Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Fork In The Road

You are now an adult. You have come to that fork in the road where at all adults come, and must decide which branch to follow.

If you are a self-hater, a selfless nonindividuator, you will choose the left hand path leading one towards institutional living and crowded group huddling. You will be living under an authoritarian regime of some kind, your preferred political system. You will have your rank assigned in the caste system, supported by a flawed, sputtering socialist money plan, but it will be your preference.

If you are a self-lover, a self-interested and interesting individuator, you will elect to travel along the right hand path, the one leading you to live your life on your own plantation, proprietor and law-giver over all that you see laying before you.

Your culture will be one of affluent deinstitutionalized living. You will be a loner more than a joiner, although gatherng and socializing will still be pleasurable.

You will live in and enjoy liberty as a lawful anarchist, participating in running your canton, an interlocking association of cantons comprising your constitutional republic.

Your caste system will be relatively flat, a classless society wherein all are upper middle class, economically under girded by a for profit economic system.

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