Friday, August 31, 2018

MInd Your Own Business--Its Egoistic Implications

If we would tend to our own business and leave our neighbors alone, it would be a much better world. Some sage spoke about we would be more inclined to mind our own business if it were worth minding. True.

If one lived individually, one works harder and invents things to do just to fill the void of emptiness, nothingness, eerie silence and barrenness. If that lonely, frightened, rootless person would individuate and follow the Mother and the Father, the greatest of all all self-actualizers, then the void is not loner horrifying, empty and meaningless.

One of the primary motives of the creator is to make living alone a viable concern. To create, to invent, to build, to organize, to make cosmos out of chaos, meaning out of meaninglessness, to love and conserve, to propagate, nourish and extend biological life in its richness and wonder, both flora and fauna, to help grow God's kingdom--all these meaningful and essential tasks are what make life alone bearable in the negative sense, and rewarding and fulfilling, the the positive sense. To maverize is to become more angelic, and a mini-creator at work in the universe.

To live as a maverized egoist is the most unselfish act that such an egoist can ever share with the community. When he lives in primary self-sufficieny, and actualized liberty, he is not minding the business of others, which is for each of them to mind for themselves. By not interfering and getting out of the way, he empowers them to focus, to wake up and figure out what they are to be doing, how to do it, and then to get on with it. That sacrifice of group-living and interfering in the internal affairs of other is an act of pure kindness.

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