.
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