Sunday, April 14, 2019

Ben Shapiro

He narrates a brilliant, irrefutable Prager U video (perhaps Prage's best video ever) on why the West is so successful, and he praises the West for giving us religious tolerance, the abolition of slavery, universal human rights, the development of the scientific method, invented most of the modern world, brought billions out of poverty and gave women and minorities rights, etc. Shaprio notes that the modern world is Western or aspires to be Western.

The two springs of Western Civilization are from Jerusalem (revelation from Yahweh and Christ) and from Athens with the Greek classical thinkers that used reason and logic. The Good God made the moral universe, and this transcendent Being shared certain fundamental truths with his primary creation, Man, of who he demanded moral behavior.

Westerners realized that we have purpose and that history moves forward, thereby progress was forthcoming. Pagan religions taught that the universe was illogical and random, and that history was cyclical, so why try improve anything or make anything better in this world
Observe the activism, the worldly and otherworldly faith and secularism, the wondering, the reasoning the questioning and intellectual curiosity that Western people started to display and exercise. Notice the debilitating falailsm and lack of questioning that kept pagan peoples static, unchanging and timeless.

Westerners, from its Judeo-Christian roots, learned to accept that each human life is part divine, unique, special, and to be cherished as God's children and this led to all lives being regarded as valuable, as human rights, democracy and free enterprise arose in the West.

Without faith and revelation the West would decline into scientific materialism and nihilism as we are but specks of star dust in a cold, empty, meaningless universe.

Without reason and fact-checking, pure faith would unhinge religious fundamentalism as unprovable principles as the only path to meaning. Modern Islam is not a peaceful religion because there is too much passion and fanaticism and absolutism without reason, moderation and tempering logic to calm down true believers.

The advance of science and culture in the West was propelled by Greek belief in in natural law. They used logic, reason and experimentation to uncover the telos or purpose of the universe as natural law and as moral law that governs human affairs and behavior. The human telos or purpose then, is to reason and think.

Ben advises the viewer to stick with reason and revelation and not follow Progressives that reject both, replacing them with feelings and ideology and mass movements (my wording) that will result in the rise of moral disorder and chaos.

I would like to see Western Civilization made great again and to add Mavellonialism to the culture bedrock.

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