Sunday, July 10, 2022

Differing Normative Standards

 Dennis Prager hit the ball out of the park again last week on his radio show. He noted that for traditionalists and conservatives, a person ethically is evaluated as good or evil, or right or wrong.

When a Leftist evaluates someone's moral behavior, it is based on their group affiliations or their ideological purity, intellectual uniformity, their pure behavioral conformity to group values, and their sincerely accepted group think as a true believer.

He that conforms and thinks consistently with preferred views and preferred group identities, is good. He who dissents from official views or belongs to discredited groups automatically and irrevocably is bad and to be haunted, hunted, suppressed and sent to reeducation camps.

I agree with the great Prager: when a person's motives, actions and character are evaluated by applying one's moral compass to that person's behavior, their behavior and character, he is characterized as good or evil, and his behavior is categorized either as right or wrong. If the judger or assessor is objective, neutral, fair, and accurate, the moral judgements and labels apply.

With Leftists, right and wrong or good and evil are not relevant or trustworthy labels. Their alternative moral terms applicable to peoples' motives, character and actions are based upon group identity. If the group affiliation--or several group memberships per person--is a popular or approved one consistent with what the Left ideologically values, then that person is good.

If that person is a conservative, America-loving, capitalist, Christian, heterosexual white male, that person is the very definition of evil.

If a person is a Marxist, lesbian, black, cross-dresser, then that person is always a victim, always right and always good, always to be sent to the head of the line.

Moral value assignation, based on group affiliation or ideological purity test conformity in thought, speech and action is pure racism or pure prejudice are display, and such judging is intensely and unjustly cruel.

Prager and I both presuppose that the moral person is an individual, thinking for himself, and applying his reason, intuition, and free agency to select right over wrong, and strive always or most of the time to do the right thing.

He applies the ethical standards of moderation, the Ten Commandments, Enlightenment values, the Golden Rule and the idea that the individual is sovereign.

Leftists ethical standards are not ethical but political and ideological values masquerading as ethical standards.

Indeed, because groupism, fanaticism, ideological purity backed up by mob bullying and totalitarian government enforce of such amoral or immoral ethical rules as both the law of the land and the cultural standard of the land, the Left is growing tyranny, suffering, lawlessness, chaos, cruelty and injustice.

They are front-runners for the Dark Couple themselves.

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