Sunday, November 17, 2019


Why is capitalism so hated, and socialism so loved, even though capitalism ostensibly better for all, enriching all, while socialism amps up class warfare, and impoverishes all?

One reason why capitalism is so unpopular is that people still live group-oriented lives, and socialism is the altruist economic philosophy and system that promotes group-living and group economic solutions.

Socialism also matches the altruist/groupist lifestyle of dependency upon the group for survival with a deemphasis on self-reliance and self-help.

Where  or were the average American citizen to individual-live and maverize, more than group-live and perform at a mediocre level,

Where individualism, free markets, private property rights, middle class industrious and profit-seeking prevail, wide spread affluence, freedom, happiness and joyous plenty for all would abound.

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