These are the words being chanted by protesters over the dying words of Eric Garner.
This evil President made this possible heightened racial tensions in this country. What sort of leader fans the flames of hatred to get his people disunited, at each others' throats, with potential civil war, gun violence and widespread unrest as possible outcomes? What will be Obama's legacy when thousands or millions of blacks and whites die from fighting each other, if this goes on long enough, hot enough? What kind of man desires this?
First, though he is half-white, he hates whites, and wants blacks to be the first class citizens, and white being enslaved. This is his ultimate goal.
Second, by sowing discord and division, he foments the uncivil society. An uncivil society requires a police state to restore law and order, with him as fascist leader, able to set up his Cuban government.
Third, he is bitter about losing the election. If he can keep fomenting civil unrest, he can prevent blacks from abandoning the Democrats, their master and exploiters. He wants to keep blacks chained to their Democratic overlords, the most loyal constituency of these federalist hacks.
Fourth, for keeping the narrative hot about how racist, homophobic, greedy, selfish, mean and privileged are conservatives and white America, he can introduce the Cuban way of living, further eroding and undermining the American Way, that high culture that will allow all blacks that believe in it and practice it to know much less encounter with the police, great freedom, opportunity, prosperity and real black pride as its individuals individuate and demonstrate to the world the finest world output from African culture, updated and modernized.
Fifth, by attacking all local police departments, honest, decent and heroic for the most part, he can free the criminal element of young black males to have free reign to terrorize the whole community. This is the gift that he offers his young men. By federalizing all police, he has his overt and secret police all arranged to oppress the masses in his socialist hell hole.
Sixth, acting the race-baiting hustler and demagogue gives him sway over millions of mob-drooling, united haters of America that will strengthen and fight for his dictatorship.
Seventh, by keeping the media narrative on racist America, he prevents anyone concentrating on restoring the American way along the lines of a constitutional republic.
Eighth, there is a conservative resurgence in this country. If he can whip up the hysteria of a Leftist type of phony outrage, he can beat back the conservative tide, and this we conservatives must not allow.
First, we must tout the constitutional republic, free market capitalism, liberty, small government, traditional values and the contribution to be made by individuators as our glorious, high civilization future. We must sell this message to the American people so that they are not distracted by the Destroyer in Chief.
Second, we must, as a Republican Party, as all Senators, House Members, governors, Presidential candidates, conservative media, and millions of Tea Partyers in the streets, send the message that Obama's time is up. He needs impeaching, arresting and removal from office.
Third, we need to push Congress to stop him, stop his illegal practices.
Fourth, Obamacare must go and amnesty must go, and open borders.
Fifth, we need to reach out to blacks and invite them to join the Tea Party, We will instruct and educate them that if police brutality and misbehavior occurred, then the officer involved should be prosecuted. But we do this through grand juries. We do it lawfully and these violent, emotional, violent protests must cease.
Sixth, we have our young and black youths individuate. They are to uphold the civil society, not tear it down.
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