Saturday, February 27, 2021

British Reporter Gets Angry

2/27/2021: I watched a 3-minute video on Facebook, a report from an unknown British, red-haired tv reporter, about 35 years of age. He uses profane language and is pretty salty, but his short, clear, concise, eloquent rant shatters the pompous self-righteous hypocrisy and swagger of the woke crowd better than anything else that I have read or viewed. He was reporting that some panel had piously concluded that Laura Ingalls Wilder’s name needed to be removed from some writing award. Apparently, some board members concluded that her Little House on the Prairie books displayed stereotypical attitudes and certain racial language. This reporter was angry and sarcastic: Of course, they did—based on the cultural norms from 1870 to 1894. You cannot judge them by modern values because cultural norms were different then. Cultural norms in a historical epoch from the past are fixed and they do not change with the passage of time. He shouts, asking: “Who is this helping? No one. No one needs protecting from Little House on the Prairie. What does this achieve? Who does this help. Stop sanitizing and denying the past to make yourself look good. I am sick of it. It is everywhere you look. We live in the most inclusive, diverse, progressive and prosperous society ever in human history, yet we have never had it so bad? We are told that there is prejudice wherever you look.” The reporter goes on: “They are outraged and offended because they are not enough female biographies on Wikipedia . . . We used to react to prejudice. Now we actively seek it out often where it doesn’t exist. Pampered, spoiled woke young people believe that they are worthy . . .” I took out the profane, salty swear words but this brilliant, short, cutting, succinct, accurate tirade was a joy to hear from a politically incorrect, truthful reporter. His tirade was at the expense of fanatical, woke interests invading now every aspect of modern life in Western countries, our culture, our entertainment, our religions, sporting events, work places, schools and in government. All kinds of prejudicial mistreatment and systemic bias have largely been eliminated in the West. These hyper-sensitive, so easily offended and outraged social justice warriors are conducting a witch hunt—their tactic is to see prejudice, intolerance, oppression and injustice everywhere, especially where it does not exist. This Inquisition of fake outrage over nonexistent injustice is being conducted against millions of innocent people. This is a precursor what the nightmare, Soviet-style purges that these postmodernists and Neo-Marxist will conduct once they have their single Communist Party running the government. These attacking true believers are terrorizing and enslaving the entire West. These racial and social justice warriors are not compassionate, noble, idealistic and reform-minded as they constantly self-identify as. Nor do they seek to make the world better. Rather, they are revealed as haters, hateful, virtue-signaling radicals attacking everyone. Their aim is grabbing totally power for their collectivist, socialist mass movement. They claim to promote diversity, while in fact what they are after is the imposition of totalitarian mono-culturalism, masquerading as multiculturalism. If they prevail, they will stomach no dissent, no free speech, no political, organized opposition, no free thinking, no free action. These are cruel people that are extremely dangerous. They are getting the day. They

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