Thursday, July 12, 2018

Lead Through Strength

America must lead through strength.

I am unaware that foreign alliances violate the Constitution. We do not want to warmongerers but we live in a tough world, and humans have always been violent. We need a strong military presence here and abroad to stabilize things. We are the world cop because no one else is wise enough and smart enough to do it without empire building. Putin, China, Iran and militant Islam are not pacifists so Libertarian idealism and Libertarian pacifism is a form of Leftist naivete. You folks want to out-Charmberlain, Chamberlain, and your well-intentioned stay at home, and put your head in the sand will not keep the various armed fascists around the world for seeking world domination. Only our strength, our global presence and our calming military power keeps them at bay.

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