Saturday, May 23, 2020


If Unitarian-Universalists, Progressive Jewish and Progressive Catholic and Protestant denominations are Leftist, and they are (Leftism is that secular religion whose true-believing disciples are advancing this mass movement to spread tyranny, Marxism, poverty, torture, terror and murder, intolerance of free speech, dissent, independent thinking and nonconformity across our country. Their aim is to win the cultural war decisively and finally by reeducating, killing and silencing moderates and conservatives. They will soul-rape any dissident until they too becomes zombies, obedient and true-believed. Marxism is their religion and Big Government is the deity that they worship.), then they are wicked children of darkness in league with Satan and Lera.

Under Mavellonialism, what is morally and spiritually good, must stem from the Mother and Father, the Light Couple. Love, self-love first, and love of others secondarily but significantly is the Golden Rule at work. That which is individual, individual-living, the primacy of individual identity as the social standard, moderate, rational, individuating, anarchist and supercitizen, and an armed citizens of a free market, justice, liberty, equality, constitutional republic are the attributes of a good person.

By contrast, the Dark Couple, favor totalitarian collectivism, Marxist economics, emotionalism, loathing the self and others, injustice, tyranny, inequality/class system maintenance and construction, the primacy of group identity as the social norm, group-living, socialism, totalitarian governing structure, a disarmed citizenry, and the citizens that voluntarily, by being deceived, or by being coerced, accept and endorse the values promulgated by Satan and Lera, are bad people, or will grow into wicked persons.

If the values (Progressivism) are promoted by the Dark Couple, where does this leave the pastors, intellectuals and followers of Leftist religious denominations? The answer: these religious Leftists are extending the powers and range of the Evil Couple on earth, and the values of postmodernist Marxist Progressivsm will bring hell on earth, to an extent never before witnessed.

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