If a great soul naturally, accidentally, or is caused by God, arises unsolicited in a given community, it can cause enormous angst, uneasiness, resistance and hostility by the nonindividuating members of the community.
In a showdown, they may coalesce into a defiant mob actually physically harming him or running him out of the community, They discredit him totally. His virtues and genius are either ignored or maligned. His faults and defensive actions against the assailants that start every fracas are highlighted as examples of his mean, anti-social nature.
Completely discredited and denied social ranking, his suggestions, insights and reforms are going nowhere.
The influence of such a benighted, rejected great soul may be felt in a foreign country, or two generations down the road. No prophet is welcome in his own country.
But a prophet, a great soul, works for God, not the slighting neighbors, relatives and public officials. He does what God wants (to write, to speak out, to individuate as a living example of what people are to imitate, to live by his values, to speak the good news about God to the world) him to do. He refuses to go away, be silenced, to lie or die, for their convenience. His mission is to ruffle their feathers, jolt them from their slumber so that they can discover what they are missing.
They may even murder him to end his program, but martyrdom, though not welcomed by him, will be accepted as inevitable if recanting under threats is the only recourse.
The sleeping, collectivized nonindividuators must be awakend. He is the noisy alarm clock inviting them to rise and live. They must be taught what is true and what is a lie. They must be educated as to what is actual and what is mere perception of what it.
They must be shown the way to God and away from Satan.
They must learn to know what it is to love, and no longer hate.
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