Saturday, February 6, 2021

Carl R Trueman

This theologian wrote an article, "Evangelicals and Race Theory" in Feburary, 2021 for a publicantion called First Things. He notes how CRT is roiling the thinkers and members of the Souther Baptist denominations. At a time when race issues and the emphasis on racial highlighting should be dying down and disappearing, as the effects of Mavellonialism (my proposal for individual-living and the popularization of self-realization theology) come into public practice and consciousness, the Marxist or Progressive mass movement seeking to overthrow America's culture, economy, government and to make whites second class citizens in their own country, and CRT theory and memes are their ideological verbal assault engines smashing through the gate of the fort of Western society. Let more quote Carl as he summarizes CRT nicely: "Critical race theory, like other critical theories--postcolonialism, or queer theory, for example--is self-certifying. Its basic claims, for example that racism is systemic or that being non-racist is impossible, are not conclusions drawn from arguments. They are axioms, and they cannot be challenged by those that do not agree with them. Thos who dissent or offer criticism are, by definition, part of the problem." Let me respond to this description of CRT. First of all, note that these critical theories are the offspring of Marxist ideology, spilling out of the Franfurt school, identity groups grievance studies in which the meme of oppressor versus oppressed collectivist power struggling with raw power being all there is at the bottom of things is now blacks, colonists and gays as the victim identity groups and white males and their capitalist patriarchy are the oppressor to be condemned, shunned and defeated. The facts that America is not a racist country, that its egalitarian opportunities for members of all identity groups is unparalleled for any such huge nation in the world--thise realities render the baseless rage campaign that is critical race theory, a pack of dangeorus, violent, radical lies. CRT backers promote hate, division, nihilism, revolution and the elimination of the West. They are vicious, nasty agitators with no justification and offer no help for anyone should they take over America and then the entire West. For anyone anywhere to be non-racist is immpossible in that we are born depraved and bigoted.If anyone anywhere dares to be an individual first, allowing his identity group collectives statuses to not monopolize his identity, his goals and his self-realizing, then each person is able to transcend his natural bigotry, and that is the way to reduce or near eliminate racism. Systemic racism is recurring in America only as now official Democratic policy against whites, males, capitalists, heterosexuals, Christians, conservatives and Jews. The Leftists peddingly this violent, vicious, authoritarian ideology of pure hate and willingness to oppress traditional and ex-oppressors is to bring the world to totalitarian hell, and perhaps civil war. These people are pure evil Social and racial justice are anti-social and racist injustice, period. Here are some axioms that are unassailalbe: Individualism is the best. The moral duty of each indvidual is to self-realizes. The Mother and the Father are individualists, and we are to serve as their co-creators during our life times here on earth. Those that ignore, deny or oppose these axiom are part of the collectivist barbarism and savagery that has long held humanity back and down. Carl goes on to criticize the ancestors among Marxist forefathers of modern CRT backs disgusted with their people "oppressed" but still supprting the status quo owned and oeprated by the capitalists: "Critical theory, whatever form it takes, relies on the concept of false consciousness--the notion that oppressors control society so completely that the oppressed believe their own interests are served by the status quo.This is a wonderful idea. It allows every piece of evidence that might refute one's theory to be transformed into further evidence of how deep and comprehensive the problem of oppression is. If factory workers buy houses in the suburbs and vote for Republicans, that is not a fact that requires rethinking Marx's theories; it is a sign of how all-powerful bourgeois ideology has become." Here is my response: First, the Marxist are great rationalizers. They do not refute evidence with countr-evidence or counter-arguments, they just, for example, discount the growing affluence of "oppressed" factory workers as their having been brainwashed by the Right, rather than their success being due to their self-help ethos, where they applied themselves, took advantage of boundless opportunity in America to better themselves by hard work, and this formula succeeded famously. The consciousness, that is true, and which controls the "oppressed" in the Horatio Algers consciousness, a belief that the individual can better himself if he believes that is what he deserves, that is the pathway open to him, if he pursues it. America

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