Sunday, April 28, 2019

NRA Controversy

Dear Wayne LaPierre:                                                    4/28/19

I am a proud, no-compromise member and generous, loyal supporter of of the NRA, AFC and MGR. AFC and MGR, both of which heroically, consistently, patriotically and aggressively are hammering at state legislators, Congress, the public and the NRA and all weak pro-compromise, "nice" gun lobby groups willing to cut deals to infringe on our right to keep and bear arms as individuals and as unofficial members of a citizen militia.

It seems incontrovertible that you and Chris Cox are appeasing the Left and the gun-grabbers with a decades old tradition of talking tough but cutting deals slowly eroding our gun rights and depriving us of infringed upon gun freedoms.Your latest support for red flags gun legislation that Graham, Rubio are pushing and other is pure treachery, and pure betrayal of gun-lovers.

At the federal level and at the state level, thousands of conservative Democrats, RINO Republicans and conservative politicians (the latter actually are for a pro-gun program, and vote against the gun-grabbers) are graded high by you regardless of how they vote. For example Graham and Rubio have A ratings with the NRA despite bringing forth ERPO legislation to take away guns without gun owner due process without their conviction for a crime. Your federal support for this crap gives gun-grabbers an open gate to march through, and then on a state level grab guns from all kinds of sub-groups in the name of safety and reasonable gun control legislation.

Wayne, you ran Oliver North out, and you circled the wagons and stayed in power. Okay, know that I will keep my basic membership with the NRA but no money until you apologize for being a compromiser and make the following reforms. Stay in power and get your 6 million dollars a year in salary, but do your job, or we grassroots citizens and gun owners will desert you permanently because you have betrayed our trust and generous donating.

This is what I demand:
1. Apologize to the members, the public and gun owners everywhere for being weak on disallowing any compromise on any gun-grabbing anywhere on any level of government. If you would accept coaching from AFC, you would restore the faith of the members and the public. With your great connections, skill, size and budget, with a no-compromise stance, you could save gun rights in America from the fascist Left out to disarm the public as they conspire like the Nazis to disarm the public before they take over America with their hard tyranny, a one-party socialist dictatorship, and that is true, sole, final solution and objective that they work tirelessly to push upon the American people. Your inside-the-Beltway, swamp-dwelling, cover provided for gun-grabbers of all shapes and sizes is pure treason, as they point to your A-ratings, your sponsorship, your writing gun-grabbing bills, will lead to a disarmed public, a cowed public, with guns confiscated with only federal and local police with guns. If you are not alarmed and scared as I am, either you are complacent and corrupt or you just want to make more money and just allow the Leftist drift of our civil society to head right for Ameritopia and socialist despotism.
2. With your new no-compromise stance on gun-control, you appoint or elect Aaron Dorr from AFC to replace Ollie North as President of the NRA.
3. You immediately and openly and sincerely work with AFC, MGR and all other gun rights groups so all are on the same page with an absolutely binding no compromise stance on any gun control legislation anywhere.
4. You work with and through lobbyists if you want to but too often lobbyists are coopted by corrupt, sleazy politicians on every level of government, and become part of the gun-grabbing movement providing cover for sell-out compromiser. No more Judases, no more. Let every lobbyist obey or be fired that all gun rights organizations will on every federal and state level through out the nation come with an annual gun-rights legislative program to be pushed everywhere, even in Illinois, that moves gun rights forward. All parties are to stay on offense everywhere, whether in legislative or Congressional majority or minority status, always forcing litmus test votes to run on and force politicians to run on, openly declaring by action how they really think and believe. On defense, you work with all gun-rights groups everywhere to fight and vote fiercely against any kind of gun-grabbing legislation anywhere. No compromise, ever! Loud and proud and with God, the Bible, our guns and our beloved guns and the Left can go to Cuba if they cannot stand it.
5. You must work with gun rights groups to rate every politician and every candidate for every office on every level of government through out the land. If a candidate refuses to fill out the gun-rights questionnaire, they automatically have an F-rating with no support, no citizen votes, no endorsement and no money for their campaign. If a candidate does not vote for every gun-rights bill and against every gun-grabbing bill every time, they get a F-rating with all the opposition that gun rights groups can muster. The leaders of AFC and MGR have taught me that we must not be polite to those that betray our natural rights, our unalienable liberties and our right to bear arms. Whether the President, Congress, pastors, judges, commentators, men, women, politicians on any level, Republican, Democrat, Independent or Libertarian talk, act, vote and bring legislation that provides absolute protection and extension of gun rights, we will treat them with courtesy, respect, praise and support. When friend or foe strays or openly is for gun-grabbing, as you in the NRA have been doing for too long and with horrible red flags legislation right now, we will be loud, critical, insulting (sorry), protesting, and fighting against all detractors with everything we legally can muster. Political correctness and Minnesota nice, be damned, we patriots must defend our right to bear arms against the totalitarian Left so that we can make America great again and restore the constitutional republic with its lovely and incomparable Bill Of Rights.
6. Aaron Dorr of AFC correctly warns that the might NRA may cost us dearly in 2020 or beyond with their sleeping with the enemy, the gun-grabbers, while bragging about how tough you are while raking in the dough and doing terrible damage to gun rights.

Your siding with gun-grabbers, your swamp-dwelling misinforming President Trump about the dangers of red flags gun legislation may cost Trump his reelection in 2020 as gun owners desert him or do not vote because he did not veto ERPO fascist legislation in Washington.

Your siding with gun-grabbers allows the gun-haters on the Left to come further and further towards infringing upon our 2A rights until President Kamala Harris issues an executive order in 2023 to confiscate all privately owned guns from citizens. When those of us that protest take up arms in revolt, she will then declare a state of emergency and assume dictatorial powers, temporarily only of course (in reality the change will be to Communist thuggery forever), and then she can use federal police agencies, nationalize all local police agencies, and call out to Army to put down the insurrection. This is the nightmare future that the NRA may well usher in.

Ed Ramsey
Bloomington, Mn.
Blue Collar Philosopher and Patriot: see

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