Sunday, November 10, 2019

Rural Americans Are Bad People?

Tonight, (11/10/19) Tom Cicotta for Breitbart news carried an article on one Jackson Kernion, a philosophy graduate student and instructor at UC Berkeley. On Twitter he bashed rural Americans and stated why they deserve to live uncomfortable lives.

Allow me to interpolate what I know about this very educated fool from those few words that he has written. He is a fanatic, a true believer, typical of and representative of college-educated intellectuals and their minions, now numbering in the many millions in this country, whose cause is Leftism. He works days and night to bring about a secular, Marxist dictatorship, a country of open borders whose citizens are citizens of the world.

Rural Americans are quiet, hard-working, polite, law-abiding, gun-toting people that love God, their country, their children, their religion, their Constitution, closed borders, law and order, pro-life politics, traditional marriage, capitalism, conservatism, Western Civilization, the American Way of life, and so on.

Each of these subcultures are groups that Kernion hates with his whole heart and his whole soul, and he regards these voters and citizens are rotten to the core, worthy of being locked up and retrained in Red China's concentration camps at best, and deserving of Pol Pot style genocide at worst. They are beyond redemption, and have nothing to offer, to they need to be downgraded, cast aside, dismissed and perhaps eliminated.

The cruelty, utter ruthlessness, insane raging and bottomless hatred and venom that spews from the mouths of Leftists zealots like Kernion saddens, alarms and finally angers me to oppose them aggressively, immediately each and every time. They seek to destroy America with Bolshevik-style revolution, and they are to be opposed right now with every legal means, before it is too late to stop them.

Kernion brags that he is proud of bashing rural Americans that feed the world. He labels them bad people, who have made bad life decisions. He could not be more mistaken. They, for the most part, of humble, hard-working but proud people--good people that make good decisions. Leftists, for the most part, are bad people, that have made horrible decisions with their ruined lives, and they now want to universalize their failures, mandating that all Americans live like urban Californios.

Kernion tweets: 'Some, I assume, are good people. But this nostalgia for some imagined pastoral way of life is stupid and we should shame people who aren't pro-city.' You mean all Americans should live in cities, run by Democrats, cities like Baltimore, Newark, LA and Detroit. You wish to see Chicago be the norm everywhere from sea to shining sea. Jackson. You are stupid, without God, without wisdom, and destroy all that you are your fellow Progressives touch.

Now I will contradict myself as an unorthodox moderate, and admit with Eric Hoffer that in the city, apart from nature, is where humans excel. But, the rise of groupism, socialism, Big Government, the nanny state and Progressive moral values without God, tradition or moral absolutes, the cities have become moral, spiritual, political and economic toilets.

The cities can take us farther than rural living, but it can also be much worse a world of filth, crime, darkness, poverty, lawlessness and pollution. Farmers are supposed to embrace that, Jackson? Really?

Jackson wants higher medical costs, higher gas taxes and expensive rural broadband.

Do you ever notice how Leftists are filled with envy and malice? They cannot tolerate anyone to be happy, doing their own thing, enjoying their own lives, not regulated and dictated to by the ruling class, by humorless, cruel Leftist elitists eager to use government force against those rural people and other Americans that ignore nagging, bossy Progressives out to rule and severely curtail the private lives of all Americans.

Prager is correct. We should no longer send our children to university. Any institution that creates and rewards a Kernion deserves to lose its public funding and its students. Why are we taxpayers paying dearly to subsidize this hater of us, the American Way and all we stand for?

He needs to be fired but we do not want that because he deserves his free speech rights, but I would recommend boycotting his college to send a message.


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