Friday, June 29, 2018

The Worst Hit

Satan, as a named, recognized, known and worshipped prince of darkness, is wicked and destructive enough.

But identifying and labeling accurately this fell deity can be therapeutic for fallen and suffering humans. To know who the enemy is, and how he functions, can enable and empower struggling humans to find ways to be good and spiritually heal as living, soon-to-be angelic followers of the Good Spirits and God Deself.

Where one is amoral, irreligious, agnostic or atheist, where there are no named and categorized beings at serve and, like Satan, to oppose.

If the enemy if unnamed and not known to exist, or that Sa and Lera are attacking and undermining one, then one is unable to withstand or dislodge them. Satan is most effective where disguised or even presumed to not exist.

If  besieged earthling feel anxious, helpless, put upon and miserable, without being able to specify what or whom is plaguing them, then one cannot heal or adopt beneficial strategies for righting ones thinking and behavior.

These unhappy, put-upon earthlings will find little relief until they identify who and what is attacking them and undermining them.

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